Chapter 431 My stupid Ou Doudou~

On the rooftop, Mu Qingzhi didn't wait too long.

About two or three minutes after Constantine came, Old Tang returned to the rooftop with the key.

But unlike before, Old Tang who came back again was completely different. He not only took a shower and changed clothes in less than ten minutes, but also shaved his beard.

Not only that, the key was also reborn in his hand. He also took a shower and changed into a brand new diaper... God knows why there are diapers in the other party's place.

When he saw his brother, Constantine became well-behaved in an instant, and Old Tang was also good at holding his temper. Facing his brother's goodwill, he just nodded lightly, and then stood aside with the key, motionless and silent, pretending to be a master. With one hand behind his back, his chin was slightly tilted upward at a 45-degree angle, and his behavior was full of calmness.

Facing his brother who was exactly like his imagination, Constantine, who was standing behind him, also raised his head proudly.

Mu Qingzhi/Xia Mi: “………”

Facing Lao Tang’s inexplicably resolute eyes, after a brief silence, Mu Qingzhi took the [key] from Lao Tang’s hand.

“It’s inconvenient for you to show up, so leave the next thing to me. You just need to be responsible for the raid in secret.”

Facing her words, Lao Tang did not reply, but just nodded lightly.

——At this moment, Mu Qingzhi only felt a suffocating breath of the king coming towards him.


Looking at Constantine, who was looking at him with admiration behind Lao Tang, Mu Qingzhi decided to let him go for the time being.

“As for Chu Zihang and the others, I’ll leave it to you.”

Turning around, Mu Qingzhi looked at Xia Mi next to him.

"After the [key] opens the entrance to the Nibelungen, I will hold those people back for ten minutes. During this time, you will be responsible for sending the three of them to the Nibelungen and try to get some key information before others arrive."

"Well... no problem."

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Mi nodded very straightforwardly.


...This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Since Odin personally sent the post, the trend of the incident began to develop in a strange direction.

Beowulf and his friends were very cautious. As soon as they learned the news, they personally went to investigate the authenticity of the intelligence. However, before they could confirm the authenticity of the intelligence information, two sudden news that night caught them off guard.

One piece of news came from the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo. While these top hybrids were leaving the hotel, the puppets controlled by Odin attacked the hotel and almost completely destroyed the top floor of the hotel.

The second news came from a suburb of Tokyo. A dozen minutes ago, a shocking battle suddenly broke out there. Although the battle lasted less than five minutes, according to the on-site survey personnel, the scene there was like a tornado passing through. Not only was the scene in a mess, but even the terrain had undergone some permanent changes.

Regarding the follow-up to the first news, the hotel suffered heavy losses, the Chen family was wiped out, and [Key] was suspected to have died in the melee. After a trembling report from a miserable overtime worker, the other party saw two light and shadow figures chasing and fighting all the way over the city, suspected to be heading towards the ocean.

As for the follow-up to the second news... No one claimed responsibility for it, and everything that happened on that battlefield was a mystery.

Things happened too quickly, and for a while, the mixed-blood group headed by Beowulf was quite confused. Obviously, what happened was related to their side, but they felt as if they had become an outsider.

"...Information is out. According to Mai Jude, the battle in the suburbs originated from Eri and Odin."

Putting down the phone, Uesugi Yue had a blank expression on his face.

"Ten minutes ago, the puppet sent by Odin attacked Eri. Although Eri successfully repelled the opponent, she was also seriously injured and has been sent to the hospital for treatment."


As soon as Uesugi Yue finished speaking, Yuan Zhisheng was stunned.

Before this, he had imagined that the battle might be related to his sister who had been missing for the past few days, but why didn't he expect it to be related to Eri.

...Did Odin attack Eri specifically?

"Sit down. As the young master of the Yuan family, you must learn to stay calm at all times."

Looking at Yuan Zhisheng, Uesugi Yue's tone was quite cold.


After a short silence, Yuan Zhisheng sat down at the table again.

They are now at the intersection of an old street, where a tent has been set up as a temporary meeting hall.

According to the coordinates revealed in Odin's post, the entrance to the Nibelungen in the Night Food Plain is on this old street. Currently, this place and several nearby streets have been under full martial law by the Snake Eight Families.

——Others may be unfamiliar with this old street, but for Uesugi Yue, he has sold ramen here for decades.

"What should we do next? [Key] has been killed, and we have lost the means to enter that Nibelungen."

Taping the table with his fingers, Beowulf was the first to speak and break the silence at the conference table.

"Also, it has come to this point, isn't she going to come out?"

"Don't worry about things like this, Your Excellency."

Looking up at Beowulf in front of him, Uesugi Yue spoke coldly.

Because of the attack on Eri, he was already in a bad mood, and now the annoying guy in front of him intervened at an inopportune time. He really had the urge to draw his sword and fight with the other party.

Just when the situation on the field was about to become out of control, Yuan Zhisheng's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the incoming call notification on the mobile phone, Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately answered the call. While answering the call, he also turned on the hands-free... At this time, he didn't know that in just a few seconds, he would hate his hands so much.

Soon, as the call was connected, a voice that sounded slightly distorted but full of vitality came from the other side of the phone.

"My stupid Oudoudou, good morning∽By the way, is the old man next to you now? I have something to do with him, help me answer the phone~"

Yuan Zhisheng: "………"

…Facing the strange looks from the people around him, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly wanted to dig a hole at his feet.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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