The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 291 Isn’t it common sense that Xiami has no human rights?

I have to say that Mu Qingzhi is still very kind.

Although this hot spring hotel is essentially a machine room to test the results of Chu Zihang's training over the past month, it also has its own functions as a hot spring hotel.

After passing several levels in succession, Nono came to the door of her room with great resentment. She originally thought that there was a mechanism waiting for her in the room, but she didn't expect that it was an ordinary person. A hotel room... or shouldn't it be called ordinary?

Bath water has been placed in the bathtub in advance, a suitable size of bathrobe is hung on the hanger next to it, and slippers are neatly arranged at the door of the room...

——After lying comfortably in the bathtub and taking a bath, Nono decided to forgive the other party.

After being sloppy for a whole month, the enjoyment of taking a bath in the bathtub this time was simply emperor-level. Half an hour later, wearing a bathrobe and slippers, Nono reluctantly walked along the corridor to the backyard of the hotel.

The others came here at about the same time as she did. After all, their rooms were next to each other. They were lined up on both sides in order of men on the left and women on the right. The fatigue and sediment from before had faded away. At this time, they were all Wearing bathrobes and slippers, they didn't look like they were here for training, but rather like they were here for vacation.

The backyard of the hotel is not very big. An ancient tree that needs to be surrounded by three people stands straight in the center. Under the tree is a stone table with seven plates tightly covered on it. It looks like it is obviously for They prepared it.

"You're here? If you're here, just sit down."

Just when Xia Mi was looking around for someone, a voice came from above their heads. When they looked up, they found a certain girl sitting on the trunk of the ancient tree, looking at her with both hands. The laptop on my lap is working on something.

Different from the way they all wear bathrobes and slippers now, the other party is still the same, wearing a short skirt, a white shirt and a long black windbreaker, with her waist-length hair casually scattered behind her head.

As a breeze blew under the tree, a little hair fluttered.

"Your dishes are specially prepared by me for each of you. You can just claim them according to your room number."

After glancing in their direction, the girl put it back on the computer screen on her lap.

"I still have some things to deal with here. You guys should eat first."

Everyone: "..."

The girl was very particular about where she sat on the tree. She did not sit on top of their heads, but on the other side. Compared with her usual black half-length stockings, this time the girl was barefoot and had no shoes. Not wearing either.

When the other person was typing on the keyboard, his hanging feet would naturally sway slightly subconsciously. Just by looking over there, Chu Zihang and Caesar looked away with uncomfortable expressions.

As for Lu Mingfei...he took a few extra glances.


According to the house numbers of their respective rooms, everyone sat down at the stone table.

But looking at the pot of unknown food covered with a lid in front of them, for a while, none of them dared to take the initiative to open it...

It wasn't until quite a while later that, with the spirit of "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell," under the admiration of everyone, Lu Mingfei was the first to open the lid of the food in front of him.

The moment the top cover was lifted, golden light shot straight into the sky, and the huge impact brought by the strong air flow even made the hair of people around him stand up.

——Cooking that doesn’t shine is not good cooking.

Lu Mingfei: "..."


After a moment, as the light dissipated, a bowl of golden egg fried rice appeared in front of Lu Mingfei. After a little hesitation, he picked up a spoonful of egg fried rice with a spoon on the side and put it into his mouth. The person was suddenly shocked.

The next moment, regardless of the curious inquiries of others, he lowered his head and ate quickly, devouring it hungrily and even somewhat disregarding his image.

After last night and the whole morning of training, everyone was already hungry, so after Lu Mingfei took the lead, the others opened the lids in front of them one after another... and then the six golden lights reappeared in the world.

Just as Mu Qingzhi said, the food in front of each of them was specially prepared by the other, and the dishes were all completely different. For example, the food in front of Caesar was a bowl of barbecued pork rice.

Originally, Caesar was a little indifferent to this kind of fancy special effects, but after he tried to taste the barbecued pork rice, he suddenly froze in place.

As the noble son of the Gattuso family, food can no longer impress him. After all, he has eaten countless delicacies since he was a child, and his family's chefs are all world-famous chefs.

...It's just a bowl of barbecued pork rice, so what's there to care about?

But now, he found that he was very wrong.

If the score of the most delicious thing he has ever eaten can reach 92 points, then the bowl of barbecued pork rice in front of him now will have a score of 200, double the full score in his heart! !

What's even more amazing is that as he eats the dish in front of him, he can clearly feel that his fatigue this month is gradually dissipating. While new strength is growing in his body, the world seems to become more interesting to his ears. A bit more real.

Because of his own speaking spirit, his hearing is far superior to other people's, but now, with the bowl of barbecued pork rice, his already extraordinary hearing has been strengthened again.

...amazing skills! !

——Now he seems to understand why he couldn't beat Chu Zihang before.

Although this kind of training is indeed a bit hellish, the improvements it brings are all real. If he were to fight with himself a month ago, he would be sure to defeat the opponent within three moves.

...So how much did you let go of Chu Zihang when you defeated him in the past?

Suddenly, Caesar was confused.

……at the same time.

Looking at the people around him who were all enjoying the food, after a while of silence, Xia Mi silently lowered his head and looked in front of him.

Although the food in front of her also emitted a golden light when opened like the others, compared with the food of the other six people, the food in front of her seemed very shabby.

...Putting in her bowl was a piece of ginger.

That's right, it's just a piece of ginger with fresh soil on it. It looks like it was just dug out of the ground.

...Although I understand that you don’t need to spend so much effort preparing food for me, you can’t be so perfunctory with me! ?

You can even make me some hotcakes! !

——A certain shrimp roared helplessly in his heart.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

First update today, I’ll see how many chapters I can update today

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