The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 339 Mu Qingzhi’s make-up exam career

With a faint hint of fish belly white on the horizon, morning comes quietly.

Before the alarm clock on the bedside could ring, a hand stretched out from under the quilt and hit the alarm clock accurately.

Maintaining the same posture as the group leader, Mu Qingzhi buried her face in the soft pillow. Mu Qingzhi squinted on the bed for about twenty minutes. It was not until the sky got brighter outside that she rubbed her face with the back of her hand. He closed his eyes and lazily sat up from the bed.

As she stood up, the thin quilt slipped off her body, and most of the collar of her nightgown slid off her shoulders.

As summer approaches, the weather gradually becomes hotter. As early as a week ago, Mu Qingzhi replaced the original velvet quilt with the current light air-conditioned quilt.

"Ha... I feel like my sleep quality lately isn't very good..."

Yawning, Mu Qingzhi climbed off the bed, then stepped on slippers and went straight to the bathroom to wash up.

Inadvertently, time always passes by very quickly, and now almost four months have passed since the Three Gorges Kuimen Incident.

In these four months, although no major events happened, a lot of other small things happened.

——First of all, it’s matters related to Norton.

After sleeping for three full months at the Blackstone Mansion, Norton successfully woke up under the careful care of the strongest Sebastian.

When the other party regained consciousness, Mu Qingzhi made a special trip back to the Blackstone Mansion, and then took the other party to the subway station for an epic meeting with Constantine and Fenrir.

Putting aside the touching reunion between the brothers, Norton's expression at the time was quite wonderful after he found out that Fenrir was the old man who had been feuding with him online for several years.

Although Norton successfully woke up, because he has "died", the identity of Old Tang can never be used again. Under Su Enxi's operation, Norton has obtained a brand new identity, and is currently serving as Su Enxi's special agent. The position of captain of the action team can be regarded as returning to his old job.

At this point, as a steel knife, Norton has completely disappeared into the darkness.

In fact, in the final analysis, there is no deep grudge between him and humans. The real grudge against him is Odin, who pushed him to this point. Even though he dragged his family all the way to China, Odin still didn't Let him and Constantine go, how could he let Odin go?

In the past, he could not defeat the opponent no matter what, but now, not to mention Jormungandr and Fenrir, even the legendary White Emperor is on his side. Norton is full of confidence in this.

Although Mu Qingzhi really wanted to correct him and say that she was not the White King or something...but after thinking about it, she decided to give up the explanation.

As the saying goes, the pure will become pure, and the turbid will become turbid. In the past, she was mistaken for the King of Bronze and Fire. Some things did not need to be explained at all.

...Or even explaining it is useless.

In addition to this series of things related to Bronze and the Fire King, most of the remaining things in these four months were related to Cassel.

I have to say that the principal is really strong.

Forcibly, the principal withstood the strong pressure from all forces. Although the various forces were quarreling over the ownership of the Dragon King Dragon Bone Cross, those things did not disturb Kassel, and the entire college was still Peaceful and quiet as always.


Turning to look at a student flying past the clock tower on a broom in the distance outside the window, Mu Qingzhi looked a little unsure.

In a few days, Kassel's annual [College Star] competition will begin. In this event involving the entire college, the final champion will be determined through a series of duels... the so-called school beauty.

Last year's winner was Nono, but this year, Xia Mi and Zero will become strong contenders for the championship.

Because it was a college-wide event, when Susie and Nono came to the door together, she kindly provided some props to support, such as a magic broomstick that needed to be charged.

It was really hard work for them to get up so early in the morning and work on setting up the competition stage...

While muttering in her heart, after washing up, Mu Qingzhi changed out of her pajamas and put on Kassel's iconic school uniform.

Although it is true that it is close to summer vacation and close to the competition, doesn't it still mean there is no holiday? The so-called holiday season is often the exam season. Today there is a very important exam, which is directly related to the issue of failing grades, so she has to treat it carefully.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten up so early...

"...I hope I won't fail another class."

Picking up the pencil case on the table, Mu Qingzhi sighed.

"If I fail another class, all my scholarships will probably be deducted... It's all because of that cheater Xia Mi."

Because she always slept in class, she and Xia Mi both failed in an important exam a week ago and had to take a make-up exam with two other fellow students who also failed.

In order to prevent them from failing the make-up exam again, she and Xia Mi made careful plans. As the saying goes, the three stooges are as good as Zhuge Liang. They decided to focus on the make-up exam and comprehensively collect the answers of all the people who took the make-up exam, and then proceed again. A classification system... also commonly known as cheating.

On the day of the make-up exam, everything was well planned, and the cheating plan went quite smoothly. The invigilator did not discover it, and she also successfully collected the answers of all the make-up takers in the exam room.

Logically speaking, if the plan is implemented to this extent, it should be foolproof. After all, if four people answer a paper together, they should be able to pass no matter what, right?

But the problem is, after collecting other people's answers, Mu Qingzhi silently discovered that everyone's answers were different.

There were 25 multiple-choice questions, each with four options. Among the four people's answers, none of them were correct.

For every multiple-choice question, the four of them combined and perfectly chose abcd...

Even the multiple-choice questions at the front are like this, let alone the fill-in-the-blank and essay questions at the back. What stands out is that each question has its own answer and is completely unrelated.

It was also at that time that Mu Qingzhi realized that the so-called saying that the three cobblers were the equal of Zhuge Liang was actually completely wrong.

Three Stooges put together will only get worse and worse... let alone four Stooges.

In the end, she reluctantly used Eva's connections to successfully complete the re-examination through Norma. Otherwise, she would have to take another re-examination today...

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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