The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 301 Making dumplings on New Year’s Eve! !

Of course, excluding the above, there will sometimes be a chance of some ultra-rare characters appearing in the arena.

Among them, leaving aside Mu Qingzhi, who occasionally made cameos, the one who impressed Caesar and the others the most was a girl with the same dark red hair as Nono, holding a long knife and wearing a witch costume.

The frequency of the opponent's appearance in the ring is not very high. He only appears once every seven days. Unlike other people who operate the character, the operator of this character seems to like to interact with them.

...It would be better if the opponent could be more gentle when drawing the sword to kill him.

I don’t know how much gold the other party spent, but the word spirit loaded into him even directly increased to the high-risk word spirit [Judgment] with serial number 111. This word spirit is even more unsolvable than the principal’s Time Zero. Once the opponent draws his sword, it will be their death date.

At the same time, in the process of fighting in the ring, there is a chance that some people will encounter characters that will only appear when they fight against him. For example, whenever Lu Mingfei enters the ring to fight, a famous character will inevitably appear. An onmyoji who is [Doji Kiri].

This onmyoji seems to only be targeting Lu Mingfei. When others come to the ring, this onmyoji will never appear, but when Lu Mingfei comes on stage, this onmyoji will definitely appear.

In this regard, Lu Mingfei had no trouble saying anything.

...Especially if he guesses the true identity of the manipulator behind this character.

Well...after all, he is his future brother-in-law...

Different from the chaotic dancing of demons at night in the first stage, the second stage is obviously much more orderly. The random matching mechanism in the arena also brings enough fun and interactivity to this second stage.

The audience gained fun, Mu Qingzhi gained money, Chu Zihang and the others gained experience, and the three parties gained a win-win situation.


However, it is estimated that only Chu Zihang and others can understand their true thoughts. After all, there are many people with money and leisure. In the early stage, the ten wins a day were completed smoothly, but in the later stage, , Under the big waves and gold rush, every fight against them was extremely difficult.

This is not only because Fingel increased the difficulty of the game and set up an elimination mechanism for those DIY characters who failed multiple times, but also because those in the later period also began to become proficient in controlling the characters.

——In response to this, Nuonuo and the others felt grief-stricken in their hearts, and just wanted Fen Dog to be buried with them.

Overall, the second phase of practical training left a very deep impression on all of them. Compared with this practical training, the thousands of falls from high altitudes in the first month looked so cute. …

...Then, the third stage, which is truly a nightmare, comes.

Different from the previous two stages, the scope of the training in the third month has been enlarged to the entire island and the surrounding sea areas. It is a complete battle royale mode.

Under the siege of monsters and DIY characters that gradually strengthen over time on the island, they have to survive for 30 days. In the first ten days, they will have six hours of safety time every day, and in the middle ten days, the safety time will be shortened every day. By three hours, the last ten days, the safe time will disappear completely.

During this month, once their blood bar reaches zero or their hunger, thirst and satiety reaches the limit, they will be eliminated immediately.

Of course, Mu Qingzhi was not a devil and gave them a lot of convenience in the early stage of the challenge. Although monsters would begin to appear in the sea area around the island, there would be a chance of treasure chests appearing on the seabed.

Not only that, when they kill powerful monsters, they also have a chance to drop weapons, equipment and props.

Strictly speaking, this last month is a comprehensive inspection of their previous two months of special training. Only by surviving this last month can they be considered to have completed this training camp.

Originally, Mu Qingzhi thought that under such a high level of difficulty, only three or four of the seven people would be eliminated. After all, the challenge became more difficult as it progressed, but what she didn't expect was that in the end, all of them passed.

Although at the final settlement, everyone's health bar and hunger, thirst, and satiety levels had almost reached a limit, at least everyone had passed the test.

The three months of special training have allowed the seven of them to develop a deep friendship. Even if they were about to be eliminated, they still divided all the supplies equally and managed to survive with all their health remaining. At the end...

Although these things happened a few days ago, Chu Zihang still looked frightened when he recalled the feeling of almost starving to death of thirst.

...There is only one point left, and all of them will be eliminated.

After briefly washing up, Chu Zihang came to the courtyard.

After the training ended, the entire island had returned to its original state. The monsters that originally wandered in the forest disappeared like flowers in a moon mirror in the water, and the world returned to what they knew it to be.

...well, probably.

Looking up at the few white clouds floating slowly in the sky, Chu Zihang's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Although the sky training ground has dissipated, the clouds that were their mounts are still retained. However, it is impossible for them to take each other back, because the other party only belongs to the sky.

"Sure enough, it was Master who did it..."

Glancing at the mountains in the distance, Chu Zihang looked thoughtful.

Under the premise that the snow on their side of the clearing was almost half a meter high, other places were not covered with snow. This was obviously the result of some alchemy tool.

The place where they live now is a few newly built huts in the center of the island. Although it is simple and simple, compared with the situation in the previous few months, it can be regarded as a paradise experience.

"Huh? Are you up? Why don't you sleep more?"

While Chu Zihang was pondering, a voice came from behind him.

When he turned his head, he found that his master had put on an apron at some point and was holding a basin in his arms. It seemed that he was planning to...knead dough?

...Chu Zihang was slightly stunned.

"Roll out the dough and make dumplings."

Noticing his gaze, the girl showed him the basin in her arms openly.

"You may not have noticed after staying on the island for so long, but it's already the Spring Festival, and New Year's Eve is tonight. In order to celebrate that you have successfully survived... and passed the training, so I plan to make dumplings for you to celebrate. "

Chu Zihang: "..."

…So you didn’t expect us to survive at all?

"Let me help too."

Lowering his eyes, Chu Zihang stretched out his hand to the girl in front of him.

"I used to help my mother wrap bags at home, so I have experience."

"...Okay, you can knead the dough."

After thinking for a moment, she nodded. The girl handed the basin in her hand towards him, and then winked at him.

"I have put the other things in the booth. You go there first, and I will be back soon. Then I will show you a TV series."


Forcibly resisting the idea of ​​reaching out to touch the girl's head, Chu Zihang reached out and took the basin.

...Vaguely, a snowflake fluttered into the basin.

The sky is full of wind and snow.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Happy New Year Duck_(:з ∠)_

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