The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 377 Lu Mingfei is sitting on pins and needles

A black Lexus sedan passed by on the streets of Tokyo. Lu Mingfei leaned his head against the window and yawned in his mouth.

He barely slept last night. He tossed and turned on the soft bed for a long time. He didn't squint for a while until almost dawn. Now he was so sleepy that his upper and lower eyelids were fighting.

At seven o'clock this morning, Norma temporarily issued a task to them. The specific content of the task was a confidential matter. She said that people from the Sheqiba family would come to connect with them later.

Although the expected travel and special training have become a task assigned by the academy, this kind of thing is very common in the academy. They are like a brick, they can move it wherever they need it.

Because of this short notice, Lu Mingfei's idea of ​​sleeping until noon was in vain, and he had to drag his sleepy body out of bed.

The person who came to pick them up was still the "Xiao Mu" from yesterday. Today, she put on a professional OL short skirt and a pair of glasses on her face. She looked quite intellectual.

"Why, didn't you have a good rest last night?"

Noticing his fatigue, Xiaomu turned around and asked him with some concern while driving the vehicle skillfully.

There were five of them, and he was placed in the co-pilot's seat. In the back row, Nono and Susie sat in the middle, while Caesar and Chu Zihang sat in the window seats respectively... Lu Mingfei thinks this arrangement is great. Senior brothers should be paired with senior sisters.

"Ahem... I'm a little acclimatized, but that's okay."

Suddenly cheering up, Lu Mingfei coughed in his mouth.

The little devil's visit last night not only gave him some knowledge about the past history, but also left him an additional piece of information, and on that information, all the interpersonal relationships around a certain young lady were marked. Clear as day.

Although the Xiaomu in front of him seemed to be just a receptionist, in fact, the other party was one of Zhi's three ministers, and his status and power in the eight families of Sheqi was second only to those eight masters.

In fact, he doesn't care much about power. The main reason why he was so nervous in front of the other party was because both parties were Zhi's retainers and might be able to turn a deaf ear to him. Naturally, he wanted to leave a good impression on the other party...

"It will still take twenty-six minutes to arrive at Genji Heavy Industries. Before that, Mr. Lu, you can take a short rest."

He nodded clearly, and as he spoke, Xiaomu helped him move the seat down a little behind him.

"Today's schedule may be a bit tense, I hope all commissioners can be mentally prepared."

After they received the message from Norma in the morning, along with the dining car that rolled into the suite, in addition to the meals prepared by the chef himself, there was also a fax document containing their schedule for today.

Even Chu Zihang couldn't help but be stunned by the complexity and detail of this arrangement. The itinerary was divided into fifteen minutes, so their time was packed tightly throughout the day.

From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., they are expected to visit the Japanese branch’s office center in Tokyo, visit the Japanese Imperial Palace arranged by the Imperial Household Agency, pay homage to the 1,400-year-old Sensoji Temple, and go shopping in Ginza. Lunch is arranged at a Michelin three-star hotel. French restaurant, the chef will personally cook top-notch Japanese cuisine for dinner. The fresh fish used for dinner has been shipped from the Tsukiji fish market at 6 o'clock this morning, including a 1.86-meter... Deep-sea tuna, if you encounter an unexpected traffic jam midway, there is a backup plan at the back of this document, which is shockingly detailed.

——Lu Mingfei was sure that the person who made this planning form was absolutely obsessive-compulsive.

Just when Lu Mingfei was about to lean against the back of the seat and squint for a while, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang. After taking out the mobile phone from his pocket and looking at the incoming call notification with some confusion, he couldn't help but be stunned. There.

After some hesitation, he answered the call and subconsciously pressed the hands-free button.

So the next moment, the roaring voice of a certain gangster lady sounded in the carriage.

"To tell you the truth, where did you guys go to play so early in the morning? I woke up so early on purpose, intending to take you on a tour as a landlord, but it turned out that you were so lucky that you just backhanded me. Abandoned!? You guys are so heartless!! Believe it or not, I will draw a circle and curse you now!? Do you know how long it takes to ride a bicycle from my house to your hotel!?"

Lu Mingfei: "..."


"...I'll tell you."

After coughing slightly, Sakurai Kogure stretched out her hand towards Lu Mingfei.

"The eldest lady is on vacation recently, so she doesn't know about the affairs of the academy... I originally thought that the eldest lady would sleep until noon."


Honestly, Lu Mingfei handed over his cell phone, but he had just taken it off his hands when he suddenly thought of something, and instantly, cold sweat started to flow down his forehead.

...If he remembers correctly, the screen saver of his mobile phone has always been that one, which seems to be the photo he secretly took at the Chicago train station last year.

But it was a pity that when he thought of this belatedly, Sakurai Kogure had already held the phone in his hand.

——In an instant, Xiaomu’s eyes became sharp.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

For a moment, he suddenly felt a little numb...especially when the other party glanced at the phone and then looked up towards him with a subtle expression.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to be entangled in this matter for too long. After glancing at him with a meaningful look, the other party picked up the phone and explained to the young lady on the other side of the phone.

In fact, things like this are easy to explain and don't take too long, so just a few minutes later, Lu Mingfei got his phone back.

...But at this time, he didn't dare to raise his head to look at Xiaomu beside him, and he felt very guilty.

Unless you are blind, anyone with sight can tell at a glance that the source of his photo was taken secretly.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Mingfei was terrified throughout the rest of the trip, fearing that Xiao Mu next to him would suddenly say something shocking and expose his secret photo...

But correspondingly, all the remaining sleepiness in his mind disappeared, which can be regarded as a form of blessing in disguise... maybe?

Congratulations, Coca-Cola.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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