The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 365 What does it mean that things are changing?

It was noon, and the sunlight outside the window was too lazy to be seen.

In the bright and somewhat excessive sunshine, Lu Mingfei turned over on the bed and continued to sleep soundly.

"...It's Tang Wei."

Facing the interested gaze of the girl beside the bed, Chu Zihang continued to speak after a brief silence.

"A hunter on the hunter website changed his mind and turned to the bright side at a critical moment. It was precisely because of the other party's defection that he was able to save the more than 100 people on the ship, as well as the missing Commissioner No. B007."

"Tang Wei...what happened next?"

Putting one hand on his knees to support his chin, Mu Qingzhi looked uninterested.

"He defected to the authorities. According to Lu Mingfei, the other party originally wanted to join Cassel's disciples wholeheartedly in exchange for his father's protection. However, after Lu Mingfei's introduction, the other party finally decided to defect to the relevant departments. "

When he said this, Chu Zihang turned his head and looked at Lu Mingfei, who was still sleeping soundly, with a somewhat complicated tone in his tone.

"I really lost control and almost lost myself in the pleasure brought by the infinite increase in strength. In the end, it was Lu Mingfei who woke me up, otherwise I would have made a big mistake... Exploding blood is indeed a skill Forbidden technology.”

Recalling his invincible mentality at that time, Chu Zihang still felt a little scared.

In that state, he seemed to have turned into a completely different person, crazy, bloodthirsty, violent... except that he was not himself.

"It's good to know. I told you that the first blood burst is very dangerous, but you just didn't listen."

Pouring her lips, Mu Qingzhi snorted softly.

"Then, what happened to that vampire? Did you kill him?"

"...Half of it was killed."


"The opponent's vitality is extremely tenacious. Although I almost chopped off half of his body, I'm not sure he died just like that."

Recalling that difficult enemy, Chu Zihang's face looked slightly solemn.

"I'm very sure that the guy is already dead. He has no breathing and no heartbeat. Although the injury is fatal, it is not fatal to the other party."

"Dead man... Deadpool?"

Mu Qingzhi narrowed her eyes slightly.

"No, it's a hybrid. The other party was injected with a vampire potion that can reversely suppress dragon blood..."

As he spoke, Chu Zihang turned his head to the side.

"Specialist No. B007 obtained a document from there. You can take it out and take a look. The information recorded on it is somewhat bizarre."


Stretching out her hand, Mu Qingzhi found a well-sealed secret document under Chu Zihang's pillow.

The text above looked a bit like German, but there seemed to be some deviations. After briefly browsing the document, Mu Qingzhi's face suddenly darkened.

The content of the document is actually very simple. It is an introduction to a special potion called [Vampire Type III]. The textual information recorded above is simply subversive to the existing hybrid world.

And more importantly, this explanation came from a mysterious organization that she had been tracking for a long time - the Holy Palace Medical Association.

Mu Qingzhi never expected that she would be able to get clues in such an unexpected way after tracking down something for so many years.

"Let me take this back, and I'll hand it over to the school then."

After a brief pause, Mu Qingzhi put the document away.

"The injuries on Lu Mingfei's body are easy to tell. The condition on your body is a side effect of the bloodline's rampage. During this period, you should just lie in bed and recuperate. This can be a lesson to you."

"……I see."

After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang nodded.

"Hmph, you'd better know. You're such an adult, and you still don't let me worry about you one by one..."

With a cold snort, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the chair.

"That's it for now. My family is still waiting for me to eat. I'll come see you in the afternoon."

Her hearing was pretty good, and she could already hear the footsteps of the strong men from the school administration department as they went upstairs. She didn't want to be exposed in front of those people.


Looking at the girl beside the bed, Chu Zihang did not reply, but nodded slightly towards her.

Suddenly, he felt that the sun was a little too bright today.

——At this time, Lu Mingfei was still sleeping soundly.


"...Vampire? It's probably the characteristic of some kind of dragon-blooded creature, and then it was transplanted into the potion, and finally transferred to the human body."

On the other end of the phone, a certain Daye teacher's voice sounded somewhat distorted, and from time to time, some violent roar could be heard.

"No...what are you doing over there?"

Holding the phone further away from her ear, Mu Qingzhi had a strange look on her face.

"It sounds to me like yours is rumbling all the time."

"The renovation involves the redesign of the Nibelungen and the large alchemy matrix inside. This is a huge project, and it's not just a small game like playing house. What's wrong with the big noise?"

“Where did you get the money???”

"Given by Norton. Listen to me, he loves his younger brother so much. Constantine just complained a few words, but the next day he transferred 100 million US dollars to his card. It's so arrogant!! A complete domineering CEO style, okay!?”

——The words of a certain Daye teacher are full of longing.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

No...can that poor guy like Old Tang really be rich?

With some doubts, after interrupting the conversation with one of the strongest next-generation species, Mu Qingzhi dialed Su Enxi's phone number. Old Tang was currently working for him.

Then, she got a very speechless fact from the other party.

...In order to promise his brother the 100 million US dollars, Old Tang signed a 20-year selling contract for himself.

I have to say, this is very old Tang.


Since she promised to visit Lu Mingfei and the others in the afternoon, Mu Qingzhi naturally would not break her promise. After finishing lunch, she specially asked Yaji to make a pot of chicken soup and brought it over in a thermos bottle.

Chu Zihang obviously understood her. When she came here this time, the people in the school administration department had been dismissed by the other party, so this time, there was no need for her to sneak around her home like she did in the morning.

Lu Mingfei's recovery condition was good. When she walked in with chicken soup, he was doing push-ups on the ground. As for Chu Zihang, he was still lying on the bed unable to move.

"Here, chicken soup is made from hens aged less than a century old. It tastes absolutely delicious."

Lifting her chin towards the two people in the room, Mu Qingzhi placed the chicken soup she brought on the bedside table.


When he saw her coming, Lu Mingfei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly got up from the ground and came to the bed.

"Zhi, you don't know, the food cooked by those tough guys in the school administration department is so unpalatable..."

"I guessed it. When I came here in the morning, I thought of this when I saw them chopping vegetables like wood."

Pulling the chair over from the side and sitting on it backwards, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll bring it to you then... By the way, can you sit up now?"

As if something suddenly occurred to her, Mu Qingzhi turned to look at Chu Zihang who was lying on the bed.

"If you can't move, do you want me to come..."

"It's okay, I'll feed senior brother."

With a sincere smile on his face, Lu Mingfei picked up the thermos.

"Senior brother has taken care of me so many times before. Naturally, I have to reciprocate this time. Just leave small things like feeding to me."

——When he said these words, Lu Mingfei's face was full of sincerity.

Chu Zihang: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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