The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 303 “Lightning Whirlwind”

With the lessons learned from Chu Zihang, when it was Caesar's turn to push Dictado, Caesar visibly hesitated a lot.

"...There should be nothing wrong with my hunting knife, right?"

Seeing his Dictado being taken out by Mu Qingzhi, Caesar looked cautious.

"Question? Regarding your hunting knife, I asked my friend who likes blacksmithing, and the opinions he gave were very interesting..."

Looking at Caesar in front of him, after lowering his head and thinking for a while, Mu Qingzhi asked.

"In Gattuso's house, besides this Dictado, there should be another knife corresponding to this hunting knife, right?"


After some hesitation, Caesar nodded.

"The other knife looks exactly the same as this one. The only difference is the inscription. The name of this hunting knife is [Dictado] and that knife is called [Augustus]. They are twin works of the same knifemaker. , respectively named after Caesar's title "Dictator" and Octavian's title "Augustus"."


Raising her head, Mu Qingzhi glanced at the other party.

"The legendary swordsmith was born more than 100 years ago. Although the name of the swordsmith has been lost in the long history, his works are still passed down."

Although he didn't know why the other party was interested in this, Caesar patiently explained it.

"Like the folding knife that Principal Angers is currently using, its maker is the legendary knifemaker."

"Is this so..."

Looking down at the hunting knife in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked thoughtful.

...The information she got from Constantine was completely different from the information provided by Caesar.

According to Constantine, apart from the fact that they had never cast this hunting knife at all, everything from the design idea to the design concept to the production techniques were all made by them.

"What, what's the problem?"

Noticing the change in her expression, his heart tightened slightly, and Caesar asked.

"Problem? No problem at all. I mainly want to explain the situation of this knife to you."

After regaining consciousness and coughing a few times, Mu Qingzhi looked up at the other party.

"This hunting knife and that [Augustus] are a set. When the two come together, they can inspire a whole new field of alchemy. If you can, you'd better take both knives. Got it."

"...Okay, I'll try."

After thinking for a moment, Caesar nodded.

If he remembered correctly, the other knife seemed to be in... Patsy's hand now?

——Suddenly, Caesar frowned slightly.

He didn't have a deep impression of Passi. He only knew that he was called the "war machine" of the Gattuso family and that he also served as the senior secretary of the Gattuso family.

He had met Gattuso several times before at Gattuso's house, and he had the impression that he was polite and considerate, yet rational at the same time, and that he was a very calm and steady person.

Let’s not talk about why such a calm and steady person is called a war machine. Since these two hunting knives are a pair, why is the other one in the opponent’s hand?

...because of the reputation of "War Machine"?

But before Caesar could think too much, the words of the girl in front of him brought him back to reality.

"I have also carried out corresponding enchantments on this hunting knife, but except for the most basic [Blade Soul], the rest of the enchantment attributes are different from Chu Zihang's Murasame. You can try it yourself first. "


After exhaling a little in his mouth, taking a step forward, Caesar picked up his dick.

Like Chu Zihang, when he picked up the knife, he also felt an illusion as if he was connected by blood. Not only that, he was also surprised to find that his body seemed to have become much more flexible.

"The enchanted attribute [Light Spirit] is also an entry specially selected to reflect your speaking spirit. When holding a knife, your speed will be increased by 10%, and under the attached [Nature] entry, you will be more It’s easy to feel the flow and rhythm of the wind.”

At the right time, Mu Qingzhi's voice rang out.

"However, it should be noted that the above bonus will only take effect when you are holding a knife, and it will continue to consume your energy. You need to pay attention to this... What, are there any other questions?"

"Are there two forms?"

After glancing at Chu Zihang on the side, Caesar asked after a little hesitation.

In fact, he doesn't care about whether there is a second form or something like that, and it's definitely not because the second form looks more handsome when turned on. It's mainly because Chu Zihang's [Murasame] has the bonus of the second form. [Dictado] The fact that he has no second form makes him feel quite disadvantaged...

"Yes, why not?"

Putting one hand on the table to support her face, Mu Qingzhi blinked.

"But didn't I say it before? If you want to open the second form, you must say a spell. What I just said a few minutes ago, have you forgotten now?"

Caesar: "......"

After a moment of silence, under the gaze of everyone, Caesar bravely raised the Dictado in his hand.

The next moment, as the word "Swastika" came out of his mouth, a light cyan sword light appeared on the blade of [Dictado], hesitating with some inexplicable rhythm.

Dikladuo's hunting knife was already very long originally, but now with the blessing of this light cyan knife... its length is almost as long as the Qinglong Yaoyue Knife.

"Let me guess, this knife also has a special move?"

Looking away from Caesar, blinking, Nono looked at Mu Qingzhi as if he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"Yes, of course, the precautions are the same as Chu Zihang's [Dark Flame Demon Sword]."

Nodding with a serious expression, Mu Qingzhi looked towards Caesar.

"By the way, there is something I forgot to mention. In order to make it easier for you to understand, I have set it so that you have to shout out the special move before it can be released. Please remember to keep it in mind."

"...The name of [Dictado]'s special move?"

——Suddenly, Caesar had an ominous premonition in his heart.

As expected, the next moment, the girl in front of him shouted out the name of his special move with an angry look on her face.

"Thunder Half Moon Slash!!"

Caesar: "......"

"...Can you change it to another one?"

After a long moment of silence, under the sympathetic eyes of the people around him, Caesar tried to correct someone's thinking.

Although he was indeed a bit of a loser, when he thought about shouting out the full name of this move with a righteous face when fighting with others, he felt a chill all over his body...

"Hmm...that lightning whirlwind?"

"...I'll stick with Thunder Half Moon Slash."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Happy New Year⊙▽⊙

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