Keeshan aimed at the enemy directly in front and pulled the trigger.

"Let these **** monsters taste our power!"

The next moment, the muzzle of the machine gun ejected deadly sparks. Under the baptism of the bullet storm, groups of undead fell like wheat swept by a sickle, and the roar of the machine gun echoed in the sparse woodland. Wherever the bullet passed, flesh and blood flew across, and the shattered undead grabbed the ground with his remaining arms and crawled forward, and then was stepped into the mud by iron boots. The monsters attracted by the gunfire rushed towards the steam tank, but most of them were pierced with spears by the surrounding soldiers. A few flexible ghouls rushed to the tank, trying to climb up to attack Keeshan above, but then they were hit by the lever that popped out in front of the tank, turning into a pile of broken flesh and flying out.

The firefight outside quickly attracted the attention of the night watchman.

The night watchman Daotz shot down an undead who had climbed onto the wall, and the other undead reached out and grabbed his barrel. Dawtz drew his dagger and cut off the festering arm that was full of pustules. The sound of machine gun fire in the woodland is endless. Dotz turned his head, Altea and the other night watchmen stood by the wall, using swords and muskets to deal with the approaching undead monsters.

"Commander!" Dautz called. "There are reinforcements to the north! Someone is fighting the undead!"

"What?!" Altea's hand was injured, and she could only fight with a one-handed musket. She fired a shot and looked at Dautz suspiciously. "What are you talking about?!"

Gunshots and slashing sounds one after another, and the harsh roar of the undead filled everyone's eardrums.

"North! Reinforcements! Reinforcements are coming!"

Altea looked at the woodland in the north. This time, she saw a huge steam tank, smashing a **** path among hundreds of undead groups, and white smoke from the chimney behind her. These unconscious monsters have no resistance in front of the dwarves' steam machinery. As the daughter of the duke, she knew what it was. One of the outstanding engineering crystallizations produced by the dwarves and gnomes, they are scarce in number, and most of them are stored in the war halls of Ironforge. Only at critical moments will they be put on the battlefield. There is basically no such war machine in the human kingdom, except for one place.

"It's the reinforcements of Lakeside Town!"

Altea shouted to the other night watchmen. "The guards of Lakeside Town are here to help us! Hold your ground!"

She had heard that a veteran who had survived two wars that year drove a siege tank and swept thousands of Blackrock Orcs in the northeast of Hupan Town with a modified burst musket.

The news was like a potion of excitement, sweeping away the tiredness that was pressing on the night watchman's head. Suddenly, screams came from the wall to the southeast. A large number of undead broke through the roadblocks and smashed the benches, wooden cabinets, sandbags and wheels piled up at the entrance of the town. Several night watchmen in front had just chopped down the monster that rushed up, and then they were overwhelmed by more undead. The soldiers holding muskets retreated. There were screams of horror from the town square, and some townspeople panicked and fled to the other side of the town, trying to stay away from the breach that was rushed away. Some brave people ran to the blacksmith's shop by the square, trying to find anything in it to protect themselves.

The night watchmen had no time to take care of the chaos in the square. They used guns and swords to fight the influx of enemies. Every undead fell, and then more undead came up again, like a flood that burst a bank. The night watchman retreats in front of a huge number of monsters, and the black torrent instantly fills the alleys of the residential area.

"Dawtz, come with me with five teams!"

A night watchman team has four soldiers, but Altea also doesn't know whether the twenty soldiers can withstand the incoming undead. Maybe they can resist for a while and let other wounded and townsfolk build a new line of defense around the square. Reinforcements will arrive soon, and they will never fall on the eve of victory. She didn't know where Sarah went, and Sarah hadn't appeared since she woke up. Altea could only pray silently to the Holy Light, that her warrior, who was both an adjutant and a good sister, was safe.

On the second floor of the Blood Raven Hotel, Sarah woke up in horror to find that her hands and legs were tied with ropes and tied to the pillars at the end of the bed. Blood and corpses were everywhere in the messy guest room. A gleam of moonlight shined through the window, shining on the magic sword Archius that was inserted on the floor.


Sarah raised her head a little strangely. The Twilight Forest had never seen any light, whether it was the sun or the moon.

Not only her, many people have noticed the pale moonlight that appeared behind the breach of the undead. The next moment, someone covered his mouth and screamed at the breakthrough.

"Beast, beast! It's an elf!"

Brown bears, leopards and owl beasts appeared behind the undead. Any undead touched by the moonlight that appeared out of thin air burned with white flames, and was quickly enveloped in flames, falling down while staggering, turning into a pile of ashes. The brown bear that rushed in the front waved its paws and slammed into the group of undead with its huge body. It rammed inside. The rickety and stiff monster flew out like leaves swept by the wind, and was knocked to pieces. The leopard's claws easily shredded the decayed body, turning the undead that was hit into a dead body without any movement. Several little treants were mixed among the druids, and the attacks of the undead left only shallow traces on them. The undead at the breach was quickly scattered by the druid, and Altea raised the sword.

"It's a Druid! Come with me and drive out these monsters completely!"

Chapter 2027: Letter from Dalaran

Losing the command of the necromancer, the remaining undead quickly collapsed under the attack of the druids and the soldiers of Lakeside Town.

There are still many undead monsters wandering in the forest, but after no order, they just stand in place, or pace back and forth in a small area. They will re-attack only when someone approaches a certain area. . But this is no longer a threat to the night town. Once there were such monsters everywhere in the twilight forest. It took the night watchers several years to clear out many monsters. This kind of scene can't trouble them, let alone, this time there will no longer be only the night watchman holding the twilight forest.

"How is her situation?"

There are two opposite benches in the carriage. Zelin is sitting in the middle of the bench on the left, Tobias is on the left, and the blood elf is on the right. At the same time, she finally realizes that she has never introduced herself-Jami Li, there is no last name. On the opposite bench, Olegar curled her legs and lay on it sideways, resting her forehead on Hisalie's thigh. Revere is checking the health of the draenei.

Only he knows how to treat here. Although the druid also has healing spells, it is a pity that Xisari hasn't learned it yet.

"I'm surprised that she is still alive. If it's a human, maybe it's already dead." Revere put down Orega's arm and sighed softly. "The draenei did receive the blessing of the Holy Light, but it does not mean that she is out of danger. She has lost too much blood and has a high fever. After returning to Nightlight, she must be sent back to Stormwind as soon as possible. I want to be in Nightlight. There may be no cure for her in the town."

"My fellow Druids are in Nightlight Town." Xisari gently stroked Oleg's forehead. "They carry the well water from the Moon Well. Elune blesses the well water. The well water will definitely have some effect. Oh, the moon **** is on top. I knew from the beginning that sooner or later she would die on her own impulse. She How can you think that you can fight two black knights at the same time? Isn't this dying? How stupid."

Zelin did not speak.

If Oleja didn't stay behind, maybe no one would be able to escape. If no one can escape the chapel, I'm afraid Tobias and you won't know the news of the black knight in advance, and then...who knows what the consequences will lead to.

Looking at Oregaard's bloodless cheeks, the demon hunter's arms were on his knees, and his hands were supporting his forehead. At that time, only Olejand, who was good at fighting, could hold the Black Knight for a while and fight for a chance to escape. How many people can make the decision to sacrifice themselves and protect others in an instant? Zelin would not call such behavior stupid, never. He doesn't want anyone in this world to have to make this choice and sacrifice his own life to save others, but for this kind of behavior, he only has respect.

Only the sound of rumbling wheels was left outside the window.

The ground outside Yese Town was covered with broken bodies. When the carriage appeared, many townspeople were busy cleaning the corpses. Whether it was the stench or the possible outbreak of the plague, they had to drag their tired bodies to clean the corpses outside the town. Hearing the sound of horseshoes, people subconsciously raised their heads, glanced at the carriage, and then lowered their heads to do their work again. Zelin looked through the window to the outside scenery, and silently estimated it in his heart. In this battle, thousands of undead may attack the town.

The carriage drove past the door, and most of the townspeople who had gathered in the square were gone. They are either helping to clear the battlefield or returning home. They were replaced by more heavily armed soldiers, as well as a few night elves dressed in animal skins and clothes woven from maple leaves. The night watchmen who had experienced a bitter battle gathered in front of the Blood Raven Inn. The lobby of the hotel was temporarily transformed into a place for the wounded, and many soldiers were injured. In the cheerful tavern not long ago, there is now a **** smell, and the groans of the wounded one after another.

Noting that the carriage drove into the night town, Altea, who was talking with a few night watchmen, gave them a few words and walked over. The carriage stopped in front of the hotel. Revere and Hisalie, left and right, helped Olega out of the carriage, Zelin followed, and then Amelie. Tobias straightened his collar, and the dog followed his owner's feet.

"You must have won," Altea said. Her gaze swept across the few people present, and stayed on Olejia for a few more seconds. "How is the situation?"

"Excuse me, Mayor, my friend needs help."

After Xisali apologized to Altea, she beckoned to Revere, and they assisted the unconscious Orega to the druids by the square.

"I won't be able to conclude until Oregaard recovers, whether it is considered a success." Zelin sighed heavily. "How is the situation in Yese Town? I hope the loss is not too serious."

"Holy Light, we have some losses, but compared to the size of the enemy, it is nothing at all."

The night watchman lost 37 soldiers in this battle, and 15 townspeople died in the chaos after the undead broke through the wall.

"Thanks to you, if there are no reinforcements to arrive in, if you don't have your plot to destroy the necromancer, I can't imagine what Nightlight Town will look like now." Altea sighed heavily, without a trace of her face. The joy of winning. Because the night watchmen patrolling outside were transferred back, they didn't know about the enemy's attack until the undead appeared near the wall, so that they didn't have much time to prepare. They should have armed the townspeople, distributed muskets and bows, called in more militias, set up traps and harder roadblocks. "You are the savior of Yese Town."

"This is nothing." Zelin said sincerely. This is really nothing to him, but to find a wizard who infiltrated the town and save a friend from its claws. Even in the world of demon hunters, it is not uncommon for cultists to infiltrate the town council. Even among the nobles, there are many cult followers, but no one knows how many such people are.

Altea was a little ashamed, her cheeks were stained with a blush.

"I thought about it, and I should give you a reward."

"Seventy-five gold coins?" Zelin thought of the reward given by Anduin before. The reward given by the local sheriff should not exceed the royal family's share.

"...If you want, the town council can of course come up with seventy-five gold coins as a reward, but I think your contribution should not be counted only as the reward of ordinary adventurers." The hair hits the ears. "You must be very tired? The reward can be discussed after you rest. I know you are going to Dalaran, but I may have to trouble you one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

"A commission." Altea's eyebrows were stained with worry. "Since the start of the battle, I have not found Sarah. I am very worried about her. I don’t worry about giving this to other adventurers. Therefore, I can only come to seek your help. Help me find Sarah. No matter where she is... no matter where she is."

Zelin struggled, Altea thought he didn't want to accept it. "The remuneration is easy to say, I am willing to pay any price. She is a good friend of mine, and after so many years, I can't be indifferent to her disappearance."

"No, it's just... Altea, haven't you been to the second floor of the tavern?"

"No." Altea shook her head. "Considering that necromancers used to cast evil magic on the second floor of the tavern, as well as the remaining fel energy, I ordered the night watchman to set up a blockade at the entrance of the stairs, and no one was allowed to approach it until Stormwind City sent professional wizards and sorcerers to arrive. , It’s up to them to deal with it. I will lift the blockade only after the experts have determined that there is no harm."

Altea's decision is very correct based on the current situation. No one knows whether the remaining ceremonial site is still harmful or if it will cause more trouble. Therefore, it is the best decision to seal up and wait for the experts who can be resolved to arrive.

Zelin sighed. "Well, then you come with me."

In the end, Sarah, whose hands were tied to numbness, was finally rescued. Altea thought that Sarah was kidnapped by a necromancer and was going to tie it here as a sacrifice, but after the demon hunter destroyed the ceremonial venue, in order to rush to rescue her as soon as possible, he did not untie Sarah's rope. Sarah seemed to believe this statement too. Seeing two good friends who were embracing and crying, Zelin sighed, letting the prepared explanation rot in his stomach.

That night, a letter from Dalaran was delivered to Zelin.

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