According to Gao Mi, he accidentally entered this subway station during the investigation process when he accepted a task assigned by the college.

This place is like a huge maze, and they are the lost ghosts who accidentally entered this maze, and they can only wander in this maze day after day.

In this glittering gold maze, the rules are different from those outside. Even without food and water, you will not age or die, but will only become drier and drier. He has been trapped here since he accidentally entered it. It's been almost a month.

If there wasn't another person here to accompany him, he would have suffered a mental breakdown after not seeing the light of day for a whole month.

"By the way, junior sister, why are you here?"

After talking on and on for a long time, Gao Mi seemed to have finally realized what was happening. Gao Mi looked at the two people in front of him with some doubts.

Unlike him, the two people in front of him had obviously just entered here not long ago, which could be seen from their faces.

"...We are here to travel to BJ."

After coughing a few times, Mu Qingzhi calmly stopped Eliyi behind her.

"This is my sister next to me. We originally planned to go out from the hotel to look for food tonight, but we accidentally stumbled into this place."

While making up random things in her mouth, Mu Qingzhi picked out suitable amnesia props in Na Ring.

If the person she met here was just an ordinary person, then forget it. The worst she could do was open the back door and let him out. But when she met her senior brother, things immediately became complicated.

——If she remembers correctly, Gao Mi and Wan Boqian seem to be members secretly trained by the Gattuso family in the execution department.

That cheater Xia Mi...

Recalling a certain shrimp who had warmly invited them to come over for supper during the day, Mu Qingzhi felt a bit itchy for a while.

It has to be said that Senior Brother Gao Mi is definitely very enthusiastic. After learning that they accidentally stumbled into this place, he immediately enthusiastically taught them about the rules and conditions for leaving this alchemical maze.

As an alchemically constructed labyrinth, it is restricted both by invisible rules and by the rules themselves.

——The rules here are Texas Hold'em.

If you want to leave here, you only need to win enough chips from the gatekeeper to regain your freedom.

For this reason, Gao Miyou carefully taught them how to gamble in Texas Hold'em... especially when he learned that neither of them was good at math.

But despite the enthusiasm of the other party, Mu Qingzhi knew exactly what the other party was thinking. As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. The other party was holding her and Eriyi in his heart while leading him. What about the idea of ​​​​escaping with my girlfriends...

She was in a hurry and naturally didn't have the time to play house with the other party, so after finding an opportunity, she directly slapped the other party on the head with a pink brick. In order to worry about the other party waking up in the middle, she had extra He slapped the opponent's head a few more times.

After doing this, at the next platform, she dragged the sleeping partner and Eriki out of the car together.

It is already difficult to end the situation if Gao Mi encounters her. If she encounters Wan Boqian in the car again, things will become even more troublesome, so it is better to prepare for a rainy day in advance.

After giving some instructions to Eli Yi, Mu Qingzhi took out a rattle from the ring. The clear sound of the rattle rippled through the tunnel. A few minutes later, a huge thing appeared in front of her.

At first glance, this behemoth looks a bit like a bird, but also like a reptile with membrane wings. The bones of its body are shining with a bronze luster, and there are sharp claws on the end of the wings. The claws are like five fingers like human hands, and the nails are as sharp as The thin blade of a razor.

The opponent had nine heads, nine spines, and nine skulls. Looking at the small figure standing in front of him, golden pupils lit up deep in the skull wearing a silver mask, and a strong wind blew with his open wings... Then he lay down in front of the small figure very flatteringly.

The Weasel is the most famous of the dragon-blooded creatures. Caesar's Word Spirit is named after this creature. The Weasel has social characteristics like an ant colony. The Weasel that appeared in front of Mu Qingzhi after being summoned is the Weasel. The queen of the ferrets.

...At the same time, he is also the sleeping guardian of Xia Mi and others.

Compared with the situation where Norton and Constantine have two loyal second-generation guardians, Xia Mi and Fenrir's side is obviously much shabby.

Mu Qingzhi has been here many times, so the other party naturally recognized her. After getting her order, within ten minutes, a large group of sickles and weasels appeared here with a girl who had fainted with fear on her face. On the platform.

Until she passed out, Wan Boqian didn't understand why these sick and weasels who had never attacked them on the platform or on the train suddenly gave up their previous principles.

"Okay, you can go back and stay."

After briefly checking Wan Boqian's situation and adding a few more bricks to the opponent just in case, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand to Queen Kamaita who was looking at her eagerly... and at the same time threw it away. Bags of potato chips.

Under the influence of Fenrir, the home dragon, the preferences of these weasels have changed from blood-sucking to junk food.

——The impact caused by the environment is still very serious.

After Queen Kamaita happily returned to the tunnel with a few bags of potato chips and her younger brothers, each dragging one behind the other, Mu Qingzhi and Eriyi were like professional corpse collectors, carrying Gao Mu and Wanbo. Qian, the pair of hard-luck mandarin ducks, got on the subway together again.

After eliminating the interference option of Wan Boqian, this time, there were no accidents along the way.

When they arrived at Xia Mi's side, the three dragon kings were gathering together to study how to make the best barbecue. Fenrir's huge dragon body occupied one side, and next to it, which one was more delicious, cumin or spicy? Xia Mi and Constantine were having a heated argument.

"You guys came so slowly...wait, what did you bring here?"

——Behind the scenes, Xia Mi discovered Gao Mi and Wan Boqian being dragged by their hands.

"Should I ask you something like this?"

Rolling her eyes, Mu Qingzhi unceremoniously took the seat where Xia Mi was sitting.

"Your Nibelungen is so leaky, how come anyone can come in? It's been almost a month, and people from the college's executive department have gone straight to your home, and you haven't discovered it yet?"

Looking at a certain Xiami in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked disdainful.

"The majestic king of the earth and the mountain has been in such a miserable state. Won't you find some time to reflect on it? It's so shameful that you even need me to wipe your ass for such a thing..."

"It's Dilong."

He moved to the side in disgust, and Constantine next to him made timely corrections.

Xia Mi: "......"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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