The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 290 It’s still about training

The sea breeze is calm and the white clouds are leisurely.

"This is the hot spring hotel I built. All the measures are in place. There is no training today, only rest."

Standing in front of a hot spring hotel that had obviously just been completed, Mu Qingzhi introduced it to the people behind her.

"It's been a month since you came to this island. Relaxation is king, so today and tomorrow are the established rest days... No, are you listening?"


Turning to look at the girl standing on the steps in front of him, Caesar nodded with a complicated expression.

Although he had come down from the sky at this moment, his mind still stayed on the time when the other party used a tricycle to perform an S-shaped drift on the road above the clouds in the sky.

It was clearly Level 3 with difficulty level 10, but the other party succeeded in the challenge in one go. Their overall movements were as smooth and precise as a scalpel, making them feel ashamed.

...The instructor is worthy of being an instructor.

"Okay, if there's no problem, let's go in and rest."

After glancing in his direction and waving her hand, Mu Qingzhi stepped aside generously to get out of the way.

"I have already given you the room card. Now you go to your room to get your things and take a shower, and then go to the backyard of the hotel to gather for lunch. You can go to the hot springs freely in the afternoon and evening. There are no restrictions on this."


Looking at someone who was getting out of the way in front of them, after a moment of silence, everyone took a step back.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

"Forget it, I'm so kind but don't know how to make a fool of myself. It's a pity that I took so much trouble to build a resting place for you... Just do what you want, I'll wait for you in the backyard of the hotel."

Sighing in her mouth, she turned around, Mu Qingzhi walked straight into the hotel, disappeared behind the door in the blink of an eye... and closed the door smoothly and considerately.

"...Which of you will go first?"

After a moment of silence, he turned to look at the people around him and Caesar asked cautiously.

... They couldn't help but be careless, after all, every time a certain instructor showed up before, he had severely tricked them.

For example, last time, the other party brought a black lottery can when they showed up. They said it was because they had worked hard in training. They have been training for half a month now, so they were ready to let them relax. This lottery can is a reward. Every time Everyone will draw prizes and there will be small surprises.

At that time, their hearts were still very pure, and they really thought that the other party's conscience had discovered it, but when they actually drew the prize from the jar, that was the beginning of the nightmare.

The jars contained all kinds of negative random events. Some people were directly transported to the goblin lair, some were chased by 10,000 flies all day long, and some were thrown directly into the sea and had to fight with sharks. Dancing with passion, some people simply fell straight into a sea of ​​magma...

There is a surprise part of the surprise, but if the joy part is, it probably needs to be replaced by a scare.

...This is the same as last time.

The last time the other party showed up, they brought a row of seven jars, and arranged a jar-opening activity for each of them... Then all the jars they opened were elite monster jars, and there was a small chance that boss monsters would be opened among them.

Ender Dragon, Wither, Phaseless Wind, Wind Core, Dr. Zombie...

Except for a few people like Chu Zihang and Ling who were able to fight against the elite monster, the rest of them hid in embarrassment for a day under the pursuit of the elite monster or the boss monster.

With the experience of the first two times as a foundation, even though the other party made fantastic claims this time and actually built a hot spring hotel for them, no one believed it was true and only thought that there was something more terrifying inside.

"……I come!!"

After looking down at his current situation, he gritted his teeth slightly and stepped forward.

She hadn't had a good bath for nearly a whole month, which was a nightmare for her. Although the hot spring hotel in front of her looked like a trap... but what if it was true?

Under everyone's eyes, which were like looking at a dead person, and with a kind of heroism as if the wind was rustling and the water was cold, Nono walked to the hotel and opened the door.

Behind the door is a corridor that opens to both sides. Sunlight from both sides penetrates into the corridor from the windows. The floor looks very clean, and large and small bright circles of light are projected on the ground.

...There seems to be no problem?

After a little hesitation, Nono stepped into the hotel and stood in the corridor.

The next moment she entered the hotel, the door closed silently behind her. With the sound of a series of machine gears turning, the floor under her feet suddenly turned forward like a treadmill.

Nono: “…”

…I knew something was wrong.

He sighed helplessly and allowed himself to be transported all the way while standing on the conveyor belt. Nono took out his room card from his pocket and took a look at it.

...Now she just hopes that what the other party said before that she can take a bath and soak in the hot spring in the room is true.

The entire hot spring hotel was like a large machine room, with all kinds of gears and machines emerging in endlessly. Originally, Nobel thought that it was just a simple conveyor belt that would not be dangerous, but after turning a few corners, she discovered that there was something starting on the floor. A clear, colorless liquid of unknown composition leached out.

This liquid will only flow in a fixed area, and it doesn't seem like much of a threat, but as long as you step on this area, you will definitely slip.

"...Intensive training...not bad."

After figuring out the function of this transparent liquid, Nono couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After the brutal training in the previous three levels, this special training seems to her to be extremely simple now. It is nothing more than don't step on the replica of the white block and don't step on the liquid area. It's very easy to... Well, it's confirmed, the other party is He persistently wants to kill them.

Looking at the high-speed rotating cutting machines distributed in various areas of the corridor in front of him, Nono's face was expressionless.

Although she had the idea in her mind that these cutting machines might just be there for show, but after doing a little experiment with other things, looking at the broom in her hand that seemed to move very cleanly, The corners of Nuonuo's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

——If she makes the slightest mistake while crossing this corridor, her fate will be the same as this broom.

"'s this kind of life-threatening training again...I'm starting to miss the school. Compared with the situation here, the actual combat training classes at the school are simply heaven..."

While muttering something resentful in his mouth, Nono stood up and looked at the death zone that was getting closer and closer in front of him.

After her observation just now, she found that there is only one path that can pass through this corridor. As long as she goes a little wrong and her feet are a little off, she will stay here in multiple parts.

…It’s quite a training camp.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Three updates tomorrow (づ●─●)づ,

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