Chapter 383... Are there any masters?

Night falls in Tokyo, and the neon lights on the long streets light up one after another from east to west. It rains lightly tonight, and the evening atmosphere gradually becomes richer in the atmosphere of feasting and feasting.

On the terrace known as "Xingshen Temple", a tatami was spread out at some point. On the long table was a deep-sea bluefin tuna weighing 200 kilograms. The bright mirror-like Honyaki knife cut the fish belly. Cut open, the fish belly is as attractive as pink marble.

Surrounding this main course are teriyaki puffer fish, charcoal grilled spring fish, peony shrimp sashimi, and blue lobster sashimi flown from France, with mellow and fragrant sake chilled in a sake flask.

The terrace of Xingshenji Temple is located in a secret place on the high-rise of Genji Heavy Industries that is not open to the public. It has a great view. You can overlook the entire Tokyo from here. Standing on the edge and looking far away, it seems as if the entire city is trampled under your feet.

Looking at the scenery below, Lu Mingfei suddenly became inspired by poetry and wanted to compose a poem, but after thinking for a long time he didn't know what to say, so he had to give up for the time being.

Under the warm hospitality of the Snake Qihachi family, they spent a whole day in the city of Tokyo today, shopping and visiting delicious food. When they visited the Meiji Shrine, they happened to meet someone holding a wedding there. Pure white and flawless.

The only fly in the ointment is that, except for the phone call from Zhi You in the morning, he has not seen the other party all day today, which makes him quite regretful.

No better than a three-star Michelin restaurant for lunch, they were invited to this terrace for dinner. The person in charge of receiving them was the ace in the executive board. It was said that he was kind and shy...

Turning his gaze aside, Lu Mingfei glanced secretly to the other side, and then he happened to meet a certain ace's unabashed murderous gaze. It seemed that the other party had already planned in his heart to sink him in the evening. Which one went inside Tokyo Bay?

Lu Mingfei: "..."

He was actually quite familiar with Zhi's two younger brothers and one younger sister, but compared to the ignorant and innocent Eri Yi and the mature and steady Minamoto Chisheng, what he was most afraid of was the smiling tiger in front of him.

In front of other people, the other party did act shy and kind, and greeted everyone with a smile, but when facing him, the other party looked like he wanted to bury him alive... There is no doubt that the other party She is an out-and-out sister-controller.

——Facing such a brother-in-law, Lu Mingfei felt extremely stressed.

But other things aside, Yuan Jiaonu is actually quite easy to get along with... at least for other people.

"I have learned before that this is a place used by the heads of the Sheqiba family for meetings, right? Is it really appropriate to use such a sacred place as a gathering place to entertain us?"

Looking away from the relief carvings of ghosts and gods on the wall, with a glass of sake in his hand, Caesar looked at Minamoto Girl with interest.

"Isn't it too grand to entertain like this?"

"If you are just a commissioner sent by the academy, you will not be treated like this. But you are also my sister's friends. As distinguished guests of the Snake Qiba family, no amount of grand hospitality can be exaggerated."

Faced with Caesar's question, Yuan Jingnu just smiled slightly.

"How about it? Did you all have a good time today?"


After thinking for a moment, Caesar nodded.

"I'm just a little curious. Why do people in Japan manufacture and sell human-shaped lifebuoys? And they're naked. Wouldn't this teach children a bad lesson?"

Yuan Zhennu: "..."

"Hey, you accidentally entered some strange adult products store. That's an inflatable doll, only 18 or older."

Feeling a little embarrassed for no reason, Nono nudged him with her elbow and spoke in a low voice.

"The 18-year-old ban? But I saw that Lu Mingfei also bought a lot of those undressed dolls, but they were a little bit small. They were just pervert toys."

While drinking the sake in his glass, Caesar shrugged slightly.

"Not only that, I also saw that he bought a lot of the same ones as Zhi..."

"That's a figure!! Not some pervert toy!!"

Feeling a certain murderous aura inexplicably, Lu Mingfei hurriedly interrupted Caesar, who was already vaguely drunk.

"Also, that is Shana's exquisite figure, for all ages!!"


Looking up at Lu Mingfei, Caesar looked a little confused.

"But I heard you asking the shop owner in a low voice if there was Shana's incomplete age..."

——Before Lu Mingfei broke into sweat, Nono successfully interrupted his words with a precise naked choke.

Facing the murderous aura coming from a certain sister-controller, Lu Mingfei cast a grateful look at Nono, and Nono gave him a thumbs up... downward.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

"By the way, you've been with us all day today, won't it delay your daily work?"

Before the atmosphere became more awkward, Susie quickly came to the rescue.

"Delaying work? For me, this day is a rare day off."

After drinking the sake in the cup, the girl smiled and spoke.

"Even though I'm called the ace in the executive board, this job is actually quite tiring, and it has only eased up a bit recently. I think except for some workaholics, no one likes to go to work..."

"Who said that? I just love going to work."

Before Yuan Zhennu finished speaking, rebuttal words came from the room. As the voice sounded, the terrace door was opened, and Mu Qingzhi, dressed in casual casual clothes, appeared at the door.

Looking at the cheerful party scene here, with her hands on her hips, a certain underworld lady was furious.

"Okay, you guys who are unloyal, you dare not call me for the party, tell yourselves, what kind of crime should you do?"

"We called, but you didn't answer."

With a slight cough in his mouth, Chu Zihang was the first to stand up from the table.

"Come and sit down. Our dinner party has just begun. I have reserved a seat for you, Master."


Glancing at the deliberately vacant seat next to Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei and Yuan Zhennu looked at each other, almost feeling blessed. They both took a step slower.

...They didn’t expect that there were actually masters.

"Hmph... I guess you still have some conscience."

With a soft hum in her mouth, Mu Qingzhi unceremoniously sat next to Chu Zihang, and at the same time squeezed him aside.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the previous topic... You were just talking about work, right? I like going to work so much. I feel like I'm inferior to others. I work so hard every day. I feel like I'm pressed for time in the morning. The feeling of not being able to sleep well and having to clock in, rushing to the office even one minute late with no clothes on, that kind of regretful beauty is like Venus is art, working as a cow and a horse day by day, and still can't make any money. After getting the money, I really like it!"

Everyone: "..."

...So where did the other party get stimulated?

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Yesterday, I was pressed into bed by a ghost. It was so clear that I could clearly feel someone opening the door and coming in. Then, I was pulled down the bed. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't do this. Really, it was very clear. I thought it was my mother, but there was no one there. The material of the invisible thing felt a bit like frosted glass. I tried to see the face but couldn’t. I couldn’t move my body and the other person was still touching me. Face……

After trying hard to get my body moving for the first time, I thought about going back to sleep, and then the other person came again, even scarier than last time. After I tried my best to get my body moving, half of my feet were already outside the bed.

Then after waking up at four o'clock, I didn't dare to sleep anymore...

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