"Wait a minute, Rina." A white-haired battle mage suddenly said. "I remember you also cast a tracking spell on that werewolf. In case something happens to that blood elf, we might locate a corpse instead of the target to find."

The other wizards, who bowed their heads and were busy preparing to follow the magic, raised their heads at the same time and looked at Sharina.

"Tracking spells?" Carly asked.

"It was just a simple tracking spell. At that time, the blood elf hadn't gotten rid of the suspicion, so the person who helped her, I naturally have to be careful if the demon is in the same party." Ruina frowned. "It's not an exaggeration to be cautious, right? And, it's just simple magic, lest he will run away with his accomplices and stay within Dalaran's range to be effective. Now I can't find his place."

"Indeed, when dealing with devil-related matters, we have always used guilty inferences so as not to let go of the devil's minions." The white-haired mage shrugged, he retracted his gaze and looked at the magic circle floating in front of him again. "Well, we will find it soon, that location...Wait, what is this place?"

Carly looked at the place where the blue dot appeared, and the appearance of the Broken Isles looked very vague. There is close to the Maelstrom, and because of the Demon Portal of the Burning Legion, the magic of the wizards can hardly penetrate the place.

"Let me see..." Carly frowned slightly: "I know the terrain of the Broken Isles, where my family members are located." He hesitated for a few seconds, staring at the screen carefully, and then he took a deep breath. Tone: "Well, here...this should be Suramar."


"Why go to Suramar?" Yamily followed Zelin and jumped from one rock to another. Below is a stream, and the withered maple trees around it dye the foothills golden. "Sir, I thought you were going to the north to go to Val'sharah. Those Kaldorei who live in the trees have a stronghold and a temple in Valshala. Although their lives are very... Primitive, but their shipbuilding skills are almost as good as the craftsmen of Sindore. Why don’t you go to Valsala? It’s safer there."

"I don't think Val'sharah is safer." Zelin shook his head. He stopped and looked at the surrounding mountains. The Juanjuan stream reflects the morning sun, the lush mountain peaks in the distance are surrounded by mist, the waterfall is looming in the jungle, and some abandoned castles and temples can be seen vaguely. "Furthermore, all we have to do is find a place to hide and wait for the mage in Dalaran to come to us. If it is not necessary, I don't plan to go to unfamiliar places."

The demon hunter knows almost nothing about Val'sharah, the only knowledge he knows comes from Hesari's description, where there are a group of dryads, a moon temple, and a world tree. Some Gilneas who escaped the werewolf disaster set up a small town in the northwest corner of Val'sharah. But this was before the demons invaded. As for the current situation, no one knows. Before this, Hisalie was even called in an emergency and rushed to Val'sharah. Obviously, the situation in Valsharah may be worse than Azsuna.

"They must never expect that we will come back, and it's not far from the city of Suramar."

Zelin stopped, and in the distance, he could vaguely see the buildings of Suramar City within the magic barrier. The vaulted hall and the sharp towers were dotted with white marble buildings, neat but elegant. , The straight lines are mixed with a little soft hollow decoration. On the edge of the barrier, giant structural puppets with a height of more than three meters patrolled the streets.

"But it's okay to get here, it's too dangerous to go further." Zelin stopped, and there were several collapsed buildings and arcades beside the nearby stream, and a well-preserved stone hall was located by the water. This is like a place where the sons of the night used to relax. However, Zelin believes that at this time, there will be no children of the night who still want to come to such a place, or are in the mood to leave the city for a holiday. "We find a safe place nearby to hide and wait for news."

"Sir, I saw, uh, a cave next to it. That cave is very narrow, but it's hidden." Yamily raised her hand and pointed to a rocky **** not far away, between the two huge rocks. Inclined gap. The gap can allow two people to pass side by side. It is deep inside and there is a corner, just to avoid the sight of the outside. "Also, there seems to be some magic there. Well, I mean, I discovered it because of that."

"Are you okay, Yamily?"

"I'm fine, sir." Yamily waved her hand quickly. "Although I also like magic, but after the Sunwell is purified, our Sin'dorei's addiction to the magic is relieved a lot. There is no problem leaving Quel'Thalas, except that where there is magic, it will let us It feels very comfortable."

"There is magic?"

"It may be my illusion." Yamily shrugged. "I, if only I could drink another bag of magical water, a few days ago... I lost too much magical power, I have been very thirsty. I have studied history, and it mentioned that I was in Su There may be some magic crystals scattered near Rama, but I haven't found it."

"Then let's go over there and take a look." Zelin put his hand on the hilt of the ebony blade. "Follow me, if magic crystallizes...wait!"

The demon hunter suddenly raised her hand, and Yamily stopped immediately. Zelin held his breath for a few seconds. He looked in the direction of Suramar.

"Hide it, hurry up. Someone is coming over here!"

Chapter 2194: The Strange Fugitive

Rush heartbeat...

Heavy breathing...

Staggering footsteps...

Shaking her head vigorously, trying to lift her eyelids like lead, Talissa slowly walked to the stone slab on the side of the road, slowly bending down, holding the stone slab, lying on it in pain, and sucking. Cool air.


She wants magic. Every cell above and below her body was wailing and screaming, as if countless ants were biting her body and dragging her into madness. She clung to the stone slab tightly, as if this cold stone slab could relieve the heat in her body. . She was very hot and sweaty, and the only remaining **** and petticoat had been wetted by the sea water and sweat and clinging to her body. But she was cold again, shivering constantly, as if she were in an ice cellar. Every drop of sweat will take away a part of heat, but shivering makes her sweat constantly. She is like two souls lodged in her body, one has a high fever and keeps cooling down, and the other is extremely cold and can't wait to get the heat, but both souls are taking away the temperature from her body.

"Get away! Get out of my body!"

She knelt down, scratched the weed-like hair with both hands, gritted her teeth, and slowly bent down, her forehead against the cold stone slab, and a beast-like growl kept coming from her throat. The cold wind blew through the maple forest, golden leaves rustled, and a fallen leaf slowly fell, turning a few times in the air, and fell on the pale shawl hair.

After a few seconds, Talissa's ears trembled twice.

Suddenly, she suddenly lifted her thin cheeks, her cheekbones bulged on her sunken cheeks, and her eyes that originally glowed brightly in the darkened eye sockets were extremely dim. She stared at the stream in front of her blankly, a trace of confusion and confusion flashed in her eyes.

Why is she here? She should look for magic wine, yes, magic wine...No, no, no, impossible, it's not magic wine, there are more important things. A signal was sent, yes, it seemed like a distress signal was sent from the cast just now.

Why waste magic?

Spells? What spell?

Wait, I am... I am Talissa. Her breathing gradually stabilized, her hands spread out, and her eyes looked at her arms like dry wood.

The light breeze blew, and the fallen leaves floated on the water, and there was a wave of ripples. The surface of the water reflected Talissa's current appearance: almost nothing but skin remained on her thin cheeks, tightly clinging to her skull. On the bare shoulders under the headscarf, the tattoos that were originally full of magic are now like the bark of a withered locust tree, and like cracks that have not been moisturized by rain all the year round. The skin under the chest is tightly pinched on the body, outlines the traces of the ribs under the skin, and the tight belly is close to the back. A pair of originally slender and tight legs, now looks like two wrapped in a layer of skin. The wooden sticks are connected with screws.

She looked at herself in confusion.

Why did I become like this? Why is no one sending the rationed magic wine today?


She suddenly opened her eyes.

I am the Chief Arcanist, and I'm in... a coup, a coup. Mylandus!

A name broke into Talissa's barely turning brain. An unquenchable anger surged into my heart.

Shameful traitor!

She must regroup.


She is still alive, and some of her followers are also alive. As long as we are still alive, this war will not end. Elisand and her lackey thought that exile would destroy the will of the Nightborne, but not everyone was willing to bow to the devil. If a race is transformed, from appearance to soul, to thought, to the way of doing things and the view of life, are they still the children of the night?

In other words, it was just the puppets and cannon fodder of the Burning Legion until they were completely used up.

Some of her followers died on the day of the coup, some were executed, and some were exiled. Yes, she should find the exiles, maybe they can live together by relying on the magic crystals scattered in the wild. If she can repair a magic net node again, the magic power there should be enough to keep more people alive. But the magic node is.....

Suddenly, she heard footsteps and shouts.

"Search for her, you must not let her go. This is the order of the Grand Magister. She must be brought back to Suramar City!" The guard's voice gradually approached: "You two, go search the ruins of the courtyard, you three , Go up the stream. You two, go and search the maple grove to the north, and the rest, follow me, search along the stone road. Once you notice her, immediately arrest her. If she resists, the Grand Magister ordered that she can be killed Die her."

It's Elisand's lackey!

Stand up with the wand like a crutch, supporting yourself. Talissa looked at the woods behind her. The winding cobblestone path disappeared among the maple trees behind him. She didn't know if anyone had received her distress signal. The Burning Legion had been in the Broken Isles for so long, but she had never received any news from outsiders fighting against the Demon Legion. She does not believe that the races outside the archipelago are indifferent to the demon invasion, but so far no army has appeared to fight the demon.

If the dark night well falls into the hands of the devil, they can open a larger and more stable portal and transfer the legion directly. If no one gets a distress signal, she must...

Suddenly, a violent feeling of dizziness surged up, she covered her forehead, took two steps back, fell straight back, and fell heavily to the ground. Before her heavy eyelids completely blocked her vision, she only saw two rocks behind the maple tree.

I don't know how long it took. It may be only a few seconds, maybe a few hours. The cold and heat kept attacking her body.

Vaguely, she heard the sound of stepping on fallen leaves. The eyelids seemed to be stuck, trying hard to see the source of the sound clearly. In the blurred vision, a pair of boots got closer and closer. She felt someone drag her arm, and someone lifted her legs and lifted her up.

"...Sir, are you sure you want to bring in a withered man? This is too dangerous. I have seen the frustrated. They are all beasts."

Disheartened, what is that?

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