"Your Excellency." Aneth, who had been silent for a long time, said suddenly: "Can I talk to you?" She paused: "I want to talk to you alone."

Chapter 2366 Invitation Letter from Bilbo

Yamily glanced suspiciously at Aneth before walking down the stairs. Only Zelin and Aneth were left on the windowsill.

"What's the matter, Aneth, is there any problem?" Zelin sat on the wooden chair and motioned to Aneth to sit down too: "Don't be frustrated, I know it's impossible to compete with La Varetti Castle or the Wangs here. The castle is on the same level, but you can also treat it as if you are at home, so don’t be nervous."

Aneth sat across from Zelin, holding the book in both hands, clasping her chest: "Your Excellency, why would you be willing to help my father?"

"This has to be mentioned a long time ago." Zelin sighed lightly. He raised the teapot on the tabletop, trying to pour a glass of water for himself and Aneth. He knows that when two people are talking, having a glass of water can make people relax, and it can also make it easier for you to judge each other's emotions. A nervous person will inevitably choose to lift a cup to cover up his anxiety.

The teapot is very light and there is no water in it.

Zelin smiled awkwardly, Aneth glanced at the kettle and stood up: "I'll pour water."

"No, no." Zelin made a gesture to Aneth: "You are sitting here, I will pour a glass of water and come back."

After waiting for a while, Zelin came back with water, filled Anis with a glass, and then poured himself a glass. Amelia was right. He said all morning and indeed felt a little thirsty.

"It was probably six or seven years ago. At that time, I established the academy in Mahakam. Then your father came to me and asked me a few questions. Surrender, this is also the land of Tamoria." Zelin took a sip of tea. This time, the Azeroth mission sent some special items as gifts, including different styles of tea. Francesca was going to look for suitable planting sites in her territory. She thought that this kind of monopoly would be a good business: "He talked to me, and I told him that I could not work for the king. It is impossible to pay taxes or serve him like normal residents. Similarly, the demon hunters are neutral. At the time when the Second Civil War was the fiercest, in the east, the Nilfgaards had already hit Punta. On the bank of the river, he asked if I could inquire about the information of the Nilfgaards for him, and I told him that I would not do this."

Aneth's eyes widened never closed.

"He...what did he say later?"

"He didn't say anything. He allowed me to stay here and promised not to trouble me. He said that he was very happy that I could establish an academy in his territory to protect the civilians of Tamoria from monsters." Zelin drank the water in the glass and poured himself another glass: "I was surprised. I might be as surprised as you at the time. I didn't expect your Majesty to say this and be so tolerant."

"I didn't expect it either." Aneth said dryly.

"Later, the White Rose Knights didn't like his decision very much. They were the knights sponsored by the Eternal Fire Church. Later, they mobilized soldiers to attack my castle. I could only think of a way to fight back." Zelin paused: "The result Unexpectedly, I was involved in the plot of the Knight Commander and Prince Ailand to oppose His Majesty, and Roche went to arrest the remaining White Rose Knights. Although this can’t be said to be helping me, it did help me. Very busy. So before the battle of Maribo, I went to visit His Majesty and thank him."

"At that time, he was trying to recapture a fortress occupied by the Nilfgaards. In the siege tower, he handed me this ring." Zelin took out the ring with the seal of Foltest's personal family. "He said, if he fails, I hope I can protect his children. It really has nothing to do with politics, so I agreed. That's it, Aneth. I rarely promise anything, but I think your Majesty It’s worth my promise. So you don’t have to worry, Aneth, no one can hurt you here."

"I don't worry about this, sir." Aneth took a deep breath: "I have seen many...many miracles that can be done by magic. For example, you only need to cross a door to reach the distance. This place is very far away. You must have many helpers from outside this land, don't you? A good fighter like Elin's sister. If it's just a skirmish, a few powerful fighters are enough to influence the situation of the battle. ..... Can you let the fighters you know help father?\"

"You shouldn't tell me about this, Aneth." Zelin put his hand on the table: "I am not the leader of anyone, nor the boss of anyone, and I have no right to order anyone to fight for me. Or because of my personal request, I went to the dangerous battlefield to sell my life. They are my friends. They help me because of friendship or favor, or I can provide something they want, and that's it."

"Aren't you the lord here?"

"This is not a territory, Aneth, this is my home, my friends and their friends, very good friends, not commanders and soldiers." Zelin shook his head: "Aneth, even the king, must Only by satisfying the demands of others can we be respected and loved. Why do people in Willen’s land remain indifferent to the changes in the rule of Tamoria and Nilfgaards, and in Vizima, everyone wants Foltais His Majesty Go back to the capital? It's very simple, because when His Majesty was in Vizima, the surrounding villagers lived better and safer."

"I... What can I satisfy other people?" Aneth said lowly, "I don't even know who can do these things..."

"This is what you have to learn, Aneth, discover talents and warriors by yourself, and then attract them to work for you," Zelin reached out and smoothed Aneth's messy blonde hair: "Even if you are not a king, you You will also need to. Look at a person’s good or bad, judge a person’s ability, choose whether to make friends, and how to be friends with good people, and then make yourself a good person."


Aneth nodded gently.


Suddenly, a voice came from outside the balcony. Zelin stood up and walked to the balcony, holding the white carved fence with one hand and looking down: "What's the matter?...Bilbo?"

Before Zelin heard the answer, he saw Bilbo standing in the yard. The latter waved to Zelin, holding a letter in his hand.

"Zelin!" Bilbo put down his raised hand: "I'm going home first. This is an invitation. If you have time, go to the Shire for my birthday party! I have invited many people, Hope you can go too."

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ps: Next is the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 2367 The Dispute About Invitation

Bilbo also didn't know why he celebrated his eleventh birthday. He didn't feel that he was now 110 years old. In fact, the residents of the Shire were also talking about it. One hundred and ten years old is old enough for the Hobbit, but people are surprised to find that his appearance is still the same as when he was fifty-two when he left the Shire last time. Many people feel uncomfortable about this. After all, Bilbo has a huge sum of money that he doesn't know where he comes from. He has wealth that no one else can match, and he has an enviable longevity and health.

It's just that when this invitation letter fell into Zelin's hands, all he felt was trance and emotion.

Sixty years have passed?

The battles with Bud, Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf in Lonely Mountain are still fresh in my memory.

"Think about it, Zelin, you are about the same age as Bilbo?" Putting down the arm holding the letter paper, Gnaiya tilted her head slightly, looking at Zelin lying on the bench: "You never seem to hold Birthday party."

"One hundred and ten years old, Holy Light, you, my age multiplied by two is not as good as you." Altea laughed in disbelief. She rubbed the corners of her mouth: "This is indeed worth celebrating. For ten years, Azeroth will usually send a birthday gift through the messenger as a surprise and blessing."

"Please, I don't remember when my birthday is." Zelin took a deep breath: "I have never held a birthday party before. Those are things that children only like. Birthdays will only remind me. One year old, there is nothing to celebrate."

"Don't move." Xisally holding the spatula leaned forward: "You are my first customer in three hundred years. I don't want to put an extra scar on your face."

"How did the druid learn this technique?" Virginia, who was lying on the bed with her arms supporting her body and reading, turned her head. The room was a little hot, her skirt rolled up to her knees and her legs rolled back. With the sound of turning pages, it wiggled a few times from time to time: "There is no such profession as a druid in Tamriel, but in other places, I think you are all pious nature protectors. This is... a gardener. ?"

"No, this is what I learned before I became a druid. You may not know, we men in the night elves, they often like to sleep after they become druids. They sleep for many years and stay in the Emerald Dream every day. I don’t know what to do, so the beard is very long. As a result, many men who are not druids start to learn to grow their beards.” Xisali gently scraped Zelin’s foam-covered chin: “There is such a thing. Craftsmanship, the probability of finding a boyfriend will be higher. Really, there are not many men. Whenever they encounter a war, they will run to the front line. It's a waste."

"...I think I should write a book to write down all kinds of peculiar humanities and customs, and maybe it will sell well in Tamriel." Virginia retracted her gaze and turned it over again. One page: "There are many books with less imagination than reality that sell well."

"So, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but then I really didn't want to let this opportunity go." Xisali smiled embarrassedly. With a flick of the wrist, the last piece of white was scraped off: "Elune, I always feel that if I miss this opportunity, when my soul returns to the Moon God, I will be laughed at by the other dead sisters."

"Okay, okay, Hisalie, you have apologized for so many times. I don't know how many times." Gnaiya waved her hand: "Talos is here, there is another one who said that she would quit, but she was still cheeky afterwards. The person who posted it."

The Dragonborn glanced at Virginia, whose cheeks were slightly red, but he showed no signs of weakness. The mage girl's voice pretended to be relaxed: "It can't be compared to how to say it. Ms. Elf returned to Helgen one day late and seduced the heroine of someone else's boyfriend."


"Heh...cough cough!"

Gneia snorted, and Virginia wanted to do the same, but she coughed.

"I told you that if you don't pay attention to exercise, you will soon become a sick child." Long Yi moved his shoulders: "Tomorrow I will train Amelia, do you want to bet against me? I dare say that The physique of the Lodir people may not be as good as that of a girl from Yanan."

"I'm just lying down for a long time." Virginia rolled her eyes, she sat up and stretched. On the other side, Zelin just washed his face with hot water and took off the towel hung on the side: "Zelin, are you planning to go to the banquet tomorrow?"

"Yes, and the portal is some distance away from the Shire. It is in Gushan. I am going to ride a griffon. Even so, it is estimated that it will take more than a week, maybe two weeks. The last time you and When I went to Middle-earth together, you knew how far the road was." Zelin wiped his cheeks with a towel and said dullly, "So considering the time, I am going to go early."

"Well, when? I'll prepare in advance."

"What does this have to do with you?" Gnaiya asked strangely.

"Didn't I go to Middle-earth with Zelin last time? I know Bilbo, Zelin can't go alone? So I must accompany him to participate." Virginia said of course. "Don’t worry, it’s just a month’s time and we should be back. You train Amelia here, and when Zelin comes back, you can just see the results of the first phase."

Gnaiya put his gaze on Zelin: "Zelin, this time I want to go with you."

"I don't know if Bilbo is convenient." Zelin looked at the invitation letter in his hand. There were very few words written on the invitation letter. It should have been made by Bilbo himself: "If it's just a small private party, I plan to go there alone. . If it’s a large banquet..."

"Don't worry, I have attended many banquets, and I know what to do then."

Zelin knew exactly what Gnaiya was referring to at the banquet.

"Are you talking about the embassy that was stolen and caught on fire last time?"

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