"No." Virginia lowered her head and smiled a little shamely: "Thanks to everyone helping me, Ms. Maria, Ms. Hawk, and Sister Frid and Knight Sirius, thanks to their presence. In the castle, and there are not many wild hunts. I just did what I should do."

"Joseph said, what do you want to tell me?"

"Oh, yes, it's a very important thing." Virginia let go of her hand, and she took Zelin's arm towards the third floor. This is where Zelin's room is located, and it is also his collection room. Although the damage in the room is not serious, but when he raises his head, he can directly see the night sky shining through the two holes in the ceiling: "Do you remember? When we fought Wild Hunt before, they were all spirits. , Even if they are killed, they will disappear. As a result, in the battle of hanging the ghost tree, we can't beat them at all. But this time...I caught a wild hunt."

"What?" Zelin was taken aback: "Catch it?"

He has fought against the wild hunt many times, whether in the Swift Tower or in the illusion of Jaques, every time the wild hunt is out in the form of a ghost. No one can find their bodies, let alone wipe them out completely. That's why they are called demon spirit knights, no one knows their origins, and no one knows where they are going.

"Yeah, I defeated the enemy navigator. She has been in the fight... Well, you know, that kind of very angry feeling. Ms. Maria will defeat her with me, I am preparing When I give her the last..." Virgenia pursed her lips: "She said she surrendered. Then I realized that she is not a projection, not a demon spirit, but a living wild hunter."

This was indeed beyond Zelin's expectations.

Wild hunting began to choose to come as an entity?

He has never seen a wild hunting entity, and the demon spirit knight has always been very cautious, and never left any clues or traces that would allow people to find them. It stands to reason that such an accident should not occur. He admitted that wild hunting is very strong, but the enemy who led dozens of soldiers and took the initiative to attack after coming in his true form did not know how arrogant he was to make such a decision.

Under the tree of hanging ghosts, they were not defeated by the sharp edge of wild hunting, but by their endless numbers.

"Is Hilly still here?"

"Yes, she's still there." Virginia nodded, "I am watching over the wild hunt navigator with Ms. Maria. Anti-magic metal is not effective for her, but Hiri can see if she wants Run away, so I asked her to guard. If the other party does anything else, she can chop off her head. Right here."

With that, she pushed open the door.

Chapter 2315 Racial Benefits

This will be a great attempt.

Ada Emin looked at the teleportation node placed in the temple. A lavender pattern is depicted on the ground, and the arc flows along the pattern and merges into the lavender circle in front of Ada. There is a corresponding arc floating above the ring, and the two rings are carved with fine runes. As the electric light travels, the runes shine. The intense energy gathered in the rune, overflowing with crystal particles, and then fell silent after losing enough ability to support it.

The light from the teleporting node became the only source of light in the temple, and the sometimes shining and sometimes dim electric light cast shadows on the sage’s sharp chin.

The stable transmission node comes from the technology of the virtual spirit. Although it is not like the Gate of the Worlds, which can directly transfer the inhabitants of the entire planet, the price paid is not as heavy as the Gate of the Worlds. Opening the gates of all worlds will cost the blood of the elders, perhaps two or three ancient bloodlines lose their power, or one ancient bloodline sacrifices. Everyone is for the survival of the race, but this is too costly, and there are too few ancient bloodlines.

Chaos magic power flows into the rune along the sage’s fingertips. She must figure out the operating principle of the transmission node, and it is absolutely impossible for the technology related to the survival of Ain Xidi to be in the hands of an alien. Maybe this is besides the White Ship, another way to carry Ain Xidi to find a new world. Many worlds are suitable for living creatures, but the evolution of intelligent creatures is undoubtedly one in a million. There are so many unowned life planets, but they lack a way to get them.

Now, compared to repairing the white ship, another quicker way is placed in front of the sage.

Suddenly, an orange light suddenly lit up in the darkness behind Ada, reflecting the outline of the desk. The orange light flickered, dimmed, flickered, and dimmed again. After lighting up for a few times, Ada raised her hand, and the telescope flew into the palm of her hand under an invisible energy.

The chaotic magic power injected dissipated, and the room sank completely into shadow. A few seconds later, accompanied by a clicking sound, the magic crystal floating on the roof lit up, illuminating every corner of the room.

"Ceádmil, Aen Elle." Ada greeted the figure in the projection slightly, and the latter responded with the same etiquette: "Crevan Espane Apo Kaomhan Maha."

"Ceádmil, Aen Seidhe." Avalak's leaning motion was a little funny because of the pain: "Ada Emin Ep Shivne."

"You are cursed." Ada Emin focused on Avalak's left hand, his left hand fingers became swollen, and crimson irregular pustules bulged on it: "Who can do this? This kind of thing? Someone failed?"

Whoever thinks of a sage as a normal mage is as stupid as comparing a new soldier with a smoke in his mouth and a demon hunter, just because they both hold a sword in their hands. Every sage must be proficient in all fields of magic and reach the top in all academic realms. At the same time, he can actively divide his perceptual thinking and avoid emotional influence on judgment. But for the last item, not all sages can do it, like Laura Doren, so she ultimately failed.

Laura Doren Ep Sidhar died in the wilderness of Redania and failed to contribute to the population. And Ida Emin Ep Sifney has been working hard to avoid making the same mistakes.

"It's Eredin." Avalak's voice was a little low, and the pain of cursing bothered him: "He used the relic of Ain Wooddow. This is a maternal language spell, and I can't do anything. It affects me. Eyes, I need to find a way to relieve it. You can see."

Hearing the mother language, Ada Emin's face changed slightly, and then returned to plain again.

"He wasted a precious relic for infighting."

"Hoarfrost can make people turn into a lunatic." Avalak took a deep breath, and his back was blurred in the projection: "It can make the strongest fighters lose their minds."

"I found a second way to allow the race to travel through time and space." Ada said softly: "It is still in the experimental stage. A small number of personnel can be transferred. One charge can transfer a village."

"Too little for Ain El."

"But it's enough for Ain Heidi. This planet is closest to Ain El's world in the universe, but it will still take 700 years for Hoarfrost to engulf this place." Ada Emin Knocked his temple lightly with his finger: "My people have collected enough Ain Wudod's relics to repair the White Ship. With the teleport node, Ain Sidi will have no worries."

"So you are ready to get out of the plan?"

"It would be too risky to pin all hopes on Swift, Avalak. I see a future, I see Swift's thin body lying on the endless ice field, I see the frost freeze her body, and freeze her. The blood, the young seeds dissipated under the hard frozen ground before they germinated. I saw the end of Swift's failure."

Ada Emin narrowed her eyes slightly. The sage can see the past, the present, and the future, but which kind of future is correct? Which kind of past is real? Countless time creates countless possibilities. Most people know the existence of the Elf King, but few people know that the sage is the helm of the race: "Ain El will also be destroyed."

"And I also see a future, Ada." Avalak's voice became ethereal, and his eyes looked straight at Ada: "I saw Swift spreading its wings in the storm, I saw Swift flying in the frost. . I saw Swift’s solid wings sweep over the edge of the contempt times, the blood of the sacred, the blood of the curse, the blood of the slayer, the blood of the savior, the blood of birth, the blood of death. Seeds are born not fruits but bursts. The flame came out, making Hoarfrost retreat. It was not until the flame faded that Swift watched from the morning sun and landed on the white wolf's back for a nap."

The silence lasted for ten seconds before Ada spoke again.

"But you still let Eredin hunt down Cyria." She responded to Avalak's gaze: "But he didn't provide him with magical support, or even a large-scale army."

"Not only you got this prophecy, some of my colleagues saw the same ending as you." Avalak's sight shifted, as if he was looking at something overhead: "Eredin will get more soon. Support. The technology you get can prevent this."

"I will share my gains with the alder people." Ada Emin spreads out her hands: "As long as your belligerence will not accelerate the destruction."

"I will thank the people of the hills for their kindness." Avalak leaned slightly: "As long as your peace will not die in silence."

Before the telescope closed, Avalak said suddenly.

"An overpowered navigator was captured."


"You know who it is and where you can see it." Avalak took a deep breath: "And you know what to do."

Chapter 2316 The Returning Swift

The wild hunting captive sat on the wooden floor with his legs slanted, holding his abdomen with one hand and supporting the ground with the other hand. Head down, messy blond hair hanging over his shoulders.

After encountering a prisoner, Zelin realized that his castle had a problem-there was no dungeon that other castles would have.

As a castle during the colonial period of humanity, the fortress first thought of security, so naturally it would not build such a basement that might leave evil spirits and scavengers taking advantage of it, even if it turned into ruins later. After Zelin took over, he only found a small underground cave, which was later turned into her exclusive blacksmith's workshop by Gnaiya.

Virginia proposes to lock up Wild Hunt in the blacksmith's workshop, but Zelin thinks that Gnaiya will never agree to this matter, and he knows that the dragonborn has been in the blacksmith's shop, finding the exotic metals and forging methods from different worlds. After testing and learning, she found a lot of things of interest in Azeroth's mission this time, and Zelin was very worried about whether this wild hunter would reveal the secret if she kept it inside.

Finally, Yusevka proposed to be locked up in her clinic.

The clinic was originally used to take care of apprentices who were injured in training, bandaging their wounds and removing bruises. Later, when the college was transferred, Yusevka went down and put all his attention on the castle's internal affairs, and the clinic naturally became deserted. This building was built after Yusevka came to the castle, it will not reveal any secrets, and there is nothing special in it. Yusefka was very interested in Azeroth after hearing that Azeroth had a set of systematic medical care methods from Amelie's mouth, but he hadn't had time to get some books and materials, so there was no need to worry.

"She doesn't say anything?"

"She only said things we all know."

The faint voice of conversation came to her ears from outside the window, and Laetisa raised her head slightly. Flames were burning in the fireplace in the clinic, and Yusevka lit the fire before leaving the clinic, perhaps to provide some temperature to the clinic. Zelin thinks this is completely unnecessary, but Yusevka seems to have difficulty hostile to anyone.

"She still refuses to reveal how wild hunting came?"

"Her answer is very vague, huh, she thought she could lie to me, but I can hear that she answered a lot, but in essence she didn't say anything." Hawke snorted coldly: "I don't know she is Who, I really don’t understand, maybe she has power, knowledge and insight, but with such arrogance, her first loss was actually here, and at such a low price. I must say that she was lucky. After piercing her abdomen, Ms. Maria didn't cut off her head with a backhand sword. When other people paid for their arrogance, there was usually no chance to go back."

"When did Maria actually show mercy?"

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