After irradiating the suspicion, Mu Qingzhi and his party officially dived.

The current water temperature is extremely terrifying. An egg can be cooked in the water in a short while. However, under the influence of the doubt, they only feel that the surrounding area is slightly hot, as if they are soaking in a hot spring.

"With this level of impact, the ecological environment on this side of the Yangtze River has probably been completely changed, right?"

Seeing an unknown fish that was cooked at high temperature and turned white floating in front of him, Lu Mingfei looked a little stunned for a moment.

Looking around, he saw that the surrounding areas were densely packed with schools of dead fish. Not only did Kuiyi bring them absolute adaptability, but it also gave them underwater vision. The scene in front of him made him feel quite hairy.

"Almost, the ecology of this area should be completely destroyed."

Nuonuo's expression looked a little solemn as he waved a large fish several meters long in front of him away.

"At this stage, the only ones that can still survive in the water are probably those dragon-blooded creatures. Remember to be careful later. Dragon-blooded creatures are no less harmful than dragons."

"...Like those scarabs on Freedom Day?"

Looking at the dark water below, Lu Mingfei subconsciously reached out and held his [Hongyan].

"In the Bronze City down there, there shouldn't be anything like a scarab, right?"

"...You don't open and pick up the pot, what's the crow's mouth like?"

As if recalling some bad memories, his face darkened slightly. Nono turned around and glared at him angrily.

"It's not like no one has been there before. It's very clean. I don't want to deal with those black bugs again."

"Don't worry, the scarab's biggest weakness is its fear of flames. There may be scarabs in places like the Egyptian pyramids, but in the territory of the King of Bronze and Fire, it is impossible for that thing to exist. After all, the compatibility is simply not compatible. ."

In the earphones, the girl's voice came through with a little bit of electricity.

"Dragon-blooded creatures related to the Lord of Bronze and Fire are generally monsters that contain flame fields... such as fire ladybugs."

"Fire Ladybug? Isn't that the monster in [Ghost Blowing Lamp]?"

When he heard this voice, Lu Mingfei subconsciously raised his head and looked upward.

The four members of their underwater team were divided into two teams, the front and rear. He and Nuonuo took the lead, and Zhi and Chu Zihang took the rear. From his angle, he could just see the girl's figure like a swimming fish.

"Yeah, I also said the Scarab was from the movie."

Standing next to a crack under the water, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"When you graduate in a few years, if you choose to join the executive department, you will probably be robbing graves all over the world. By then, you can also write a similar autobiography for yourself, which is guaranteed to be popular."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...He began to look at Gui Chuu Deng from a new angle.


Without any further delay, after Chu Zihang was the last one to get down from the water, everyone very carefully dived into the crack below.

The Bronze City was originally buried more than a hundred meters deep under the water and could not be reached by conventional means. However, due to a man-made earthquake, it reappeared in the sky, and the illusory Nibelungen and the real world also had an interface.

While diving down, Mu Qingzhi's expression rarely became serious.

Because of her excessive intervention, the consequences of plot deviations have already emerged. In the original plot, Old Tang did not have the ability to create such a big scene. After Constantine died, he was blinded by anger. He did not choose to hatch the dragon body, but directly chose to sacrifice Samson and fuse with it.

Although such an approach allowed him to regain his fighting strength in a short period of time, it actually became his Achilles' heel.

And in the end, the opponent's fate was also quite miserable.

After receiving a storm torpedo fired by Caesar head-on, Lu Mingfei was cheated and blocked the Yanling. He was also stabbed in the stomach by the other party with lust among the seven deadly sins. Finally, in the process of escaping for his life, The bullet polished by Mai Shutoku using the Philosopher's Stone shot her head off with a long-range shot...

A generation of kings came to an end in frustration.

Looking at all of Old Tang's achievements, they were simply shockingly inferior. His performance was not comparable to any of the strongest second-generation species, or even to a fifth-generation species.

In addition to destroying the Bronze City in a venting manner, and severely damaging Nuonuo with a sneak attack, all the records have no performance at all, which can be called the shame of the Dragon Clan...

Among them, although there is the factor that Constantine is dead and the opponent only wants a quick death, but no matter what, the opponent who is blinded by anger and only wants revenge should not have such a bad record.

In terms of expressiveness, Xia Mi is much better than Old Tang... Should I say that he laughs at fifty steps?

Looking at the Bronze City in front of her, Mu Qingzhi reached out and pressed her forehead.

Old Tang disappeared two and a half months ago. According to the mark she had set on the other party a long time ago, the other party was taken to the Bronze City at that time. This was obviously the work of Odin... or Said he was a prince.

In such a huge scene, she was the first to believe that there was no intervention from Odin. Because of this, Constantine at the subway station ran away and escaped from prison several times...

"This is... Bronze City?"

Looking at the miraculous building in front of them, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei stopped unconsciously.

Although they had carefully observed the scenes captured underwater by Ye Sheng and Thelma several times before, the images shown in the video could not compare to the shock they faced in reality.

After passing through the more than 20-meter-long crack, what appeared in front of them was a huge wall that extended infinitely to the left, right, upwards and downwards. The wall was glowing with ancient green color, and the mottled patina was like a layer of cotton wool. Covered on it, unnamed plants grew in the foamy patina, and the slender threads swayed gently with the water flow.

——The building in front of you is simply a miracle.

"There's a face here."

Stretching out his hand, Lu Mingfei touched the slightly protruding human face on the bronze wall. It was a painful face with a burning firewood in its mouth, and the shape was hideous.

"That's a living being. You'll understand when you take the alchemical biology class later. Holding a burning firewood in his mouth means that he is imprisoned by the power of flames and cannot be relieved from pain."

When he came to this person, Chu Zihang carefully took out a vacuum tube filled with blood from his arms while muttering something deep in his mouth.

"Dragon King Norton is the most powerful alchemist among the four monarchs, because he manipulates the element of fire and can burn metal with the purest flame, 'kill' the metal, remove impurities, and then 'resurrect' it. This The metal is called 'regenerated metal'. It has extremely strong properties and can also imprison the soul. This is an imprisoned soul that will guard the gate of the Bronze City in accordance with the Dragon King's will."

"Living spirit? Imprisoned soul?"

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei looked at Mu Qingzhi's chest almost subconsciously.

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be a living being who could say na na na in the ring on the other person's chest...?

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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