Like ordinary universities, Kassel also has corresponding winter and summer vacations. However, due to the special situation of Lu Mingfei and his team, the winter vacation is considered a forfeiture.

It is precisely because of this that when they returned to the school, there were not many students left in the college.

"Last night, Fingel bought a train ticket overnight and returned to his hometown in Germany. A member of the student union photographed him galloping on horseback in the German countryside."

After hanging up the phone, Caesar's face turned slightly dark.

"Obviously the guy knew we were coming back today."

"It's okay. If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple."

Lu Mingfei put his knife [Hongyan] into his backpack very carefully, with a sneer on his face.

"It has deceived us for three months. We will get back this debt sooner or later."

In the previous three months of special training, the difficulty of the special training itself could only be considered 40%, and the remaining 60% was all brought by Fingel. As a dog planner, the other party can be said to be quite crazy. , it was just a plan with the intention of killing them if they couldn’t be killed...

... Lu Mingfei was very suspicious of how the other party survived to this day.

Although the journey was a bit tiring, the excitement of getting the martial arts and the peace of mind of returning to the academy somewhat dispelled some of the physical and mental fatigue.

After returning to his dormitory in Norton Hall, Lu Mingfei first placed his swan geese in the most conspicuous place in the room, and then went into the bathroom and took a bath.

When he finished all this, the sky outside had already darkened. Just as he was thinking about where he would go to find food later, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Today is New Year's Eve. Considering that they can't go home now, the school specially prepared a banquet for them in the cafeteria. The person who came to inform him was the person who stayed at the school's Discipline Committee.

"The banquet...the school is not too cruel and inhumane."

After bidding farewell to the kind-hearted informant, Lu Mingfei quickly changed into casual clothes while complaining.

When the senior sister came over just now, he was making a transoceanic call to his uncle on the balcony. Although the school had to explain to their families about not going home during the Spring Festival, now that he is back, there are If you have time, you still have to call to say safe and happy New Year.

Perhaps it was because distance creates beauty, but rarely, he heard a few worried words from his aunt. His uncle, who was not good at talking in the past, also became nagging at this moment.

If someone hadn't knocked on the door just now, he might have stayed on the balcony for an hour or two...

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously. Lu Mingfei adjusted his clothes in the mirror. After three months of special training on the desert island, he didn't get much tan, but his body was visibly stronger. many.

Before leaving the house, he accidentally glanced at the table and put the lucky gold coin on the table into his pocket.

It’s the New Year, at least it’s auspicious...

As usual, after notifying Chu Zihang next door, he went straight upstairs, and then knocked on the door from door to door to notify.

Xia Mi didn't know what was going on. Ever since the New Year's Eve dinner at noon, he had been feeling a little inexplicably depressed. When the other party came to open the door for him, he was wrapped in a cloak like a hamster. He looked so small, but his whole body was extremely melancholy... He even saw the low pressure almost condensing into substance next to him.

"...Banquet? Not interested."

Pouring his lips, Xia Mi leaned against the wall with his hands folded, wearing a cloak with a look of lack of interest on his face.

"If you are willing, just bring me something to eat when you come back later. I can't eat anything too spicy, so don't bring anything too spicy, but it can't all be light. I I'm losing weight recently, so I have less desserts, but I can't do without them. Also, as for drinks, I prefer orange juice instead of cola, and besides that, I also hope..."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Just now in the room, when he was surfing the Internet, he asked Lao E some things related to his sister in the group, like an insinuation, so he accurately identified Xia Mi's identity.

The other party was not the second generation or the third generation as he imagined. It was indeed a real Dragon King. Although he really didn’t want to connect Xia Mi’s image with the Dragon King in his impression, when he thought that even Old Tang could He is the King of Bronze and Fire, and nothing seems impossible in this world...

Looking at the re-closed door in front of him, and sighing in his heart for the bleak future of the Dragon Clan, Lu Mingfei turned and walked towards the next door.

But when he reached out to knock on the door, he was surprised to find that the other party's door was not locked at all. He just reached out and pushed, and the door opened wide backwards.

…But that’s not the crux of the matter.

The key thing is that Lu Mingfei found that the bathroom in the room was lighted, there was no one in the room, and the faint sound of water could be heard coming from the bathroom.

It seemed that he heard the movement from outside the door, and the girl's voice rang in the bathroom.

"Is it Zero? Or is it Xia Mi? Do me a favor and bring the clothes I put on the bed. The door is unlocked."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

…By the way, isn’t the timing of my coming here a little too coincidental?

After a brief silence, as if something suddenly occurred to him, Lu Mingfei took out the lucky gold coin from his pocket.

——There was a faint golden light on the gold coins.

"Is there no one there? It's strange. I seemed to have heard the sound of the door being pushed open just now... Forget it, go out and get it yourself..."

As if no one responded, the girl's slightly confused voice rang out in the bathroom again, and as the other person's voice rang out again, the sound of slippers also approached the bathroom door.


Quickly alerting him, Lu Mingfei quickly closed the door again before the girl opened it. The sound of the door closing and the sound of the bathroom door opening almost perfectly coincided.

"...Did you really hear it wrong just now?"

Looking at the closed door in front of her, Mu Qingzhi, who was wrapped in a bath towel, blinked in confusion at first, and then quickly put the matter behind her.

Lu Mingfei and the others can go and rest, but she doesn't have much time to rest now. Although the content of the three-month special training live broadcast on the desert island was only available on the Night Watch forum on the surface, in fact, it was almost The entire mixed race community watched the broadcast.

——It can be said that Caesar’s group of seven people has become a rising superstar in the mixed race world.

The content shown in the three-month live broadcast has an inherent practical significance that is enough to turn the entire mixed-race world upside down. The principal and vice-principal cannot bear such great pressure. They borrowed it in reverse. With the strength of the secret party, they could barely hold on to the front.

When this live broadcast was the most popular, it even completely suppressed the news of the birth of the King of Bronze and Fire. If it weren't for the fact that the secret party was indeed powerful enough and Mu Qingzhi used some special methods. Hiding the island, how could Lu Mingfei and the others have looked so clean in the past three months on the island...

"School board, Gattuso... it's still too difficult."

While putting on her clothes, Mu Qingzhi sighed.

Even though she had almost turned the mixed-race world upside down in more than ten years, in reality, how could the opponent's thousands of years of forbearance and planning be overturned by her so easily?

Even the Holy Palace Medical Association, which has touched its tail a little bit, is still seeing the beginning but not the end...

...She hates criticism.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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