"You should pick it up, I should rest, picking up food every day is very tired. I want to sleep."

Zelin stood on tiptoe, looked through the gap between the two ogres, and looked at the cauldron behind. The soup in the cauldron was steaming mildly, with a few leafs floating on it. A small head with short blond hair leaned against the side of the pot, revealing only his white and smooth shoulders. The blood elf closed his eyes slightly, snoring, and his pointed ears flicked comfortably. Under the cauldron, there was only a small corner of the crimson robe that had not been completely burned out.

He didn't know why Yamily, who had originally traveled to Dalaran, appeared in the ogre's cauldron. But this apprentice seemed very lucky, at least when the demon hunter saw her, she was still intact and still sleeping. This couldn't help but make Zelin subconsciously think of the trolls in his world. Some trolls have a higher social consciousness than the same race, and are employed by many merchants and armies. Some trolls still remain in the wilderness, gradually becoming indistinguishable from ordinary monsters. Maybe he can try to reason with these two ogres, and solve the problem by peaceful means as much as possible.

"Hey, I said, two people." Zelin took a deep breath and reminded. "Maybe we can talk about the food in your pot?"

The two ogres turned around at the same time, the small eyes on their heads staring straight at the demon hunter standing in front of them. In their eyes, Zelin saw a certain surprise and joy.

"Food has appeared."

"The two of us can also pick up food together."

"Collect food together, sleep together, eat meat together, and fill your stomach."

"Uh, I know you may be hungry, but I would like to exchange some food with you in the pot, how about it?" Zelin held the ebony blade tightly with one hand and spread out the other. The two creatures in front of them obviously have a certain degree of wisdom. "If you can, you better stop cannibalizing."

"There is still food in hand!"

"One food, two foods!"

"No need to pick up food, stay in the cave, and the food will be delivered to the door!"

"Sleep every day and have food every day!"

The two ogres excitedly raised the wooden sticks tied with stones in their hands, and the sticky saliva flowed out from the corners of their mouths, step by step towards the demon hunter.

Zelin sighed heavily.

"Well, since you decide like this..."

Chapter 2034: An Excuse for Failure

Yamily had a happy dream.

She dreamed that she appeared in an elegant and magnificent room. The magic lamp showed a dim gleam under the crimson curtain. On the neatly paved white marble floor, the giant sun-drenched pattern paved with gold leaf showed the blood elves. Proud. Lying in a large bathtub, red petals float on the warm bath water, melting the fatigue and soreness accumulated in the body. On the wall opposite the bathtub, the sign of the sun eater is hung. The most luxurious tower in the Temple of the Sunreaver in Dalaran. On the oil painting next to the sign, Yamily wearing a gorgeous robe is holding a staff, and the power of magic lingers around her, as if arcane power is approaching them. The leader bows and is ready to work for it at any time.

Archmage Yamily. Sunfury Tower's most trusted magical advisor, a magician who guards the Temple of the Sunreaver, a member of the six-member council, and a mainstay against the Burning Legion. Now I am in my own room, taking a bath to regain my strength, ready to face new challenges and problems.

Suddenly, she felt a rough rubbing on her thighs, as if the smooth ceramics under her body had become rough wooden boards.

The servant here is dereliction of duty.

Thinking about this, Yamily wanted to stand up and reach out for the bathrobe hanging on the other side.

The next moment, the window was pushed open with a slam, and a biting cold wind poured into the bathroom. Before she could react, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly. The bathtub inlaid with gold rim turned into a dirty coffin, and the Temple of the Sunreaver became a dark cave. The cave was shaking continuously, and dust and rubble fell one after another, as if it was about to collapse and hit her head in the next moment. . Yamily turned around in horror. The sunreaver's sign became a graffiti of the tramp in the murder alley. The portrait of the archmage was replaced by another image-Yamily was in ragged clothes and only one patch on her body. In her dirty long skirt, sitting in a small room full of debris, weaving blankets. Relying on a little bit of craftsmanship to earn meager bread money, my face is yellow and thin.

The cave shook more severely, and Yamily screamed, suddenly seeing that she had already become what she looked like in the portrait. Suddenly, she slipped and fell to the ground.

The wagon wheel pressed over a small stone, and the carriage shook violently, and Yamily, who was sleeping on the wooden crate, rolled down and hit the carriage wall with a snap.


She was holding the tip of her red nose, tears leaking from the corners of her painful eyes.

"Are you awake?"

Before she recovered, a familiar voice came from the window in front of the carriage. Sitting in the driver's seat, Zelin turned his head and looked to the rear carriage. Burns turned his head at the same time. The orc grinned mockingly, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"Little elf, you were actually defeated and caught by two ogres. Your strength is too weak. You should return to your clan first, and wait until you have grown to the point where you can venture outside before you come out."

"What...?!" Yamily just woke up and opened her eyes in a daze. Suddenly, a chill made her sneeze. "What's going on...wait!" She lowered her head. "Where is my apprentice robe?!"

"You were caught by the ogres, and the clothes were taken to make a fire." Zelin retracted his gaze and looked back at the road ahead. "I found you a leather trench coat, which can at least prevent you from catching a cold."

Yamily has only one large windbreaker, which can cover the middle of her thigh. Looking at the clothes on his body, the blood elf let out a mournful cry.

"My robe...! How should I explain to the instructor when I come, not only did I fail to retrieve his instruments and books, but I also lost the robes that I distributed?!"

"All you worry about is how to explain to the instructor that the clothes are gone?" Zelin laughed, and he asked in disbelief, jokingly. "Are you okay? Please, you were lying in the ogre's cauldron before and almost eaten by them, but when you woke up, you only worried that one of the apprentice's robes was gone? Or, you would rather lie in the ogre. Let me save the robe from the firewood under his cauldron?"

"You don't understand, this is the rule..." Yamily took a deep breath and tightened her coat to block her body. But the wide collar still reveals a large piece of the position under the neck. "When I was an apprentice, I lost the robe that represents my apprenticeship... Damn! That's the robe that represents my apprenticeship! Do you know under what circumstances can an apprentice not wear a robe? There are two types. One is when she becomes a formal mage, and the other is when she is expelled from her mentor. My God, what if I am expelled...what to do..."

There was a cry of cry in the blood elf's voice.

After a while, she wiped the corners of her eyes vigorously and took a deep breath.

"Thank you, human. Thank you for helping me."

"Are you defeated by an ogre?" Zelin skipped the question about the robe and academics. "What happened?"

Different races have different customs and habits. Just like in his world, in the north, it is very common for subordinates to give advice to the boss. The mayor is in the tavern, and the local townspeople can directly question him, just like In the royal council, most of the suggestions and questions are advisers, and the king is responsible for making decisions, at least until Radovide takes power personally this year.

But in the eyes of southerners, this is some kind of incomprehensible bad habit. In the South, subordinates who challenge the decision of their superiors will be sentenced to whipping. Geralt once asked Cahill why he wanted to work for the Southern Intelligence Service, arrested Hilly in the Hinterlands, wanted to arrest a child, and even nearly killed her from a bad cold after exhaustion. Cahill doesn’t know why, no one in the South will analyze it, think about it, nor expect someone to give an explanation, because an order is an order, not just soldiers, everything is like this, this is the cornerstone of the empire’s order. .

Perhaps the blood elves also had a set of etiquette rules that Zelin didn't understand, and an ordinary robe had a special meaning. So he decided not to talk about it for the time being, ignorance sometimes brought unconscious harm.

"I was on the upwind path, wanting to go to Dalaran as soon as possible, and then...I was too tired to walk, sand got in my shoes, so I wanted to sit under a rock Next, clean up the shoes. Um... I seem to lie down for a while, uh, I originally planned to hurry on the road with my eyes closed, so as to save time and get to Dalaran as soon as possible... I don’t know the rest."

"Then you were picked up by the ogre as a corpse."

Now, Zelin understood what it meant to pick up food in the mouth of an ogre. Yamily was too tired, so she slept directly on the side of the road, and then an ogre wandering outside found her and picked her back as a dead body. Zelin didn't know whether to feel good or bad luck for Yamily. When she was so tired, she might not be the opponent of the ogre at all, but she fainted, making the ogre think she was a corpse. But if she could set off with her mentor, she would never encounter such a dilemma.

"How can your mentor arrange such a task for you? If I remember correctly, you haven't had a good rest for several days," Zelin said. "Give you all the heavy physical work, treat you as the lowest servant, and even if you don’t have a rest or eat, let you find the lost thing and walk on two legs to Dalaran, even without Leave you a few coins."

"No, it's not the teacher's fault." Yamily shook her head. "I will never make excuses for failure. There is only one reason for failure, and that is that I am not strong enough and not hard enough. Thank you for helping me, human being. When I become a mage in the future, I will find a way to repay your favor. Be proud. , Humans, there have never been many humans who can make Sin'dorei repay favors. The last human to do this was Anduin Lothar."

Zelin didn't know who Lothar was. He was curious why the prince of Stormwind had the same name as this human. He took out a piece of beef jerky wrapped in greased paper.

"You can eat something first, I hear your stomach screaming."

"Aldielshala, human. Thank you."

Yamily took the piece of meat, bowed her head slightly, and thanked her gracefully. Then, she hid in the carriage, hid away from Zellin and Burns, and began to gobble up.

Hidden in the wooden crate, Anbo listened to the sound of swallowing outside, swallowed gently, clutched his growling belly, and took a deep breath.

She is also hungry.

Chapter 2035: The Shadow of Karazhan


This may be the greatest city in Azeroth.

"Wow..." As soon as he entered the area of ​​Karazhan town, Zelin raised his head and looked at the huge city suspended in the sky. He couldn't help but exclaimed, as if a rural kid had seen it for the first time. Same as the city.

"It's like the Ogre City in Draenor." Burns let out a low growl in his throat. "But there are too many unnecessary decorations, it's not like a strong fortress at all. Those high towers have no defensive capabilities at all, and will only create more chaos when they are thrown down. Remove those sharp corners and transform them into Heavier squares and triangles. A strong fortress will let the enemy know when they see that this is not a place they can conquer. But this city will only make people think that this is a place that can be looted. It's like. It’s like the Silvermoon City of the elves..."

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