Because of Caesar's status and background, although this is a disguised form of house arrest, their ward environment is still quite good.

Their ward is located on the top floor, and the room is a luxurious VIP room. At the same time, because of their special and sensitive status, the patients on this floor have been cleared out in advance, so it is quite quiet.

In the past, there were many people guarding the ward and in front of the door with guns, but now, although the surveillance is still there, there are only a few people left to guard it.

At this point in time, the busiest place should be Genji Heavy Industries.

"I went, and the Beowulf family came too!?"

While eating his apple and looking at the content on his phone, Caesar couldn't help but widen his eyes.

——After hanging out with Lu Mingfei for so long, he has learned some very distinctive localized mantras quite quickly.


Turning his head, Lu Mingfei looked at the other party with some confusion.

"The extremely iron-blooded and long-established dragon-slaying family is one of the members of the Secret Party's school board of directors. However, they have not attended a school board meeting for many years. I didn't expect that it would be them who came to Japan on behalf of the Secret Party this time."

Taking a bite of the apple in his hand, Caesar frowned.

"People in this family are quite difficult to deal with. I heard that Beowulf of this generation is over 130 years old. He is a contemporary of the principal and is also called the Dragon Blood Eater. I originally thought that the people who came here would It was the principal, but I didn’t expect it to be them… No wonder we were treated so harshly.”

"What, are they scary?"

After grabbing an apple and taking a bite, Lu Mingfei asked casually.

"It's not a question of whether it's scary or not. The name Beowulf, like the name of the principal, is a living legend in history."

Putting down the phone in his hand, Caesar looked at the other party.

"I have learned about the story of this family. This generation of Beowulf is an extremely iron-blooded dragon slayer. He is not only the heir of the dragon-blood-thirsty family, but also the last captain of the secret party "Action Team". It is precisely because of his They scoffed at Cassel College’s “gentle” approach, which is why they refused to attend school board meetings for so many years.”


"So don't expect the academy to support us. People from that family are famous for being unkind."

Throwing the finished apple core into the trash can, Caesar shrugged slightly.

"In fact, you can already see their behavior from the fact that they took away our weapons and kept us under house arrest here for so many days. To be honest, I think they tortured us to extract confessions. It’s not impossible to happen…”

"Just adapt to circumstances."

Interrupting Caesar's words, Chu Zihang spoke calmly.

"In Kassel College, after all...what happened?"

Looking at Caesar who suddenly sat up suddenly, Chu Zihang couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Something's coming...I just heard it."

Taking a deep breath, Caesar quickly took out a Desert Eagle from under the pillow. Caesar quickly got out of bed and pressed himself against the door of the ward.

"Get ready for battle. What comes this time is not something that can be easily dismissed..."

——A violent roar interrupted his words.

In the eyes of the three people who suddenly shrank, large pieces of blood suddenly exploded on the white wall outside the ward. A body that had turned into a torn bag was hit hard against the wall. At the same time, a strong smell of blood came out. In an instant, they rushed into the room through the crack in the door.

The next moment, they saw a white light coming from the corridor.

The light was warm, solemn and grand. The next moment he saw that beam of light, Caesar unconsciously took a step forward. His emotions were replaced by some kind of piety, just like a pilgrim stepping towards the church. .

...Caesar suddenly slapped himself hard.

The severe pain from his face made his consciousness clear for a moment. As his body retreated backwards, Caesar fired all the bullets in the Desert Eagle towards the front door without hesitation.

His word spirit is Kamaitachi, and hearing has always been his strong point, even far more comprehensive than his eyesight, so no one knows the movements in the corridor better than him.

The modified Desert Eagle easily tore through the door, but when the bullet roared and tried to go further, it strangely stopped in mid-air.

When the smoke dissipated a moment later, a figure that surprised all of them appeared in front of them.

In the white light that came in front of them, stood a horse as tall as a mountain. It was covered with heavy armor with interlaced metal patterns. Its white fur was flowing with a spar-like glow, and its eight majestic legs were like wheels. The crane is used to stabilize the frame of the car body. Due to the arrival of this eight-legged horse, the floor of the corridor outside is already riddled with holes and a mess.

On the horseback, a dark figure sat there quietly. The other person was wearing heavy dark golden armor, with a dark blue wind cloak behind him. He was holding a curved spear in his hand. The arc of the gun body looked like The meteor streaked across the sky, and on the opponent's iron-faced face, the only golden pupil illuminated the surroundings like a giant lamp.

——In Norse mythology, Odin, the main god of the Asi clan.

The bullets he fired at the opponent before were all floating strangely in front of the opponent, and no movement was seen from the opponent. The bullets fell like rain.

Caesar saw the opponent under the Abyss half a month ago. At that time, a total of three Odins appeared in this form. But now, the opponent has crossed the 8,000-meter Abyss and appears again. in front of them. a monster from a nightmare crawling out of reality.

Without even having to listen carefully, Caesar could clearly tell that the medical staff on this floor and those responsible for monitoring them had all been killed at this moment.

Facing monsters of this level, let alone ordinary people, even S-level hybrids may not be qualified to stand in front of them.

——In front of God, all human beings are like ants.

"How about it, can you still fight?"

Dictado clenched his hands, and Caesar, who retreated to the window with Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and the others, spoke in a low voice.

Perhaps with a cat-and-mouse mentality, after appearing in front of them, the other party did not rush to attack them. Instead, they looked at them condescendingly in a condescending manner, not knowing what they were thinking in their hearts. What are you wearing?


Turning to look at the other party, Chu Zihang did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Among the three, he was the most seriously injured. He is still covered in thick bandages, but in terms of actual combat power, he is the strongest among the three here.

A few seconds later, accompanied by a burst of flames, a violent roar resounded throughout the night.

Five minutes later, the first batch of support rushed to the scene, but what appeared in front of them was a mess.

——On this night, Chu Zihang and three others were confirmed missing.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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