The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 419 Mu Qingzhi’s live broadcast

As a suite in such a large nightclub, the soundproofing effect is natural. Although the dance floor is lively outside, the interior is quite clean.

"Transaction...are you sure any transaction is okay?"

Recalling the terrifying strength that Odin had shown before, his heart moved slightly, and Lu Mingfei asked.

"If I want to be as powerful as Odin, can you do it too?"

"Odin? In front of a truly strong man, his little tricks are totally unacceptable."

After shaking his head, Lu Mingze's tone became inexplicably cold.

"From ancient times to the present, there has never been a king who rose to power by relying on intrigues. He may be able to achieve temporary results, but in the end he is nothing more than a moon in the water and a flower in the mirror, a mere clown."

——This time, he was really a little annoyed.

He was captured by humans and then sealed by Kungunir. He accepted that he was a winner or a loser. After all, he was defeated on a frontal battlefield, so he would not feel sorry for himself all day long. He still had this kind of tolerance. of.

It is precisely because of this that although he is a little displeased with Odin who secretly planned all this, he is not too disgusted with it. After all, strategy is also a part of strength.

...But this time, the other party touched his reverse scale.

His body is located in the safe haven. Not only is his body restrained by a large alchemical matrix and countless mercury vapors, Kungunir has also nailed his heart. Under this heavy suppression, his strength has even been reduced to a thousandth. None of it can be used.

In other words, as long as he does some tricks on his body, he has no time to care about other places. This was the situation he encountered more than half a month ago.

After finally regaining his freedom and learning the whole story from Su Enxi, even he couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

If it weren't for Zhi Zhi's backup plan, it is estimated that after he came out this time, the other party would have been gone. After things were controlled out of his "script", everything began to become uncontrollable.

Everything Zhi does, in his opinion, is like walking a tightrope, full of uncertainty and a complete risk-taking.

...Although the opponent has won every time so far, what if something unexpected happens one time?

Everything, or nothing, is just a thin line.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingze sighed secretly in his heart, jumped down from the window sill, then raised his head and looked at Lu Mingfei in front of him seriously.

"Brother, let's negotiate a deal."


The top floor of Genji Heavy Industries, Xingshen Temple.

For this live broadcast, which can almost determine the life and death of the family, the Snake Qihachi family responded with the most solemn gesture. Except for the head of the Uesugi family, Uesugi Yuki, who has not recovered from his serious injury and is absent, all the others are present.

Everyone has the elder Uesugi Yue, the young Minamoto family Minamoto is young, the acting head of the Uesugi family Eri Uesugi, the head of the Inuyama family Inuyama Ga, the head of the Fuma family Fuma Kotaro... none of the high-ranking people are missing.

At this time, the people sitting opposite them were all big figures in the mixed-race world, and each of their names was a legend in history.

The person facing Uesugoshi was none other than the legendary dragon-bloodthirsty Beowulf. He was over 130 years old and was a contemporary of Angers. Even Uesugoshi was still a young man in front of him.

The other person was not as tall and strong or as red-skinned as the myth said, but was unexpectedly pale. Sitting in front of Uesugoshi, he looked like a thick limestone tombstone.

Under the illumination of the overhead lights, the opponent's old hands reflected faint light. If you look carefully, you can find that the surface of the opponent's skin is covered with fine white scales.

For thousands of years, the Beowulf family has been the most determined, brave and cruel dragon slayers. They adhere to the ancient family motto and feed him a drop of dragon blood crystal every time they give birth to a boy, which is highly poisonous. substance, but only those babies that have passed the highly toxic test and successfully survived will be considered useful by the family.

It is precisely because of this that the dragon blood of the Beowulf family is so pure that the descendants have already appeared as dragons. However, even so, the family rarely has out-of-control deadpools, and even in a few cases, they are eliminated by the family themselves. Well, the surname Beowulf represents a hero who will never betray humanity.

"The live broadcast is about to start, but the real owner doesn't seem to have arrived yet."

Looking up at Uesugi in front of him, Beowulf spoke calmly.

He didn't do anything, but just sitting there, there was an invisible majesty radiating around him. When the other party raised his head and looked at them, for a moment, Minamoto Chisheng, who was sitting next to Uesugi Yue, actually had a look. There is an illusion of being overwhelmed by the momentum of the other party.

He was actually fine. The beautiful young woman Nanami Sakurai, the head of the Sakurai family, was a little out of breath.

...until Uesugoshi spoke.

His words were like a breeze, forcibly calming down the invisible mental pressure that filled the air.

"My little girl was seriously injured. She cannot recover as before in such a short period of time, so she can only miss this meeting."

Shaking his head, Uesugoshi met Beowulf's eyes.

"I don't think you would do anything like letting your little daughter drag her sick body to forcefully participate in this meeting, right?"

"so what?"

Looking at Uesugi in front of him, Beowulf's tone did not fluctuate at all, and his expression did not even fluctuate at all.

"If that's the case, then what she said about the live Q\u0026A three days later was actually just a joke?"

"Of course not. Although my daughter cannot come forward due to health reasons, she is willing to participate in this live broadcast online with her illness."

Shaking his head, Uesugoshi turned his head and looked aside. As he pressed the remote control in his hand, a projection screen instantly lit up in front of everyone.

Above the curtain, a girl lying on a hospital bed with bandages all over her body weakly raised her hand and waved towards them as a greeting.

The girl's face was horribly pale, with almost no trace of blood visible on her face. Anyone could tell at a glance how bad the other person's condition was at the moment.

But even so, the other party still trembled and tried hard to sit up from the hospital bed. With just a small movement of sitting up, the other party gasped violently in his mouth, and his throat was like a broken bellows. The wind is leaking out, which makes people's hair stand on end.

"Morning, good morning..."

Facing the camera, the girl tried her best to show them a strong and sad smile.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Beowulf: "..."

Everyone: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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