"Actually, you don't need to worry about it, Burns." Zelin walked to the edge of the pool, looked at the dark water, and dropped his shoulders. "When you are ashamed of your actions and willing to pay to make up for your mistakes, you have already found the glory. Remember, Burns, half an hour."

After all, Zelin jumped into the pool. The biting cold water instantly flooded the top of the demon hunter's head.

The pool is deep.

Ze Lin squinted his eyes and descended into the pool. This pool was not what they had thought before, it was just a place with underground water. The stagnant water in the stone hall had misled him, making him think it was just the same as the stagnant water he had seen before. But after letting go of the fear that the enemy would launch an attack, Zelin observed the water pool again, and he found that it was obviously not an ordinary water pool. Such a deep color shows that the bottom is definitely not as light as he had previously thought.

Where will it lead here?

After falling to a certain level, Zelin saw the cave at the bottom of the water pool, and this submerged cave disappeared at the end of the other end. A small river fish drifted by in front of the demon hunter, which made him think of the fishing rod placed on the shore. Cultists here know that the water pool was formed by an underground river. So, maybe their supplies were sent from this place? Otherwise, the two exits will be blocked with stone walls, and there will be no source of supply, and they will starve to death before completing the plan.

Swinging his arms, Zelin swam forward while silently calculating the time in his heart. The killer whale potion can make him hold his breath for longer in the water, but unfortunately, he does not carry the underwater breathing ring enchanted by Skyrim. He had always been uncomfortable with this weird way of breathing, and when Virginia urged him to try for the first time, he choked on several salivas, so he never mentioned it again. It is said that Azeroth’s engineering can make a special diving device that can be worn on the head and a can filled with air bottles is carried behind him. Perhaps the Skelligians would like to equip it on a ship that can be used in a shipwreck. A device that improves the probability of survival and provides protection for the head like a helmet.

Going deep into the cave, the surrounding light is getting darker and darker, and he can only hear the gurgling of bubbles while swimming. Continue to swim forward, before long, a gleam of light appeared in the dark and cold water. It's like someone lighting a bonfire on the shore, and the faint light of the fire fluctuates with the ripples of the water.

Ze Lin pursed his mouth, thinking in his mind what kind of person would be hiding here. Are they the two cultists who realized that someone was going to get rid of them, so they escaped? Aurega believed that these escaped people were killed by them at the entrance of the necropolis. But inside the cave, he saw blood trails leading to the pool. If it was not the murderer who went to the water to clean, then it is likely that the escaped person jumped into the water to avoid chasing and killing.

The enemy of the enemy does not mean that he must be his friend.

Zelin drew out the runes of the Kunen's Seal in the water, and the armor wrapped in cold water flickered twice. This consumes part of his energy, but for a person who is holding his breath, he feels suffocated. But this is not a problem, because the water is close at hand. Through the fire, he could judge that there should be another cave in front of him. This cave was connected to the outside world by only a U-shaped tunnel. Due to the accumulation of water brought by underground dampness, the middle part of the tunnel was submerged by water, forming an underground river. But the cave at the other end should not be in a closed state, perhaps it is just a high **** in the dark river, allowing divers to breathe temporarily.

Ascending rapidly, the flames became more and more obvious. But Zelin did not rush out of the water for the first time. Once found in the water, he was just a slow-moving target. Bend down. Stepping on the upward sloping stone slope, when the distance from the ground was less than five meters, Zelin stepped forward suddenly, and while rushing out of the water, he lifted the ebony blade forward, ready to attack those nearby enemies who did not react. .

There were no people around the campfire, only corpses.

One after another shriveled bodies fell by the bonfire. This area was about 300 square meters. At the other end of the bonfire, a figure in a crimson robe faced the demon hunter with his dry blond hair tied behind his head and shoulders. The light gray shoulder guards on both sides resemble extended swords. Behind the figure is carrying a two-handed staff, and the top of the staff is inlaid with a light green crystal. There was a stone platform in front of the figure, and a **** figure was lying on the stone platform. Hearing the movement behind him, the figure turned around and looked at the green eyes of the demon hunter without any waves.

"I've been thinking about who can find here." The blood elf raised his chin, his eyes filled with pride. "The result is really disappointing."

Chapter 2104: Remnants

Zelin didn't expect that he would see this person.

But there are not too many accidents. It can only be said that he has never paid attention to each other. Trying to remember, it didn't take long for the demon hunter to find the opponent's name in his mind.

Ebenezer Firewing.

Yamily's mentor. Zelin had seen the signature on his expulsion letter to Amily. He only had a relationship with this blood elf on the road outside the town of Nightlight. He never thought about one who looked harsh and had a bad temper but didn't seem to have much strength. When in trouble, he would want to get out as soon as possible. The guy will stand here.

"I think you should have no excuses, right?"

Zelin said calmly, and looked at the surrounding environment calmly. The pungent smell of blood permeated the cave, and there were corpses lying on the ground. The water stains on the corpses indicated that these people were dragged into this hidden cave after being killed. The bonfire provided a faint light, and the air here didn't seem to be much, so that Zelin felt a sultry heat. Ebenezer turned around, and the stone platform was blocked behind him, making Zelin unable to see who was on it. He could only see the blood dripping down the rock slowly, forming a pool of blood under the stone platform.

"I don't need to excuse." The blood elf narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed with fierce light, and there was a hint of revenge pleasure. He looks only thirty years old on the outside, with a small neat beard on his chin. But Zelin believed that the blood elves in front of him were probably far older than him. "When you cowards completely destroy the prince’s plan and denounce your Highness who worked for Quel'Thalas as traitors, I will understand who my enemy is! Your Highness Kael'thas wants to survive and die for the race. A demonized Kaldorei bowed his head, and the traitor in the Sundial Court colluded with other lower races to usurp the throne! I see confusion in your eyes, no, it’s okay. I will destroy the lower creatures here first, and then Take revenge on Silvermoon City again!"

This sounds like hatred in the elven kingdom. Zelin didn't know the reason, but this didn't prevent him from finding ways to delay time.

"For your hatred, so betray Azeroth to the devil? If your master is doing such a thing, then I believe that the people of Silvermoon City betrayed him is the right decision. Not all loyalty is commendable."

"You don't understand anything." Ebenezer said coldly. "You don't understand what the prince has undertaken for the continuation of the race. But it is meaningless. Basically all the loyalists who follow the prince have died in Outland, and the remaining traitors are not worthy to live."

"So you are the one who gave the Seal of the King of Stormwind to the Necromancer of the Twilight Forest?"

Zelin looked directly at Huo Wing's eyes. "You followed the road that passed through the twilight forest to the town of Nightfall, and that road happened to pass by Mount Vogur. Not long after you appeared, the necromancer started his plan. It was you who passed the order to He, ask him to start action, and then you enter the night town, and in the room on the second floor of the Blood Raven Inn, you draw a circle that can control the spirit of the night watch. The rollover on the side of the road is not an accident at all, you deliberately left a thrown away Things, there is a good reason for Yamily to leave the room before going to bed and go outside to find the lost property, so that you can make a magic circle in her room without being found, and then leave in a hurry before the attack begins. You are Members of the Brotherhood of Shadows, am I right?"

Ebenezer froze for a moment, and then laughed lowly. "So what's the point of your doubts? Show off your cleverness? The monkey thinks that he can wave a torch like an intelligent creature, and thinks he has discovered everything? Yes, so what? Even though the stupid girl with her head full of wool It was not eaten by the undead, but it was good. The Kirin Tor put all the suspicions of summoning the doomsday guard on her body, and I had time to come here for a new ceremony."

"You killed everyone here and treated them as sacrifices." Zelin paused. The other party doesn't seem to realize that he is delaying time, maybe he has other plots? "How long has this secret base existed?"

"It's earlier than you expected, werewolf." Ebenezer stared at the demon hunter viciously. "When the prince died at the hands of a betrayer in Outland, this group of stronger and wiser beings accepted us. The Burning Legion? No, there is no difference between the fel and the light itself, they are both pure In the illusion provided by the Burning Legion, we saw the world eroded by the Holy Light. These are just two forces in the void. The traitors who turned to the Naaru are just running dogs of another group of Legions! The Brotherhood of Shadows Power beyond your imagination, werewolves, my brother Song Weaver, who led the explosion of the Focusing Iris in Theramore, and stole the Holy Bell in Darnassus, we let the idiots of the Alliance and the Horde continue to kill each other. But such silly tricks are enough! The Burning Legion is here, and I will witness the end of those betrayers with my own eyes!"

The figure on the stone platform behind Ebenezer trembled slightly and coughed heavily.

"Oh, my dear apprentice." Ebenezer didn't care about the demon hunter seven meters away from him. He turned his head and lowered his eyes: "Do you know why I like you the most among those stupid girls?"

Half of the cheek of Hilda Blade of Dawn was stained red with blood, and there were still broken teeth in the corner of his mouth. A beautiful fiery red curly hair was stuck together with coagulated blood, covered with blood. The fragments of the evening dress were glued to the body with blood, and the white skin was covered with traces of daggers, like canvas cut by a knife. Only the dark red long-barreled glove on the right hand is intact.


In the next moment, Zelin realized that he was wrong. That's not a long-barreled glove.

He can directly see the muscles and bones on the apprentice's arm. The nails on his hands and feet were pulled off, and his body was covered with various scars. Perhaps the pain had numbed her nerves, and all Hilda could do was shake her head like a trembling.

"Blade of Dawn, Chenfeng, Blood Knight." Ebenezer bent down, patted Hilda's side face, and pierced Hilda's left eye socket with his thumb. "The biggest mistake of your family is to follow the Countess Liadrin and betray the prince!"


The next moment, Zelin drew out the ebony blade like lightning. He wanted to delay time and delay Ebenezer’s ceremony, but he could never watch a person being tortured to death in front of him without being indifferent!

The ebony blade collided with the staff, sparking sparks. Hilda's scream was accompanied by a frantic laugh from Ebenezer.

"Do you think you are the only one who wants to delay time, werewolf! This summoning ritual is about to be completed! Bring more pain as a sacrifice!"

Chapter 2105 The Real Sacrifice

Zelin swung his sword violently, and the ebony blade slashed on the staff. The impact from the staff forced Ebenezer to step back and hit the edge of the stone platform. Zelin retracted the sword, but Ebenezer hadn't reacted yet, and the ebony blade swung down again, and he had to raise the staff again. The powerful impact almost pressed the staff against his head. At this time, Ebenezer completed a spell, and the blood elf's eyes flashed. The demon hunter subconsciously avoided the position directly in front, and Ebenezer took the opportunity to pull away and drew away from Zelin.

Behind the ground where Zelin was standing just now, there was a pool of dark purple liquid with bubbles.

"You will become the last sacrifice!"

Ebenezer raised his staff, wisps of dark purple shadow energy surrounding him. A muffled and gloomy spell popped from his mouth, but the next moment, his spell changed its tone, and he had to raise his staff to resist the black blade swept from the left side of his body. At a distance of ten meters, Zelin appeared in front of Ebenezer almost in the blink of an eye, aiming at his left waist and slamming a sharp blow. Ebenezer can only concentrate on resisting and avoid being cut in half. The next moment, the demon hunter suddenly appeared on the right side of Ebenezer, and the ebony blade slashed towards Ebenezer's shoulder with a cracking sound. The blood elf bent down embarrassedly and flicked the sword in a lame posture, losing his balance due to the impact.

Zelin turned around and went behind Ebenezer, the blood elves could only extend the staff backwards. A light containing shadow energy gushes out of the emerald green crystal. This disrupted Zelin's rhythm. The demon hunter turned sideways to avoid the blow. Ebenezer wanted to run forward and stretched his distance, so Zelin took a step, holding the long sword in both hands and slamming it down. The blade hit the blood elf's shoulder, the hard leather armor was cut like a piece of paper, and then the crimson robe. But the pause just now allowed Ebenezer to escape the attack range of Ebony Blade. The blood elf snorted in pain, fell forward to the ground, and rolled on the ground three more times before getting up.

But the Demon Hunter did not pause. When Ebenezer rolled, he immediately caught up. The blood elf raised his head and saw the blade that was slashed head-on.

The ebony blade collided with the staff again, and the staff showed a visible crack under the heavy blow of the artifact. But this time, Ebenezer did not lose his balance due to the impact. He continued the blow steadily, and then violently pushed away the sword of the Demon Hunter.

"You never know what kind of power you are facing!"

The power of shadow gathered between Ebenezer's hands, forming claws like demon. More shadow energy condensed on the blood elves, and the burst of air forced the demon hunter to step back. He saw a pair of dark wings spread out from behind Ebenezer, and a pair of long horns with black flames appeared on his forehead, like a demon. Holding the staff in one hand, Ebenezer raised his black claw and pointed it at the demon hunter.

"Die in pain!"

The bright golden vertical pupils suddenly shrank into a gap, and the shadow flame rushing towards the face almost completely concealed the surgeon's figure. Ebenezer was summoning some kind of demon, he wanted to delay time, but Zelin couldn't hold on. Ebenezer killed all the demon followers in the secret base and presented it to his master as a sacrifice. Maybe he didn't kill Hilda right away, just because the sacrifice was enough, and only the necessary pain was left.

The flames rushing toward his face blocked his vision.

But it also blocked Ebenezer's sight!

Zelin stepped forward, holding the hilt of the ebony blade with one hand, and drew the rune of the Kunen's seal with the other hand. The moment the sign appeared, it collided with the shadow flame. In an instant, the chaotic magic power in the demon hunter's body dissipated like water being poured out. He took another step forward, but in the blink of an eye, he tried to swim upstream like the impact of the raging river. Taking the third step, the Kunen Fayin shield was like broken glass, shattered into pieces with a crash.

The sharp pain ate Zelin’s nerves at the moment the flames hit his face. His body subconsciously wanted to avoid it. This was an instinct when faced with danger, but he absolutely couldn’t avoid it now, when he decided to move forward. In the first step, there is no possibility of going back. Zelin controlled his arm forcibly, and at the moment he took the fourth step, he swung the blade forward!

Ebenezer's laughter rose to the extreme when the shadow flame covered the demon hunter. No matter how strong the opponent is, no one can survive the burning of shadow energy. Perhaps this is not as good as the Fel Fire, but the extremely corrosive shadow energy can still cause intense pain. This is exactly what he needs, the best sacrifice.

The laughter stopped abruptly in the next second.

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