...The rain is pouring down.

Standing on the dragon's head, Mu Qingzhi felt like Yu Gong in Yu Gong Moves the Mountain, trying to shake a mountain. Even though the demon-breaking attribute attached to Zhi Dian Zhe broke through the opponent's surface defense, it still caused a lot of damage to the opponent. The damage was minimal.

As the King of Bronze and Fire, Norton possesses the power of flames. The flames she controls are too insignificant in front of the other party.

The other party would rise to the sky and fall into the water. The impact of the huge water flow was all concentrated on her body without reservation. Even with the protection of [Yali], she now felt severe pain all over her body. The ferocious water flow and The blazing wind beat her so hard that she could barely open her eyes.

...but she didn't dare to let go.

Although Norton looks a little embarrassed now, in fact, the opponent's madness comes more from the pain caused by the trauma on his forehead. Once the opponent comes to his senses and starts to release the spirit, it will be a devastating blow. .

So Mu Qingzhi's current idea is to entangle the other party as much as possible, making the other party forget the fact that he can speak spirits, and then wait for the opportunity.

Mai Shutoku has already started to take action, and Fenrir is rushing here with the tied-up Constantine. She only needs to find a suitable time to open the seal to exclude irrelevant people, and then she can launch a brutal and inhumane beating on Norton.

——It was okay if the other party didn't recover after watching the video before. Now that she brought Constantine closer, she didn't believe that the other party was indifferent.

Of course, in order to prevent Constantine from betraying him and wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to be swallowed up by her brother, she had deliberately told Fenrir, that is, before setting off to bring Constantine over, remember to first Beat this rebellious guy until he's half dead...

Calculating the time, it has been almost three or four months since Constantine was captured by her, but he has always been unruly. If Fenrir hadn't been holding him down, he would have escaped long ago.

Especially after his brother lost contact, during that period, the other party would inevitably plan an escape almost every three days, digging tunnels and giving Fenrir alcohol, etc. His evil intentions never died.

Originally, the subway station was the quietest and most peaceful place, but because of what the other party caused, the subway station was very lively during that period.

But just as she was silently counting the numbers in her mind and patiently waiting for the opportunity, the corner of her eye suddenly caught sight of three blazing swords. At that moment, her expression changed slightly.

The black sword light comes from Chu Zihang's Murasame, the cyan sword light comes from Caesar's Dictado, and the remaining white sword light comes from Zero's Wanxiang.

These equipments were all handcrafted by her, so there is no way she would admit them wrong.

——She could understand the people on the boat wanting to help, but their actions were a disservice.

The next moment, Norton let out an earth-shattering wail.

The sword light emitted by the three people on the boat hit Norton accurately, cutting three deep blood marks on the opponent's huge body. However, this move did not have any effect, and instead increased Norton's ferocity. .

In front of the sudden increase in strength, Mu Qingzhi could no longer support her body and was thrown far away by the opponent. Although she did not fly far, she re-opened her flame wings to stabilize her body. But at this time, her face looked quite ugly.

...In the majestic rainstorm, a low chanting sound rang out.

Pain can not only dispel fear, but also give people a moment of clarity. Relying on this moment of clarity, Norton released his speaking spirit without hesitation.

Although there was a heavy rain in the sky, the air was filled with an increasingly intense burning smell. Norton's whole body was shining with golden light. Not only the air, but also the entire rainstorm seemed to be ignited.

Power beyond the scope of human understanding condensed in the center of light and shadow, and everyone had an extreme premonition of danger.

"Everyone avoid!!!"

Pulling Chu Zihang, who was like a ball of mud, towards the center of the cabin, Manstein roared at the top of his lungs.

"Stay off the deck!! Jump into the water, or hide in the cabin!! Hurry up!!!"

The second after Manstein finished shouting the words, the power condensed in the center of the flame collapsed.

It was like a napalm bomb of hundreds of kilograms exploding in the air. Flames like a tidal wave radiated from the center, and then swallowed up in all directions with a powerful shock wave! !

If someone looks down from high in the sky at this time, they can see mountain-like flames blooming like lotus flowers in layers. The flames swallow up the wind and rain, and also sweep away the fire tide. Tons of scalding river water emitting white smoke is accompanied by Dazzling firelight surged into the sky, setting off a huge wave of flames dozens of meters high.

At the moment when that power blossomed, all the glass on the Monyach shattered, and flames shot in from the windows, like a fire-breathing dragon spitting out tongues of fire.

At this moment, the world seemed to become extremely quiet. There was a roar in everyone's ears and no sound could be heard. Like Caesar, who had the best hearing, blood even flowed from his ears.

...but the Monyach was miraculously saved.

A wall-like crimson flame shield blocked the front of the Monyach, blocking the most deadly flame impact for the people on board. Mu Qingzhi knelt half-kneeling on the deck and used the Zhidian shield to support her body, Mu Qingzhi Blood was oozing slightly from the palm of her hand, and a terrifying scar split open at her tiger's mouth. The wound looked terrible.

"I knew it……"

Looking at Norton in the distance who continued to chant the dragon text non-stop after a shot of monarch flames washed the ground, Mu Qingzhi's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

The opponent itself has the most powerful body and also possesses extremely terrifying magic. This kind of enemy is impossible to fight.

And this is because the opponent is still in a weakened state, without the alchemy skills he is proud of, and at the same time, he is still unconscious and only relies on instinct to act. It is difficult to imagine what the opponent was like in his heyday.

"...We can't delay it any longer."

After looking at the wound on his hand and throwing a fairy bean into his mouth, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the deck.

With that level of word spirit, the opponent can release it almost infinitely, but she can't block it so many times. Although it is still a bit early, she can only pull the opponent into the seal at this time.

"Wait, you..."

"Lu Mingfei? Why are you here...forget it, send me a message."

He turned around and glanced at Lu Mingfei, who was calling him in the container behind him. He waved his hand, and the wings of flame stretched out from behind again. Mu Qingzhi rushed towards Norton not far away with a knife.

"Inform Professor Manstein and ask them to move the ship as far away from here as possible!!"

"This is not a battlefield for you to set foot on!!"

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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