Chapter 315 No way to survive\u003c(`^)\u003e

Cold, shaking...

When Percy woke up from his dream, before he could sort out what happened before, he was shocked to find that he was now alone on the dome of a tower.

Of course, this situation was nothing to him. After all, he had already been mentally prepared when he was attacked in the Well of Oblivion.

He was able to go to the ice cave at that time and touch the person behind him without anyone noticing. In this academy, there was no one else but Angers. He was not wronged this time.

...But even so, he wasn't afraid of anything before.

After all, Angers knew his identity, so it was impossible to kill him at the risk of breaking up with the Gattuso family. At most, he would just give him a lesson or something.

But now, looking at his current condition, Patsy's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

...He still overestimated the opponent's lower limit and moral integrity.

Now he is alone on the dome of a tower that cannot be reached by human power. In addition to the cameras and some scattered equipment on his body being taken away, what makes him even more unacceptable is his current state. .

…He was stripped naked.

From head to toe, from top to bottom, not to mention a piece of clothing to hide his shame, there was not even a sock left for him.

At this time, apart from the empty wine bottles lying on the ground, there was only a lone hunting knife named Augustus. Judging from the situation at the scene, it looked like he went crazy with alcohol and then ran away naked...


After a brief silence, trying to maintain the most basic calmness, Patsy sat up.

(...It's okay. Although my clothes are gone, there is nothing in school now and it's night. If you want to avoid everyone and sneak back to your place of residence, it's okay...)

While Patsy was trying to comfort himself in his heart, he suddenly heard the sound of a flash of light coming from a distance, and what was even more exaggerated was that, along with this loud sound, there was also the flash of a camera shooting.

Patsy: “…”

...At this time, he suddenly thought of some rumors about Cassel College.

Legend has it that in Kassel College, there are two forces that must not be offended.

One is the equipment department, and the other is the news department. The former will make you want to die physically, while the latter will make you want to die mentally...

Thinking of this, Patsy's face turned completely dark.

——He had a hunch that after tonight, the story of a secretary from the Gattuso family's investigation team who got drunk and ran around naked in the middle of the night will definitely make the headlines on the Night Watch website.

After exhaling a little breath in his mouth, he forced himself to ignore the flashes of flashing lights on the tall buildings in the distance. He picked up Augustus and stood up silently in a Terminator's posture.

Anyway, the photo was taken and he was embarrassed. The most urgent thing he had to do now was to quickly go back to where he lived and truthfully report what happened tonight.

If he was still unsure before, now he was 100% sure that Angers definitely hid some great secret.

——And this secret is related to the two golden potions placed over the Well of Annihilation! !

And just when Patsy wanted to leave the dome, sporadic footsteps suddenly came from the square below. When Patsy looked around in surprise, he silently discovered that at some point, in the square, A group of people came over, mostly girls... This group of people also included Caesar.


Looking down at his current naked state, Patsy couldn't help but fall into silence.

He knew very well in his heart that with Caesar's hearing, it was impossible for him to leave quietly. The other party would definitely discover him as soon as possible.

And the other party's discovery of him also means that all the students below have also discovered him. He will be watched inhumanely by then, and maybe someone will call the police and arrest him on the charge of obscenity... Angers was completely driving him to death, leaving no way for him to survive.

Looking at the people from the Information Department on the tall buildings on both sides who were still taking photos from multiple angles, Patsy suddenly felt a little desperate.

...And when the fireworks took off and illuminated the entire night as bright as day, he suddenly became even more desperate.

If before, even if the Ministry of Information published the news, he could defend himself by saying that it was too dark at the time and he was not the one taking the photos, then now, when the night sky is as bright as day under the illumination of fireworks, he is completely There is absolutely no room for justification.

——On this New Year’s Eve, a naked man sitting on the dome fell into a sea called despair.


"...Did you arrange it?"

Looking away from the fireworks outside, Ange looked at the old cowboy next to him with a strange expression.

"Are you sure you won't offend the Gattuso family too badly by doing this?"

"What did I arrange?"

He picked up the wine bottle on the side and took a few sips into his mouth. The vice principal rolled his eyes.

"It was your idea to strip him naked and leave him on top. What does it have to do with me? I just arranged for a few boys to take photos and collect evidence."

"I said it was about the fireworks...forget it, it was probably her idea."

Before he finished speaking, Ange shook his head.

"It's not good to search anyone's room, but I want to search the emperor's room. It's his own fault for such an end."

"Who says it isn't? It can only be said that young people are no longer afraid of tigers when they are born."

Turning to look at the gorgeous fireworks show in the night sky outside, the vice-principal shook his head with emotion, and then grabbed the wine bottle next to him again.

"Speaking of which, what are you going to do about this matter? The school board is not that easy to fool."

"so what?"

While slightly shaking the red wine glass in his hand, Angers, who was standing by the window, spoke in a calm tone.

"In modern society, everything depends on conclusive evidence. Without conclusive evidence, no one can punish me."

Turning around, Angers looked at the other party.

"It's you. There is such a big security hole in the ice cave. Didn't you say that no one can get in there?"

"What can I do? Who knows when they had Noma's authority that was independent of us."

When talking about this matter, the vice-principal also looked unhappy.

"Theoretically, it is indeed the safest place in the world. There is absolutely no possibility of anyone... Wait, have you ever considered that this is actually your problem?"

Suddenly thinking of something, he raised his head and looked at Angers in front of him.

"The school board will not send people to investigate the ice cave for no reason. Your previous affairs have definitely exposed the truth. I am sure that what you did in the nursing home will definitely come to light!!"

"Sooner or later, I didn't plan to keep it a secret for how long. It's better to say that they only investigated it now, which surprises me."

After taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, Ange's tone remained calm.

"But it doesn't matter, I have already thought of a way to deal with it."

"That's up to you... By the way, where are the people who came out of the sanatorium?"

With the wine bottle in his hand remaining, the vice-principal looked worried.

"If the school board people find those..."

"No, they can't find it."

Turning around, Angers looked at the fireworks outside again.

"I gave them plastic surgery and gave them a brand new identity. They will spend the rest of their lives in this world peacefully and happily, and the affairs of the Dragon Clan will no longer have anything to do with them..."

"They deserve it."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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