"You are a businessman, and you don't hesitate to pay the commission." The orc said, the pair of fangs at the corner of his mouth were particularly eye-catching. "And I also want to go to Dalaran. The gadgets sold by humans in this land are too expensive. I need money to maintain weapons and armor. If the weapons are rusted and the armor is dusted, I don't deserve to call myself a warrior."

The orc spoke very simply, and Zelin immediately understood his thoughts.

He needs money, travel expenses, and food expenses, but if he is a caravan guard, these troubles can be easily solved, and maybe he can make a lot of money. The orcs in Kalimdor didn’t have that much money in their hands. He had just arrived in Lordaeron by boat. As a result, the humans here were superimposed on the old and new hatred, and the merchant’s hotel increased the cost to him in all aspects. Some, when the client pays the commission, it often deducts part of it for various reasons. So he went to Zelin, a human who pays easily, and he recommended himself.

"Although I have a good impression of you, it's a pity that I don't have so many extra coins in my hand that can make me waste unnecessary things." Zelin said, and before the orcs were disappointed, his talk changed. "However, since you are on the same road, I don't mind if you go to Dalaran in my carriage. If you want, you can meet me at the entrance to the east of Yese Town in two hours."

"I have to buy something to eat."

"Well, I can provide food." Zelin calculated in his mind the situation of the upwind path he had inquired about in the night town, and then waved his hand. He understands the meaning of the other party, free guards, but need to provide food. Since they are on the same route, when encountering an enemy, it is difficult not to be involved in the battle. The orc in front of him looks very strong and honest, but not stupid at all. "We will leave on time. If you are late, I won't wait for you."

He was going to visit McDowell before leaving. The latter's injury finally recovered slightly under the care of the druid, and he could get up and walk.

For some reason, it seems that every place he goes, at least one person is injured and hospitalized. In Stormwind, it was Joseph, and in the town of Nightfall it was Olegar and McDowell.

Suddenly, he didn't want the orc warrior to walk with him.

At Stormwind Hospital, Joseph, who had just removed the sutures on his back, sneezed again. An acquaintance was lying on the opposite hospital bed.

"Hey, pay attention."

Hesally frowned when she was almost sprayed with saliva.

"Sorry, sorry. I have caught a cold recently." Joseph rubbed the soft tip of his nose. "Unexpectedly, you left Stormwind City and did such a big thing again. Damn, if I wasn't injured at the time, I would definitely go with you. I really don't know what kind of reward Zelin will get this time. Maybe I can get a better staff, oh, the robe is also good, I have been wearing this robe for several years."

"When you can experience such a dangerous night yourself, you won't be envious of rewards, werewolf." Xisali tore a small piece from the bread in her hand, and Oregaard lying on the bed opened her small mouth slightly, De Rui put the loaf of bread into her mouth. "Bless Elune, all of us are still alive, and so is Oleg."

The draenei has woken up, but his body is wrapped in thick bandages from his chest to his lower abdomen, and his left arm and left thigh are also tied with a few circles of white cloth. The body exudes a strong smell of herbs. . The right arm is fixed with plaster and is fixed by the cloth hanging from the bracket, so that the arm maintains an upward posture.

"Ha, I was discharged from the hospital, and you came in again. I really don't know who will come next."

Hesally raised her head, glared at the werewolf, then lowered her eyes again.

"May Elune bless us. After the demon invasion is over, we can still reunite with family and friends."

The werewolf covered his mouth.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to report to MI7. I don't know what kind of expression my old colleague will show when he knows that I can join MI7."

With that, walked out of the ward. There was only one bed left in the room with a patient lying on it.

"You are too harsh on him, Hisalie. Joseph is a good man." Seeing the werewolf's back disappear behind the closed door, Orega said to his friend. She still couldn't move, and the bandage tightly fixed her on the bed, so as not to disturb the wound healing.

"Yeah, he is a good person, but I want too much honor and power." Xisali broke another small piece of bread and stuffed it into Oleja's mouth. "I hope Elune will protect him from falling into temptation. Don't move, if you are like a caterpillar, your injury will never heal."

"My injury has clearly recovered. As long as I untie the bandage, I can immediately smash the three little ghosts with my warhammer...hiss!!!"

Xisali stretched out her finger and poked it gently towards her abdomen, and Oregaard immediately took a breath.

"Does it hurt?"

"...It doesn't hurt!" The draenei's body twitched slightly, his eyes widened, and his hoofs were on the footboard behind the bed. The hospital bed tailored for humans was obviously not suitable for the draenei. "I bit my tongue by accident."

"After your comrades take you back to Azuremyst Isle, what are they going to do?"

Xisali knew how severely Oregaard was injured. As a warrior, even if she could hold the weapon again in the future, her strength would mostly decline. This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to a person who wants to live by fighting.

"They said, I am qualified to be blessed by the Holy Light." Olejia looked at the ceiling of the ward, his face full of expectations and longings. "The Holy Light will bless me, and then I will return to the battlefield with this strength! When I recover, I will go to Dalaran, join the Silver Crusade, and then go to the Broken Shore with all the great Paladins in this world. !"

"...I think you will be hit, I'm so worried." Xisali sighed, and suddenly, she raised her eyes. "You will go to Dalaran after you recover?"

"Yes, go visit the greatest holy light warrior, fight with them against demons, punish evil and promote good!"

Hisalie curled her lips. "Elune, can you speak well, I don't want to ask about this. Are you... familiar with that human being?"


"Who else, Zelin, are you familiar with him?"

"Of course, he is an excellent warrior. I believe that I can work with him under the guidance of the Holy Light. The Holy Light hopes that I will convert him to the right path, study the way of the Holy Light, and... "

"Oh, Moon God, can't you stop for a while?" Xisali held her forehead, and she found that her friend seemed more enthusiastic than ever. "You can wait a while before discussing the way of the light with the nurses and pastors here, but before that, you can tell me what you know about Zelin."

Chapter 2032: Different Kinds of Goods

People say that he is an agent of MI7, and some people say that he is a spy serving the royal family of Wrynn.

An Bo doesn't know if he can trust that man.

With the pungent smell of livestock lingering in front of the tip of his nose, Amber was lying on the haystack in the animal pen, waiting for the caretaker to fill the sink with water, and then walked out of the fence with a wooden bucket. Infiltrating the night town is a very dangerous choice, but for An Bo, she has long been accustomed to danger. Once you become an agent, the word safety will not be associated with you. This is the advice she received during training, and she has no hesitation about it, because she understands that her behavior is for more people to enjoy the hard-won, but in many people In the eyes of ordinary security.

"Hi, Stephen, are there any boxes left over there?"

"Yeah, Clement, and the last two boxes. Come and help. We have to move this to the wagon."

An Bo lay on the haystack, stretched out his fingers to open a little gap, and looked outside with vigilant eyes. She could only see two pairs of boots under the fence, a pair of leather boots and a pair of thick cotton boots. Two boxes were placed next to them. The boots moved to the left, standing on each side of a long board box. They bent down, grabbed the sides of the box, and carried the box to the left of the animal pen.

"It's been a long time since I saw a gentleman who paid so easily, as if five gold coins were just silver coins. I dare say that he must be very rich."

"Forget it, Stephen, rich people don't come to buy these ordinary weapons and armors. They will hire powerful adventurers to protect the manor and land."

"Maybe he was rich in the past, but because of one thing he lost his wealth? Don’t forget, he knew Tobias, maybe a Gilneas noble, because the country was destroyed by the Banshee King. Family property."

"Well, it's very possible. I heard Chatton from the forge said that he and Miss Altea have a good relationship. Miss Altea is the future duchess, and she must have many noble friends."

"This is just a rumor."

"How could it be a rumor, he told me vowedly that he saw it with his own eyes..."

The conversation between the two gradually faded away. An Bo held her breath and raised her ears. After confirming that there were no footsteps nearby, she immediately rushed out of the haystack, opened the fence door, and walked to the remaining wooden boxes. Untie the rope, open the box, and neatly placed swords and hammers greeted your eyes. The agent bent down, took out the weapon, and relentlessly threw the weapon that Zelin had purchased at a high price into the haystack of the animal pen. The weapon fell on the haystack without making any unnecessary noises. Before long, the long board box was empty.

Anbo walked quickly to the haystack. Some sharp weapons were trapped inside. She pushed the rest inward. After making sure that no one could see what was wrong with her appearance, she returned to the longboard box.

The shadows of the returning workers are projected on the corner walls, growing bigger and bigger.

"Did you see that carriage? I heard that it costs twenty gold coins in Stormwind, not counting the two horses. Do you think he was sent by Dalaran to purchase it? Equipped with weapons? That city is full of mages, but mages also need the protection of warriors equipped with shields."

"Impossible. The mages of Dalaran can purchase better equipment in Stormwind City instead of going to Nightlight Town."

"But the smithy in Nightstown knows how to build equipment that can fight monsters twisted by evil forces."

"Who knows. Hurry up and move the last box up. Have you seen it? That good gentleman is already counting the rewards to us just now."

"It would be great if all the warriors all over the world were like him. I dare say that he is definitely not a businessman. Miss Sarah has praised his swordsmanship."

An Bo lay down in the long board box and reclosed the lid.

Darkness shrouded her world in an instant.

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