"Hi, wait, Meili, Mei...Sigh." Finally, Pi Pin sighed.

Turned around and walked to the edge of the corridor, the street below was crowded with people. The sun is slanting west, and it is indeed time to enjoy afternoon tea.

Scratching his hair, Meri sat on the fence in the corridor. He doesn't know what is going on with Frodo and Sam now, or where Bilbo is now, whether there will be a chance to listen to his story in the future, and read his Hobbit Adventures. He really wanted to fight side by side with people like Polomo. After leaving the Shire, everything here is so infectious. The soldiers of Gondor, those comrades who lived and died in the battle, face the evil battle and become the defense line of Middle-earth.

In the past, he always thought that Shire's life was everything, and everyone should have a similar life. But now he knows that it is precisely because there are river valleys, Rivendell, Gondor and Rohan, there are so many people fighting all the time, he and other hobbits can be in the beautiful environment of the Shire. Leisure life.

"Hi, I found you."

At this time, a friendly voice came into his ears, and he looked at it. Pipin Kanao, a soldier wearing a black and white shirt, approached him: "You must be the son of Paladin, Perry Green? I'm Bala. No’s son Berigon, I’ve heard that you have pledged allegiance to the Prime Minister of Regent. I’ve been ordered to tell you the passcode and explain to you some things you’d like to know. I was supposed to be on duty at the beacon tonight, but Because of this order, I rarely got permission to take a vacation today."

"It's nice to meet you, Barano's son Berrigon." Pipin waved to him kindly: "Beacon Tower, is it the beacon tower that warns Rohan? I have heard it in Rohan."

"Yes, Luohan. I heard that you have been to Luohan, and I really want to hear what you know about it. We put our last hope on that piece of land. Many people are looking forward to the Northern Conference. Reinforcements appeared, and a powerful cavalry corps appeared. Ah, I’m sorry, I’ve said too much, I’ll take you to see where to eat and rest." Berrigon clapped his hands: "On the road, we can still see Go to the beacon tower. I can show it to you, it's over there."

Out of the corridor, Pipin followed Berrigon's hand and looked into the distance.

"Wait, that's..."

The flames on the watchtower were burning.

Both Pipin and Berrigon opened their eyes wide, looking at the scene they didn't expect in surprise. Many people who raised their heads and looked high at this moment were shocked to find that the beacon that had not been lit in the past hundreds of years and represented the danger of Gondor was burning again.

Chapter 2494 Another Conqueror

"The wizard has been away for so many days, it's almost half a month, right?"

Jin Li held a pipe and sat on a bench in the hall of the Golden Palace: "Shall we stay here until we get moldy?"

"Mislanda is in Gondor. He wants us to stand against the beacon. Sharpen your axe, Jinli. Gondor is the front line against the Mordor army. We may all go to Gondor to join the battle soon. ." Legolas waxed the bowstring. The fingers of the elves are best at flicking silk threads, whether it is a string or a bow string: "The wise man considers and makes a plan, the leader follows the wise advice, and the rest are bravely moving forward under the king's banner."

"There are horses everywhere here." Jinli sucked his smoking pipe hard: "It can be seen that they are ready to go out at any time. But I really don't want to ride a horse. If I can, I would rather call a strong dwarf army. If I can Like a sword wizard, it only takes one day and one night to walk from Luohan to the Lonely Mountain. I must go to the Lonely Mountain to gather volunteers and soldiers and lead them south together!"

"Even if your compatriots didn't come here, there might be war at the door of the house." Legolas hooked his fingers to the bowstring, testing his flexibility: "The saber wizard said before leaving, that one gathered in the east of the iron hills. The militia of the chariots has already begun to approach the Lonely Mountain."

Jin Li didn't speak, he just smoked a cigarette. In the sunset, a thin cloud of smoke floated slowly into the sky.

Suddenly, they saw Aragorn strode across the gravel path towards the hall of the Golden Temple above.

"Hi, Aragorn!" Jin Li waved to the human ranger: "What are you running? What's the matter?!"

"Come in the hall, Jinli!"

Aragorn did not stop: "Legolas, hurry up!"

The two immediately stood up and ran up the sloping ladder behind Aragorn. The guards of the Golden Temple did not stop them. Everyone in Edoras knew them, and King Hayden declared them to be Rohan's eternal friends and guests.

In the hall of the Golden Temple, Hidden was standing at a table with Rohan and Gondor, and maps of nearby terrain. Three generals gathered around the table and pointed at the map. Eowyn and Hisalie are standing in the corner of the room. In the past few days, they have been talking very happily. Eowyn is very interested in the society Hesali is talking about. Of course, she can’t imagine a woman dominating. It means something, but she would love to hear someone agree with her, and women can go to the battlefield when they need it.

Iomo and Siyud stayed on the other side, and they were talking in a low voice.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open.

"Gondor asks for help!" Aragorn said loudly, attracting everyone's attention: "The beacon was lit, Gondor asks for help!"

The conversation in the room quieted down instantly, and people looked at King Hiurdon, waiting for his orders. Many of them knew that King Haydon had always been concerned about the fact that Gondor did not provide assistance to Rohan, or even prevented the Ruen people from crossing the Anduin River. However, the people here did not blame Gondor for this. It is commendable that the eldest son of the prime minister rushed to Edoras to warn them about the Ruen invasion.

"Gondor lit the beacon, Your Majesty." Aragorn stood in front of Hidden, watching the king's eyes: "This means that Minas Tirith is in crisis."

Ultimately, whether to assist Gondor is the decision of King Hiurdon.

And his decision may change the fate of many people.

Hidden pursed his mouth, he took a deep breath: "Rohan will abide by the ancient agreement, summon the knights, and we will help Gondor!"

The bell on the watchtower of Edoras was struck, which represented the king's summoning order. All the riders put on their armors, rode on their horses, brought bows, spears, and axes, and gathered in the open space outside the city. Residents living in the city of Edoras were also recruited. Some of the men who were about to go to the battlefield bid farewell to their wives and children for a short time. After a few words, they turned and walked toward the street to join the other soldiers who flocked to the assembly ground.


The sturdy red-haired general bent over and bowed to Hidden: "Your Majesty."

"You rode a horse, crossed Reedmark, and gathered all the sturdy adult men to ride to the black barbarian shrine." Theurton orderly ordered: "Iomo."

The king’s nephew took the helmet in his arms and bowed to the king: "Awaiting orders, Your Majesty."

"You rode to Zumtobel, summoned all the tribes and towns you encountered, and ordered them to send good men who can fight on horseback to the Black Man Temple and wait for orders."

"I'm going now."

Iomo turned and walked towards the Golden Temple stairs, and Hidden stretched out his hand to hold him.

"You must rush back within two days. No matter how many soldiers you call, you should go to the Black Man Temple two days ago." Xiuton told: "Three days later, three days later we will go to Gondor to fight."

"I will come as soon as possible with enough riders." Iomo nodded.

A celebrity rider walked out of the stable and led out the horse kept inside. Normally, the residents of Edoras tended to graze near the city, and the king's subordinates were responsible for raising horses. During the war, the horses were distributed to soldiers in need, who would ride on horses and follow the king on the march.

Eowyn walked out with a maroon mare against the soldiers who entered the stable. She raised her head and noticed Hesally who was standing near the stable.

"Aren't you going to pick a horse?" She asked curiously: "You are your Majesty's guest. You can choose a mount here."

"I'm not used to riding horses." Xisali moved her neck: "I am more accustomed to driving on my own limbs."

"Is it like Jinli? I thought all elves are good at riding horses. Prince Legolas's equestrian skills are comparable to Rohan's best knights." Eowyn patted the mount on the neck: "You can and me Pick up the same horse. I saw Legolas and Jinli on the same horse just now."

Xisali walked to Eowyn and lowered her voice: "You finally decided to go to the battlefield?"

"I can swing a sword, wear armor, can ride a horse, and know **** the enemy with a sword and a spear." Eowyn said seriously: "I will not stay in a safe place, waiting for news helplessly. I know. How dangerous this war is. Minas Tirith is besieged and a beacon is lit, which means that Gondor’s defense line outside Mordor has been defeated. Mordor’s army is pouring out. This is a decisive battle, or a triumphant victory. , Or die on the battlefield. I will fight with them, I can do it, just like in the Black Man Temple. If it must be destroyed, I would rather fight to death with others on the battlefield instead of waiting alone for defeat News."

"Do your brother and adoptive father still refuse to agree with you to fight alongside them?" Xisali sighed: "Elune is here, everyone should have the right to fight, not always be protected. Hmm. , I have talked to Shuhu before, they will continue to guard Isengard to ensure that Saruman will not leave the tower easily. And there are seeds left there, which does not delay surveillance work."

"Aren't you going to choose an armor?" Eowyn looked up and down Hisalie's tight leather armor: "You can't resist the sword of a half-orc like this."

"Don't worry, it's impossible for a half-orc to approach me, and..." Hisalie paused: "This leather armor is more important than chain mail for helping me in battle."

"Eowyn." In the stable behind him, Aragorn led the horse out: "Are you going with us too?"

"Oh, no." Eowyn smiled and lifted the curly hair hanging from one side of her cheek: "Only to the Black Man Temple. According to tradition, the prince will go to the barracks to see the soldiers off. Aragorn, they are very happy to be by your side Fight."


"They found their leader." Eowyn said: "Everyone here knows that you are the descendant of the Emperor. They are willing to follow you until victory or death when fighting against Sauron. Back then Esiduo's One sword ended Sauron, and they all believed that you could do the same thing. You are their hope."

Aragorn didn't say much.

"Let’s go, Eowyn." Hisalie reminded from the side: "Elune is on. It’s another war, how I hope this will be the last battle. I used to live in an era of peace, but In recent years, I have almost forgotten what peace looks like."

"Everyone likes peace." Eowyn smoothed the side of the saddle: "But I don't know how many of these people who left Edoras can come back alive to enjoy the fruits of victory and peace. Or, we Can you finally defeat Sauron? If Gondor can't stop the enemy..."

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