"Boss Zhang! Boss Zhang!"

"Where are you? We are here to find you."

At this time, Yu Jiuzheng and the other two were no longer as cautious as before when walking. Instead, they were searching while whispering the names of Zhang Weixiao and others.

Well, even if you don't have to be careful, you can't make it public.

However, although the movements made by Yu Jiuzheng and the two of them were not too small, they shouted for a long time, but there was no response at all.

"This is wrong. If we shout so loudly, even if they are not on this floor, they should have heard it. Why is there no movement at all?"

An Yanran pulled Yu Jiuzheng and said with a slight frown.

"Is this possible?"

Yu Jiuzheng stopped, with an ugly look on his face, and said hesitantly.


An Yanran also had a look of embarrassment on her face. Under such circumstances, the two of them had to think of the worst.

She didn't have any good ideas for this, so she could only suggest to Yu Jiuzheng after a brief meditation.

"Don't you have his phone number? Why don't you give him a call?"


"Oh! I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of calling?"

Yu Jiuzheng slapped his forehead and said regretfully.

After all, this is different from Buzhou Mountain, a small world that is semi-isolated from the outside world. Just like the East China Sea Small World, this is a similar small world, although the rules are relatively active.

But it is not isolated from the outside world. Whether it is the air circulation or electronic signals between each other, they can actually communicate with each other.

Afterwards, Yu Jiuzheng hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found Zhang Weixiao's number, and dialed it quickly.



Not long after the phone rang, someone answered the call, and a muffled voice came from inside.

Although the voice was deliberately lowered, it even contained the slightest trembling.

But Yu Jiuzheng also heard it right away. This was Zhang Weixiao's voice.

"Boss Zhang, we have arrived, where are you?"

"Here, there, there

We are in classroom 304 on the third floor of the laboratory building."


Yu Jiuzheng and An Yanran looked at each other, their expressions changed, they turned around suddenly and ran towards the way they came.


With a loud noise, Yu Jiuzheng kicked open the classroom door that was ajar.

This experimental classroom was none other than the one where the two of them met the red-clothed ghost before.

However, although they had entered this classroom, they even fought with the red-clothed ghost here.

However, Yu Jiuzheng and the others did not find anything strange here, let alone Boss Zhang and others.

He didn't pay any attention to the classroom door that was crumbling after he kicked it.

The first time after Yu Jiuzheng entered the classroom, he quickly glanced at the entire classroom.

There was nothing unusual in the classroom. The desks were neatly arranged, with some scattered experimental equipment placed on them.

Due to being closed off for a long time, the desk and the experimental equipment on it were covered with a thick layer of dust.

In addition, let alone Zhang Weixiao and others, there are not even cockroaches or mice.

"Huh~? What's going on?"

Yu Jiuzheng murmured in confusion, and then asked Zhang Weixiao who had not hung up the phone yet.

"Boss Zhang, are you sure you are on the third floor of the laboratory building, classroom 304?"

After listening to Yu Jiuzheng's inquiry, Zhang Weixiao immediately replied with certainty: "Of course.

When I came in, I took a look at the classroom door number. It was indeed Classroom 304!


She, she, she is here.”

Listening to the extremely depressing voice that was about to cry, Yu Jiuzheng couldn't help but frown and glanced at the classroom again, but still found nothing.

While Yu Jiuzheng was frowning in thought, An Yanran, who was beside him, was looking at the classroom with a thoughtful expression.

"A Cheng, do you feel strange?"

An Yanran showed a strange look, and gently touched Yu Jiuzheng on her side with her jade hand.


No, isn't it normal here? There’s nothing strange about it.”

Suddenly hearing An Yanran's inquiry, Yu Jiucheng couldn't help but be startled. Following An Yanran's gaze, he scanned around the classroom again, but still found nothing.

"Eh~? No!"

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly made a sound of surprise, quickly walked to the table in the front row, and wiped it gently with his hand.

Looking at the dust on his hands, he looked at the table and chairs in front of him with the same thoughtful expression. The vitality in his body began to slowly gather, causing his hands to glow with gleaming light.

The vitality bloomed, but it did not shake away the dust on his hands. Instead, when the two touched, they made a hissing sound.

And in a burst of blue smoke, it completely dissipated invisible.

"This is"

Looking at the clean palms, Yu Jiuzheng would be too stupid if he didn't understand what was going on.

With a bright light in his eyes, he glanced at the tables, chairs and benches in the classroom, revealing a sneer.

I didn't notice it at first, but now I think about it carefully, this is already an abandoned experimental building, so why are these tables, chairs, benches, and experimental equipment left behind?

As an abandoned and blocked laboratory building, any equipment that can be used will probably be removed.

Even if there are any remnants, they will only be some broken garbage.

Unlike now, although these tables, chairs, benches, and laboratory equipment are all covered with thick dust, as if they have been abandoned for a long time.

However, these tables, chairs, benches, and laboratory equipment are all intact, which is obviously a bit unreasonable.

Obviously, the classroom where Yu Jiucheng and the others are located should be just an illusion, or an alien space, not the real world.


Yu Jiucheng smiled coldly and turned to look at An Yanran beside him.


An Yanran nodded slightly, understood what Yu Jiucheng meant, and slowly walked forward a few steps to the center of the classroom.

"Hah! The sea is boundless!"

The next moment, An Yanran burst into a delicate cry.


Instantly, An Yanran's delicate body shook, and the surging energy in her body surged out, turning into a light blue ripple, which instantly spread out and enveloped the entire classroom, reflecting the entire classroom in a blue color, as if they were in the sea dragon.

As An Yanran's domain enveloped the classroom, the space of the entire classroom was slightly fluctuated for a moment, but returned to normal in an instant.

However, although the classroom did not return to normal, it also confirmed that the classroom they saw now was by no means a normal environment, but should be a different dimension from reality.

As for not breaking through the different dimension, neither An Yanran nor Yu Jiucheng was disappointed.

An Yanran's domain was originally a control-type skill, and it could only be said to be unsatisfactory for attacking.

It was normal that this different dimension space could not be broken.

It can even be said that being able to cause a slight fluctuation was already beyond the expectations of the two.

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