He destroyed the training pond, but is this Saruman's entire army?

I'm afraid not necessarily.

Xiu De's mouth was strained, he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and looked elsewhere. The strong orc army and wolf cavalry were retreating, while the Rohan knights obeyed the prince's orders and did not pursue them without authorization. More dark shadows appeared on the walls of Isengard.

"I see." He turned to look at a guard next to him: "Notify Elfheim, order him to lead the company to retreat and return to the camp to rest!"

The 2414th chapter has never appeared reinforcements

The morning sun mirrored the soft light on the plain where the dead bodies were everywhere, and a wisp of black smoke drifted with the wind.

The Rohan people lost almost two hundred riders in the battle last night, as well as a considerable number of wounded. Nearly a quarter of the entire army lost combat effectiveness. But they also killed a larger number of enemies. The first group of Dunlanders was almost wiped out. The ground was full of orcs' corpses, as well as a considerable number of strong orcs. After Saruman's army temporarily retreated to Isengard's high wall, the Rohan took the opportunity to sweep the battlefield and restrain the dead.

"Isinger's underground is an arsenal and a hatchery for making strong orcs. I destroyed them, but don't think that Saruman will become helpless because of this. The strong orcs were made by magic, that is to say. As long as he is there, the strong orcs I met last night will continue to kill Isinger."

"But we delayed their speed. When Iomo's troops arrive, I can attack Isengard."

Prince Siyud sat on the wooden chair of the camp, holding a sword in both hands. He originally planned to take advantage of the enemy's heavy losses on the plains to surround Isengard and cut down nearby trees to make siege weapons. Zelin finally persuaded him to give up this idea.

"Of course, Your Highness, if you have enough reinforcements, besieging Isinger is not a problem, but I hope I can remind Nei that Isengard is backed by the Misty Mountains, and the Misty Mountains hide the half-orcs, Saruman’s first A group of orc servants must have come from within the mountains." Zelin walked to the front of the camp, raised his arms and pointed to the distance. Standing at the Luohan Pass, you can clearly see the snow-covered foothills of the Misty Mountains all day long. "If you don't have an absolute advantage, and you can't completely cut off the supply and reinforcement channels of a fortress, it's actually meaningless to surround it."

Zelin still remembers that the Orcs hid in the Misty Mountains, escaped the surveillance of Rivendell and Lothlorien, and directly attacked the Bahrain colony in Moria. Perhaps until now, I am afraid that the dwarves cannot tell how many cobweb-like caves are there in the Misty Mountains, let alone how many orcs are hidden inside. They are hidden in the mountains and underground. They are not eye-catching, but they are definitely not dangerous.

Rohan and Gondor are leaning against a white mountain range, and the two countries don’t know how long it took to completely remove the orcs from the white mountain range. The Misty Mountain is three times the size of the White Mountain range, with only an elf city and Forest.

"But his vitality was badly injured." Xiyoude stood up and walked to the front of the camp. The tent was located at the forefront of the camp, facing the battlefield, on a high ground on the right side of the camp. He could clearly see what was happening on the plain outside, without waiting for the guards to pass on the news.

Soldiers in the camp hauled wood found in the nearby forest. The wooden bracket in the middle of the open area has outlined the outline of a siege hammer, and the three soldiers were busy covering the cowhide on it.

"The speed of the hussar is very fast. I will be able to see the flag of Iomo until tonight, and when the new force enters the battlefield, we will be able to take down Isengard's wall. Wizard, can you support us in the sky? The city wall is much easier than climbing up a wooden ladder."

"If you are confident, you can give it a try. Of course I will help. I originally thought Rohan would be in trouble, but now it seems that your Highness has blocked Saruman."

Saruman's strength is still gathering, perhaps because of Gandalf's visit, or other reasons, that caused him to attack rashly when he had not completed his arms. Now, he needs a longer time to resume equipment production.

"That's not all, wizard, Rohan is perilous." Siyod's voice was full of worry. He frowned and looked at the plain in front of him. Many corpses of orcs and Dunlanders still remained on the battlefield, washed away by the river. "As early as a year ago, half-orcs and Dunlanders kept crossing the Rohan Pass, entering my land, burning and looting. They attacked pedestrians and villages, and many villages could only move to places close to the wooden fort, except Rohan has fallen to the castle and a few settlements."

"Is the situation so critical?" Zelin raised his eyebrows: "This is an act of declaring war."

"Huqi should have let Isinger pay his debts long ago, but we were delayed." Siyoud took a deep breath, a little annoyed, as if he shouldn’t talk about it: "If it were the past, I would hope it all. It was resolved in the golden temple of Edoras, but now, I can’t wait until the disease is so severe that the skin rots before I go to seek a doctor. I know Gandalf the Grey, he is a wise sage, maybe he can help Rohan Resolve... enemies who cannot fight with bows and spears."

"It sounds like there is a problem in Edoras?" Zelin asked tentatively. Isinger's harassment of Rohan continued for a year, but King Hiurdon remained indifferent.

"Grima, my father is obedient to his words." Siyod turned around, the shadow of the camp was over his face: "Rohan is sending messengers and messengers to Idoras to ask for help, but he He blocked all the messengers and drove the guests out. He also said in front of me that Iomo was trying to usurp my position, and then in front of Iomo that I was jealous of his identity. Wait until I went to see Yi in person. After Oumo, he hid in the golden palace again, and refused to confront me!"


Zelin didn't say much, it sounded like a character often appeared in many courts. Who wouldn't like someone who can do what he likes, let alone, if Zelin's calculations are correct, Hidden is sixty years old. As an old man, his judgment may not be as good as before.

"I was unable to recruit more soldiers because the father did not order Isinger to conquer Isengard, but everyone with clear eyes can tell that Saruman wants to take this land!" Xiyou Deshen He took a breath, looked up at the top of the camp, and blinked his eyes vigorously: "After I break through Isengard, Grima had better pray that I won’t let me find evidence of his secret collusion with Saruman. If you have faith!"

All day, the Rohan people were making their siege equipment, Isengard's gate was closed tightly, and the dark city wall was like another Mordor gate located under the Misty Mountains. Before dawn, bonfires were lit in various camps, and the thick smoke in Isengard obscured the sky, as if turning day into night. The riders looked at the closed gate from a distance, and there were only crows pecking at corpses on the plain.

Until night fell, Iomo's reinforcements did not appear.

The 2415th chapter Saruman's ambition

"Master, we have lost two blast furnaces, and all the eggs that have not merged have been destroyed. Almost 70 hard laborers have died, and some have no idea where they fled."

Saruman held a white ivory wand and sat on the icy black iron throne, listening to the orcs with soot left on them reporting to him.

"What I need is not to count the losses, not to tell me how many slaves have died. I need to know when I can rebuild the armor and weapons and continue to arm my army!"

The white-robed wizard gritted his teeth, and a dangerous light leaped in his eyes. The orc supervisor took a step back subconsciously.

"There will soon be new slaves in the Misty Mountains, the master, but the rest are sent to the wall. We are currently understaffed and...not enough to repair the forge." Under the wizard's gaze, The orc struggled to squeeze out a few words: "No, but soon, in a week, the flames in the blast furnace can re-burn. We have wood, and enough wood to make a fire."

"A week is too long, everyone is working day and night, forging more armor and spears!" The wizard paused: "More!"

He stood up, turned and walked towards the narrow corridor behind the throne. The pitch-black slabs on the ground reflected the dim light of torches on both sides.

Standing on the balcony of Isinger Tower, holding the stone fence with both hands, a messy underground forging factory came into view. Looking over the crack in the ground, you can see that the bottom is almost completely black, and the burnt brackets and wooden ladders are only charred charcoal. The flames in some places have not been completely extinguished, and the smoke is swaying.

"Master, master." The overseer quickly followed behind the wizard: "If there are more people, we can clean up the ruins tonight. If, if those who work for the master, new... ."

"They have more important tasks." The wizard coldly interrupted the overseer's request: "They are more important than you. Continue to work, I don't allow anyone to stop, you also go, tomorrow morning, I will be here See the cleared underground cracks! Before the Rohan people continue to attack, pile up the warehouse with weapons and armor."

"Master, the Rohan are outside Isinger..."


The wizard drew his backhand on the overseer’s face, and when the overseer recovered, it found itself curled up on the ground, holding its head in both hands, shivering.

"Enough complaints."

As he said, the wizard looked at the sky in the southeast, holding a wand in both hands and supporting it on the ground like a cane. The ferocity in his eyes was replaced by some kind of greed, as if he could directly see the throne of the Golden Temple of Edoras in the distance: " Tell others that within five days, the Rohan will not attack."

Outside the city wall, everyone in the Rohan camp was wearing armor, waiting for an attack order. The huge oak used by the siege hammer has been transported into the camp. After the assembly is completed, it can be pushed towards Isinger and hit the iron gate. The banner depicting the white horse was hunting in the cold wind. The knights sharpened their sabers and washed the horses. Everyone looked to the east, waiting for the banner representing Iomo to appear on the horizon.

But until the evening of the next day, there was still no sign of reinforcements. Only the tribal riders gathered by Siyud arrived, but the newly added riders were nothing but a drop in the bucket for attacking the city wall. Wolf cavalry appeared on the wasteland and attacked the scout dispatched to the camp. Siyoud had to order fifty knights to dismount and strengthen the guard of the West Bank camp.

"His Royal Highness, the messenger we sent to Edoras still has no news."

Grimheim, a general with a brown beard standing in the camp, wrapped his helmet in his arms: "According to the plan, the troops of His Royal Highness Iomo should arrive two days ago, but the scout who returned yesterday Said that within fifty miles, no Rohan camp was seen, only the traces left by the orcs."

"Iomo used to be late on the battlefield." Siyoud was sitting by the bonfire with a hint of irritation in his eyebrows: "Something must have held him back. Before he arrived, he was on the banks of the Eisen River. The village sent envoys to ask them to send hunters who could fight to support the camp. They also sent people to Seyveld to recruit more strong men as infantry, distribute weapons and armors for them, and mobilize all the remaining infantry. On the west side, to guard against Saruman’s sneak attack, the remaining riders protect the east bank and prevent the wolf cavalry from entering the hinterland of Rohan."

"His Royal Highness..." Griem hesitated: "Only His Majesty the King can call up villages."

"After I defeat Isinger, I will return to Edoras and explain to my father."

"Perhaps Saruman did it." Zelin said suddenly, and he walked to the prince: "In the battle the day before yesterday, he sent a small number of wolf cavalry. Maybe he ordered other wolf cavalry to bypass the Misty Mountains in the north. The inside of the mountains enters the territory of Rohan directly. Maybe some messengers have not arrived yet, or have hit the wolf cavalry. The speed of the wolf is much faster than the horse."

"North of Isengard is a cliff. How do wolf cavalry climb on the cliff?"

"His Royal Highness, I once participated in another war in Gushan." Zelin explained: "Azog and his orcs from the Northern Misty Mountains used to have a tendency to a giant insect that can dig out caves in the rocks, enough to make An army passed. That was fifty years ago. Although Azog died and the orcs in the Northern Misty Mountains were defeated, just thirty years ago, the orcs could still gather their strength and quietly bypass the elves. Surveillance and directly attack the dwarves in Moria."

For two consecutive days, the wolf cavalry had been wandering near the camp. Altaril killed several orc horsemen who were too close to the camp. The general in the camp sent a cavalry team to drive them away, but in the night battle, the Rohan The loss far exceeded the wolf cavalry. Well-trained horses also show fear when they encounter a wolf.

"Wizard." Siyod took off the ring on his finger: "You can rush to the camp of Idoras and Iomo faster than any rider, and help me pass the news here to my father. In my ears with Io Mo, I can't just return without success after a battle. Isinger has already caused too much damage to Rohan."

"Of course I can help spread the news." Zelin did not directly reach out to pick up the ring: "But I also have a proposal, Your Highness. After I leave, I recommend that you retreat temporarily and retreat to a nearby fortress, and then again. Waiting for reinforcements. Of course, this is not a retreat, let alone a surrender, Your Highness." The Demon Hunter said quickly before Hiudun refused, "This is to retreat."

Chapter 2416: Retreat as Advance

Retreating to the nearby fortress, relying on the city wall and monitoring the Rohan Pass, can hold down Saruman's main force. As long as this force is still near Isengard, it is difficult for Saruman to send the main force to attack Isengard, but when he stays under the city wall, the initiative is always in Saruman's hands. He can continuously replenish the lost orcs from the Misty Mountains, and decide when to attack at any time. Even if the tentative attack fails, his legion can still return to Isengard and wait.

But once Siyud's troops retreated, retreated to a place close to the fortress, or built a simple camp on the opposite side of the Rohan Pass, relying on the mountains, the problem was thrown in front of Saruman.

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