As the final bell rang, the exciting final exam week that lasted for a week finally came to an end.

Several people who were sure that they would not fail the exam were happy and high-fived together to celebrate, while someone who was already sure that they would definitely fail the exam was left alone in a corner with gloomy despair... The latter here refers specifically to a certain bird that just passed the exam. The shrimp is finished as soon as it begins.

But overall, everything is stable and improving.

The last obstacle before the vacation has been removed, and the happy summer vacation is about to arrive. On the way back to Norton Hall, Mu Qingzhi has already begun to wonder in her mind where she will spend her summer vacation.

"We are going to the stadium. Do you want to come with us?"

When passing by the canteen, he seemed to remember something, stopped, and Xia Mi asked.

"Gymnasium...oh, [Academy Star], right? I remember you guys signed up."

After a moment of daze, Mu Qingzhi looked at Xia Mi, Ling and Lu Mingfei in front of him, with a look of realization on his face.

"When will you go on stage, I will go over to support you."

"But I don't remember signing up."

Turning to look at her, Ling said in a faint tone.

"Ahem... maybe you forgot..."

After coughing a few times, Mu Qingzhi looked away with a guilty conscience.

"Actually, this kind of thing is very common. I often forget that I have done certain things, but in fact these are..."

"I asked Susie and she said you handed in my registration form."

"...You guys go to the gymnasium first. I will help you bring your things back to the dormitory. Bye!!"

After a moment of silence, under Zero's death gaze, Mu Qingzhi quickly snatched the books and pencil cases from several people's hands, then turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"Don't worry, when you take the stage, I will do my best to canvass your votes below, you're welcome!!"

Academy Star, as the name suggests, is the annual beauty pageant here at Kassel College. One of the privileges that Lu Mingfei got from winning the Freedom Day was that he could directly participate in the finals of [Academy Star].

...Although she has always been curious about how Lu Mingfei, a grown man, would participate in this beauty pageant.

With Zero's withdrawn and aloof personality, it was naturally impossible for her to participate in such an event, so when [Academy Star] started to warm up, she secretly signed up for Zero and Xia Mi.

If it weren't for the strict restrictions on the registration form, and only girls could register for more, she would have wanted to register for Lu Mingfei... She had been busy with exams these past few days, and she almost forgot about it.


——Looking at her leaving back, Zero's eyes were dark.


With the end of the exam week, the atmosphere on campus has obviously become more relaxed. Since the holiday coincides with the [College Star] event, the festive atmosphere can be said to be strong, although it will not be full of lights and decorations. Something like that, but it’s almost the same.

"Rescue...what do you mean?"

Looking at Nono, who was clasping his palms in front of him to express his willingness to please him, Mu Qingzhi, who had just returned to the Norton Hall, looked confused.

"Academy Star. I need a helper for the finals."

Nono raised a finger in front of him with a serious look on his face.

"I have taught you ballet before, so I thought of inviting you to dance on stage together during the finals."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

"No...can't you just call someone else?"

Looking at Nono in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked confused.

"You know, my ballet skills are basically..."

"I called, but everyone else was busy, so I had to come over and ask you for help~"

Nono quietly reached out and tugged at the hem of Susie's clothes, who came with her. Nono blinked.

"Anyway, your final exams are over, and there are no classes now, right? Academy Star is an annual event in Kassel. Are you sure you don't want to participate and feel the atmosphere?"


"Come and help me, it's just a simple appearance, it won't affect anything."

Before Mu Qingzhi finished his hesitant words, Su Qian beside her spoke at the right time.

"Don't worry, it won't take up too much of your time. It only takes about 20 minutes at most. It's quick."

"……All right."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded hesitantly.

"If it's just for support, I should be able to... By the way, what's the process between colleges? I've been busy with exams these days and haven't paid attention to these things."

"Three events, preliminary round, semi-finals, and finals."

Sitting down on the sofa next to the hall, putting the document in her hand on the coffee table, Susie explained it dutifully.

"The girls on the stage will show off their talents and figures, and then the ranking will be determined based on the votes. The entire event will be broadcast live on the Night Watch Forum, and students from all over the world can participate in this event."

"So everyone who comes on stage must perform a show..."

Recalling what happened just now, Mu Qingzhi looked thoughtful.

If she guessed correctly, Xia Mi and the others should have gone to the gymnasium to rehearse the show... By the way, does this count as being an enemy?

——Putting her chin with one hand, Mu Qingzhi thought about this issue in her heart seriously.

In terms of stature, neither Zero nor Xia Mi can match Nono, and on the premise that there is not much difference between them in appearance, talent display becomes the key factor in determining the champion.

I just said that I would canvass votes for them, but in the end I joined the other party's competitors... Isn't it a bit unloyal?

"That's right!! Zhi is just so unloyal!!!"

In the small cubicle of the gymnasium, Xia Mi was waving his fists with a look of indignation on his face.

"I'm sure she did it on purpose!!"

In fact, things like this are easy to understand when you talk about it, just like when there is a sports meeting in school, on the premise that you are not interested in this kind of thing, your bereaved friend secretly signs up for you to run a 1,500-meter long-distance race.

When you are exhausted from running on the treadmill, your damaged friend is drinking drinks, eating ice cream and eating melon seeds in the audience with a bright smile... That's about it.

"It's okay, I also signed up for her."

Unlike Xia Ya's anger, Zero looked calm.

"When the time comes, it's not just us who will be on stage, she will also be on stage."

"Uh... wait, when did you sign up for her?"

After being stunned for a moment, Xia Mi looked shocked at Zero in front of him.

"I thought about signing up for her before, but when I found out about it, the registration had closed. How did you..."

"A month ago."

Xia Mi: "......"

...If she remembers correctly, a month ago, there seemed to be no trace of the [Campus Star] event, right?

"No...if you signed up for her, then why didn't she receive the notice like us?"

Suddenly, Xia Mi thought of something.

"Looking at her appearance, she doesn't seem to think that she will play at all. Is this...?"

"It's simple because she walked the final game."

Zero's face was calm and calm.

"Lu Mingfei and I have reached a consensus on something."

——Under Xia Mi’s gaze, Lu Mingfei looked away in embarrassment.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Dizzy, a little late, sorry (づ●─●)づ

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