The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 413 Excessive after the incident

The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky.

The unique restlessness of summer has faded away, and today's weather is unexpectedly bright. However, contrary to this bright weather, Mu Qingzhi now feels very numb.

"...has it really affected the whole world?"

Unwilling to give up, Mu Qingzhi asked again.

"Could it be fake news or something? After all, some journalists always like to exaggerate small things to attract attention..."

"No matter how much you try to escape, the established facts cannot be changed."

After throwing a piece of potato chips into her mouth, Su Enxi, who was sitting at the head of the bed, interrupted her unceremoniously.

"What did you do at that time, but you forgot about it? You clearly promised that you were definitely not the White King, and then you announced your return to the whole world. Your essence is indeed tsundere. With such a huge power, you still say that you are not..."

"I swear to God, I, Chang Wei, don't know any martial arts at all."

Raising her hands, Mu Qingzhi looked serious.

"The previous changes were not caused by the return of the White King, but by me summoning the God of the Red World. You have also seen Shana, and you should be able to understand what I want to express now..."

"No, no, you said the lines wrong, try again."

Waving her hand and raising a finger in front of her face, Su Enxi looked serious.

"Your line just now should be "No road race, no road race, no road race!" ! Anyway, I won’t admit that I am the White King! ! ", and then after saying this, you should glare at me in anger, then angrily run off the bed and hide in the bathroom, slam the door, and then stomp inside. After a few kicks, it will be enough for you.”

Mu Qingzhi: "..."


The commotion caused by the arrival of the God of the Red World in this world was far greater than Mu Qingzhi imagined... She originally expected that it would only affect Japan at most.

Although almost half a month has passed since that day, the storm has no intention of stopping, and the underlying undercurrent is getting bigger and bigger as time goes by.

… She bore the brunt of it personally.

If it weren't for Uesugi Koshi's attitude being strong enough, and if the super hybrids like Minamoto and Eri, who inherited the royal blood, were clearly on her side, she probably wouldn't be in the same position right now. Instead of waking up in a hospital, he would be in a research institute or a courtroom.

It is precisely because of her matter that in the past half month, Uesugoshi and others have been extremely busy... including Eriki.

This was also the specific reason why when she woke up, only Su Enxi had come over so far. It wasn't that Shutoku Mai, Eri Yi and the others didn't want to come over to see her, but they simply couldn't leave.

According to the information she learned from Su Enxi, the life of the Sheqiba family was not easy during the half month she was in coma.

Although the Snake Qihachi family is very powerful, and they are like a local emperor in Japan, they are still a bit unsatisfied in the face of the pressure from mixed-race factions in the world.

Although the secret party seems to be on the side of the Sheqiba family, the disputes within the secret party are also quite serious. Since several parties involved are protected on the Japanese side, the Sheqiba family is almost on its own side. A hybrid that fights against the entire world.

In just the past half month, the total losses of the Sheqiba family have exceeded tens of billions of dollars, and as time goes by, this loss is still rising rapidly at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye. Skyrocketing.

...The Uesugoshi family are very good at fighting?

In this era, being able to fight is not considered an advantage. If others don't give you any intention of fighting head-on, what can you do if they try to trick you behind your back? Cutting flesh with a soft knife is the most painful.

According to Su Enxi's estimate, at this rate, the Sheqiba Family will declare bankruptcy in no more than a week at most. By then, even if the Sheqiba Family still exists, it will already exist in name only.

"…So their request is to hand me over?"

Reaching out and pressing her forehead, Mu Qingzhi suddenly felt a headache.

"To be precise, they want to know the truth about everything from you."

Shaking her head, Su Enxi corrected the typo in her words.

"The vision of heaven and earth that spread all over the world that day frightened a group of hybrids. After the King of Bronze and Fire was killed, they began to fantasize about the arrival of a new world dominated by hybrids. In In their opinion, no matter the four kings or the black king, they are as vulnerable as snakes, insects, rats, and ants. They can't wait to carve up the rights of the entire world... Then the arrival of the white king gave them This blow shattered all their beautiful illusions about the future.”

"The truth? I do have the truth about the matter here, but no one has ever believed in something like the truth."

After taking a look at Su Enxi in front of her, Mu Qingzhi sighed helplessly.

"Announce something for me. In three days, I will hold a press conference on the entire Internet. At that press conference, I will announce to the world all the truth they want to know."

It's better to gamble than to be careful. The current situation of the Snake Qibachi family is already in critical condition. If she doesn't think of another way, Uesugoshi may become the last head of the Snake Qibachi family...

"The press conference will be broadcast live on the entire network... OK, I'll take care of it."

After a brief pause, Su Enxi nodded.

Although she didn't know what excuse the other party had thought of, seeing how confident the other party was, she chose to believe the other party... Although she began to regret it less than five minutes after the live broadcast started three days later.

"Okay, then you can rest here. This is a residence specially prepared for you by our parents. No one knows you are here."

Standing up from the chair, raising his arms, Su Enxi stretched.

"Speaking of which, how are you feeling now? You have been in a coma for more than half a month this time and relied on glucose injections to survive. Do you feel any discomfort in your body now?"

"The discomfort... I guess it's that my body feels a little sore from lying down for a long time."

Shaking the sleeves of her hospital gown, Mu Qingzhi let the collar of the hospital gown slide down to her shoulders, exposing the large white muscles of her neck.

"Also, I feel a little..."

"Taking a shower? You basically take a shower every three days, so you don't have to worry about that."

Su Enxi waved her hand.

"During the more than half a month when you were in coma, Ling was by your side to take care of you every day. She washed and changed the clothes you changed with her own hands. She is so considerate."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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