As time went by, the situation on the ship worsened.

Even though Manstein and a group of sailors worked hard to drive away the surrounding fire ladybugs with high-pressure water cannons, the number of these dragon-blooded creatures was too numerous, and the Monyach was too big, so they could only If you can take care of the deck, you can't take care of other places at all.

Under the premise that there were fires everywhere, the fire spread very quickly on the ship, and it looked like the entire ship was about to burn. If [Kui Sui] hadn't been irradiated in advance and gained absolute adaptability, it would probably have been At least half of the people on board were dead.

The entire reservoir is like a boiling pot, steaming out more and more thick white gas, as thick as milk, and the Monyach is burning in the white gas, and continuous explosions are heard in the water. Go far away.

In the past, those strange fish were concentrated on self-destruction and bombing the bottom layer. However, after bombing wildly for a period of time and found that it had no effect, these strange fish turned their targets to the ship one after another.

Originally, Caesar, Susie Ling and the others could deal with the strange fish that flew onto the ship, but as the number of self-destructing strange fish that flew on the ship increased, they became a little stretched.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the Monyach to set sail again. Amidst the roar of the engine, the Monyach cut a straight white line in the white fog on the river.

But although this move got rid of the self-destructing monster fish, it couldn't get rid of the fire ladybugs that gathered around the ship. Their essence was fire floating in the air. Their bodies were frighteningly light. The wind direction disturbed by the speed of the ship, Instead, these fire ladybugs spontaneously led to the hull.

——At this time, Zero finally pulled out his [Wanxiang].

Almost as soon as the [Wanxiang] in Ling's hand was unsheathed, Susie, who was closest to the opponent, felt an inexplicable coldness. When she turned around in shock, she saw an extremely beautiful scene.

Hexagonal ice crystals were released from the snow-white blade in Zero's hand, and in an instant, with herself as the center, a blizzard started covering the entire Monyach.

Although it was said that due to the high temperature on the field at this time, the snowstorm quickly dissipated before it lasted for a second, the heavy rain after the snow melted was pouring down at this moment.

In an instant, everyone on the boat was drenched to the core, and the threat posed by the fire ladybugs was eliminated in an instant.


"Directly calling on surrounding elements is a spiritual weapon different from alchemical weapons. After a long time, this kind of weapon finally reappeared in the world..."

On the roof of the abandoned Kuimen Hotel, watching the scene on the river from a distance, a figure shrouded in black robes could not help but sigh.

——Spiritual weapon, this is his nickname for this kind of weapon that is different from ordinary alchemical weapons.

The most powerful spiritual weapon he knew was [Kungunir] forged by the White King from his own bones. Only this sure-shot spear that directly anchored fate could severely damage the Black King.

After a long time, there are very few spiritual weapons that are still circulating in the world. They are either broken and missing, or they are collected as treasures. Because they are different from ordinary alchemical weapons in their powerful properties, these spiritual weapons are still circulating in the world. Almost all of them have become world-famous national treasures.

As far as he knows, there are China's Daxia Dragon Bird, Kun Zhi Dao, Ming Hong Dao, Hu Po, Xuanyuan, Japan's Tian Cong Yun, Ten Fist Sword, Budu Yuhun, Tian Yu Yu Zhan, and even King Arthur Legendary objects such as the sword Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone are also spiritual weapons forged during the White King's period.

But unfortunately, with the passage of time, most of these things have been hidden in history and buried underground. It is precisely for this reason that when he saw the spider cutter, he would have a trace of it in his heart. Thoughts for oneself.

...But judging from the current situation, he doesn't seem to have this need.

"As expected of the supreme white emperor, he gives away such precious things at will. Even if his strength is far from being restored, can he do this to this extent?"

Looking at the river in the distance, looking up at the sky, the black shadow exhaled slightly in his mouth.

"Let me see how much strength you have recovered... In your current state, can you fight against a dragon king who is in a rage and has no sense? To be honest, I am looking forward to it."

Finally, he glanced towards the river over there, and the black shadow turned around.

The next moment, with a gust of breeze blowing by, the roof of the building was empty, as if the person standing on the roof of the building never existed from the beginning...


At the same time, in the Bronze City 400 meters underwater, Mu Qingzhi and his party were running for their lives.

The situation in the Bronze City was far worse than Mu Qingzhi imagined. The Bronze City in the original plot was so peaceful and terrifying. There were no monsters in it, it was just a lonely empty city.

But now, the current Bronze City can almost be described as a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. There are monsters everywhere inside. Those who can be named, and those who cannot be named are all mixed into a pile. The chaotic scene reminded Mu Qingzhi for a moment. The containment procedures in the movie The Cabin in the Woods.

If she hadn't been fully prepared in advance, their team of four would have been reduced by now. For a moment, Mu Qingzhi felt a little lucky that Lu Mingfei had dragged her in at the beginning.

Given the level of danger inside the Bronze City, Chu Zihang and the three of them could not even survive for an hour... unless Lu Mingfei cheated.

...Mu Qingzhi never expected that Norton would be so crazy.

During the previous exploration process, they accidentally discovered multiple incubation rooms in the Bronze City. Unlike other places, the containers in the incubation rooms were filled with thick dragon blood. Those terrifying dragon blood creatures were exactly There is a constant stream of water flowing out of these incubators.

The blood of a fourth-generation species can cause extremely serious pollution to a mixed-race species, causing him to suffer for a lifetime. So what about the blood of the King of Bronze and Fire among the Four Kings? To what extent can it be achieved?

What made Mu Qingzhi frown even more was that the dragon blood pools in the incubation room did not even contain ordinary dragon blood, but looked very much like the fetal blood of pure-blooded dragons when they hatched.

——She had seen this kind of thing before on an icebreaker ship more than ten years ago.

There is no doubt that Norton is incubating the dragon body. In the process, his fetal blood is artificially drawn out, forming these hatching dragon blood pools.

Using the blood of the Dragon King to give birth to dragon-blooded creatures is no longer like using anti-aircraft cannons to kill mosquitoes, but using atomic bombs to blow up mosquitoes. Norton's level of madness is almost beyond her imagination.

...or rather, not Norton.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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