“Well, since you survived, then let’s go out, it is estimated that the navy will come over soon.”

After that, Han Lin didn’t look at everyone, so he raised his foot and walked outside.

Several other people looked at each other, also picked up their weapons and left quickly.

Although they disliked Han Lin’s soaring and domineering personality, they especially needed Han Lin’s high-end combat power now.

And don’t think that these people are so proud that compared with their own lives, everything is far worse, just as some people in the original book turned to Blackbeard in order to survive.


On the other hand, in the extremely cold hell, Magellan is constantly attacking the pirates around him, although there are many fugitives who have fallen around, but there are still many fugitives who are resisting.

These pirates may not be very strong enough to compare with Magellan, but their only advantage is that there are enough of them.

And each of them is very strong, at least there are many sword masters inside, they have left weapons with Han Lin, constantly releasing sword qi, and Magellan is deadlocked.

The reason why Magellan was able to suppress so many people in the Infinite Hell in the original work, and even almost wiped them out, is not because Magellan’s ability is highly toxic.

But the people of Infinite Hell had no weapons and did not dare to fight Magellan, so they were suppressed.

But many people now have weapons and can fight Magellan from a distance, which also makes Magellan unable to defeat everyone in a short time.

“Damn, where did these bastards get so many weapons, and when did the quality become so good, are the jailers already mixed so well?”

Magellan looked at the dozens of fugitives with swords in front of him, naively thinking that it was left by the jailer after his death and taken by these people.

One of the fugitives around looked at Magellan, and his face also showed an anxious expression.

It took them so long that they did not break through Magellan’s defenses, and if they continued like this, I am afraid that the navy would come, and they would definitely not be able to escape by then.

Thinking of this, a fugitive led by him, looked at Magellan, and said with a slight compromise on his face: “Magellan, why are you so desperate, immediately the pirates of infinite hell will come out, then you will be finished, why not let us go, you will leave those monsters.” ”

“Yes, we are not famous sea thieves, escaped, and there is not much harm to the world, those monsters are different.”

The fugitives around him constantly persuaded Magellan, and even the pirates of Infinite Hell betrayed.

“Shut up.” Magellan scanned the surroundings and scolded angrily: “You scum of the sea, if you put it in the world, it will definitely harm the world, and today I will block the reputation of my underwater prison, and I will leave you all behind.” ”

However, although Magellan was hard-mouthed, he was very anxious in his heart, although he knew that it would take a certain amount of time for the naval headquarters to get here.

But he was anxious and did not feel the passage of time at all, as if there was still a long time before the arrival of the navy.

“Hmph, in that case, don’t keep a hand, if you don’t work hard, all of us won’t be able to go out today.”

The fugitive led by him snorted coldly, the long sword in his hand used more force, and a more powerful sword qi flew out and rushed towards Magellan.

Seeing this, the other pirates also gritted their teeth, and the speed of waving in their hands became even faster.

Originally, they planned to leave some strength, maybe they would be able to use it in the future, but at this point, if they did not defeat Magellan, they would not be able to leave the Advance City, so it was useless to keep their strength.

The thought of the future will be locked up forever, and it is even possible to give them less food because they cannot escape for the future.

As if they had inexhaustible strength, they wielded their swords vigorously in an attempt to bring down Magellan.

“Poisonous dragon.”

Magellan roared, waved his hands hard, and endless purple-black venom quickly condensed, forming three poisonous dragons in front of him.

Then the poisonous dragon quickly rushed towards the fugitive, dripping a drop of venom from time to time, and the venom just dripped on the ground, constantly corroding the ground, leaving a small hole in the ground after a while.

The surrounding fugitives looked at the corroded pitted ground, their faces changed suddenly, and they quickly retreated towards the back, and the weapons in their hands were constantly brandished, and one after another sword qi slashed towards the three poisonous dragons.

Unfortunately, although their sword skills are okay, their power is still too poor, and many of the sword qi has not split Magellan’s poisonous dragon.


Some of the weaker fugitives did not have time to dodge, and were directly hit by the poisonous dragon, and were poisoned in an instant, and the rest were also touched by the poisonous dragon, and the body was constantly corroded, and from time to time it made a harsh scream.

The living pirates looked at the dead with a gloomy face, and they were also very jealous in their hearts, and they didn’t know for a while whether they should continue to rush over.

“Poisonous pufferfish.”

Magellan looked at the frightened people, did not stop, and constantly spit out poisonous balls from his mouth one by one, rushing towards everyone.

For a time, the passage of the advancing city was covered with dense purple-red poisonous balls, like rain, making people unable to avoid it when they looked at it.

However, although the strength of the fugitives was not as good as Magellan, many people wielded swords, and the sword qi they danced broke the poisonous ball, and the poisonous ball fell to the ground and corroded.

But even if many poison balls are knocked down, there are still some people who are not touched by poison balls, and they are instantly poisoned, and the whole person’s body becomes weak.

Although he did not fall, he did not have the slightest ability to fight.

“The power of poison balls is not good.”

Magellan looked at everyone and frowned, his poison ball is powerful, but there is no way to completely solve the enemy, there are still some people who can split the poison ball with sword qi.

“Snap ~ pop ~ pop ~ pop ~ pop…”

Just when several people were deadlocked, a crisp applause suddenly came.

When everyone was curious, a proud man’s voice came again: “It is worthy of being the director of the Advance City, one person presses so many fugitives, although the strength of these fugitives is very good, but it is undeniable that you are strong.” ”

As soon as the words fell, a man wearing golden armor and carrying a crisp metal collision sound slowly walked over.

PS New book for tips! Ask for flowers! Collect it! Ask for a ten evaluation!

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