Behind the wooden door, a guard who was behind the door watched a stranger walk in in surprise.


Zelin waved his hand again: "Count to nine thousand."

"One, two, three, four, five..."

He closed the wooden door behind him, and what he saw was a rugged tunnel. The corner of the tunnel was like a screen wall, blocking the scene behind the cave. Zelin stepped lightly, leaned back against the corner, walked carefully to the corner, and slowly stretched out his head to look inside.

The scene in the cave is not as different as Zelin had imagined. There is only a wide stone chamber in which there are five knights of the Flame Rose. The deepest floor is covered with wooden planks, and there is a table on it, and a knight stands in front of the table. Looking down at the document spread over it, the other knights didn't say a word, standing boredly waiting for orders.

"What the **** is going on?" The knight looking down at the file turned his head: "Who is counting? Kwen, go and shut him up!"

A knight walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Zelin looked around, listening to the sound of approaching footsteps, bent down and picked up a chair from the ground.

Chapter 2581 The Order of the Knights

There was a hint of chaos in the cave where the Knights were stationed, but it soon returned to peace.

The last knight knelt on the ground, Zelin held a broken wooden chair leg, and slammed it on the back of his head. The knight rolled his eyes and fell forward to the ground.

Two of the five knights were knocked down, and the remaining three fell into a drowsiness under the control of Aksi Fayin. In the past, demon hunters didn't like to use the Axian seal. This is the seal that consumes the most physical strength among all the seals. It requires a lot of chaotic mana, but the effect cannot be guaranteed. The soul is always the most profound part, and no one can guarantee that he can thoroughly study the soul.

"A letter..."

Zelin walked to the table and picked up the file on it. There are two purchase orders and a garrison movement order in the document, three personal letters and a holy book of eternal fire. Zelin pushed the holy scriptures and prayer words off the table, leaving only the things he was interested in. ,

The knights are to be transferred to Tritog to assist the guards to ensure the safety of the palace and castle. Zelin didn't know why Ladovide sent the Knights to Tritog. Perhaps he finally thought that the royal family members in the castle were a threat to him and decided to use the hands of outsiders to kill them. But this made the demon hunter breathe a sigh of relief. Ladovide didn't seem to be aware of Dikoscher's plan. The knights had nothing to do with Osenfurt.

The second order book is very interesting to the demon hunter. The Vivaldi Bank was mentioned above.

This order was sent after the transfer order, and the inscription on it was August 26, 1272. It was about two weeks before the demon hunter returned from Middle Earth.

The order requires the Knights of the Flame Rose to send some soldiers into Novigrad, and there will soon be a chaos in Novigrad. When there is chaos, the members of the knights should enter the main square, assist the local witch hunters to protect the safety of the shops around the square, and take care of the Vevadi Bank, absolutely must not allow any mob to take the opportunity to steal any gold coin in the vault, and All the money will be transferred to the bank of the Tritog family, so the people of the Knights are not allowed to take the opportunity to stuff gold into their pockets.

Radovide seems to want to take action on the Vivaldi Bank?

Zelin frowned. The order book clearly stated that there will be a chaos in Novigrad.

It is October 3rd, and Zelin doesn't know why Ladovide has such confidence. He decides to put this letter away and discuss it with Dijkstra and Chape. Radovide did have the ability to disrupt Novigrad, and the flagship of the Redanian Navy was docked in the port of Novigrad. Chapei said that it was a peaceful visit ordinance passed by the city council in order to curb the influence of Ambassador Nilfgaard. But after the ship entered the port, the anchor broke. As a result, the flagship had to stay in Novigrad for shelter until the hired blacksmith built a new anchor.

But no matter what Ladovide intends to do, many people hope that he will disappear immediately, and as long as this assassination plan is successful, he will be unable to do anything.

But on a receipt, Zelin saw something surprising.

The Knights of the Flame Rose are in the business of anesthetic powder, and their purchase list is impressively written with a name familiar to the demon hunter-Amelia.


Zelin knew that Amelia had done a lot of things, but never knew that she was still related to anesthetic powder.

The last letter of order required the Knights of the Flame Rose to deliver aid from Kerviel. This aid could not be directly delivered to the front lines. More than 30 years ago, Kevel, who had developed a well-developed seafaring trade, and Nilfgaard’s Emperor Forgus signed a non-aggression treaty, and at the same time stipulated that neither party should assist each other's opponents, and the ships of both parties must cooperate with each other to take refuge on the sea.

Therefore, Kewell has been secretly helping the northern nations to fight against Nilfgaard.

The territory of the Knights is a fortress located at the mouth of the northern peninsula. Kevir’s ships can only go there. If they continue to go south, they are easily spotted by the Nilfgaard ships.

Zelin left the last letter of order in place. It is not surprising that Zelin knew that Kewell had assisted the Northern Allied Forces in the last war. Listening to the countdown from the janitor, Zelin estimated the time, and he stuffed all the things he needed into his pocket.

But at this time, he noticed that another letter seemed to be sandwiched in the holy scripture that had just been thrown away.

He walked over, pinched the letter paper with **** and pulled it out of the book.

Unfold the letter paper, and on it is a report from a scout.

The wild boar army stationed north of Brenwich has been purchasing supplies from the warlocks in Novigrad. The scout reported that he found that the purchased supplies and books contained many things related to dark magic. There are rumors that Ogild, the leader of the wild boar army, has gained immortality. Many people have witnessed his wounds recover at a speed visible to the naked eye and no attack can harm him.

[...There is more and more evidence that Ogild is summoning the devil and signing an agreement with the devil. He may have taken refuge in the witch who performed evil rituals in Lomuneri, and used an unknown price in exchange for it. Immortality and strength. Some people have witnessed strange black cats and black dogs near his manor. Perhaps this is what the scripture said, monsters summoned by black magic, just like those cats that witches will always turn into with a demon. 】

The cat turned into by the devil?

Zelin raised his eyebrows. He didn't know that the devil would turn into a cat, but he suddenly thought of the two cats raised by Francesca. The elf warlock said that these two cats are the most reliable guards, and they are in Tousant's At that time, he killed a poisonous snake that was put into the elf room by the assassin.

The following is the reply of Gatans, Knight of Eternal Fire.

[Continue to keep watch, the Knights will set out in three days to bring the brilliance of the eternal fire back into the Evrek Manor occupied by evil. Don't reveal your whereabouts, and continue to report the situation. May the Holy Fire protect you from the darkness. 】

Perhaps Triss in Novigrad will be interested in this matter. It has always been the duty of the Warlock Order to deal with black magic and uncontrolled summoning. Of course, this kind of duty belongs to the high-level warlocks in the Order. It doesn't seem to be that effective.

A thousand seconds have been counted outside, which means Zelin has been here for fifteen minutes.

After packing up his things, Zelin turned and passed the knight who fell on the ground and walked towards the exit of the cave.

A lot of gains were gained this time, and a lot of valuable clues were obtained. He hadn't noticed that there were still a group of Knights of the Flame Rose stationed here before.

But his heart is very heavy.

Is this the value of Gunter Odim? Why would he know this? Who is he?

Chapter 2582: Trader Hand-Drawing Doveide

Facing the early morning, the country road back to Osenfurt was silent.

Zelin raised his head. Ten meters away, a figure whistling, sitting on the wooden guardrail on the side of the road.

The demon hunter walked up to him: "Who are you, Gunter Odim?"

"People call me the master of mirrors, and for a long time someone calls me the man of glass." Gunter Odim patted his hands: "Do I need to repeat my introduction again?"

"No need."

The other party did not intend to speak, and Zelin did not intend to continue to ask.

"You seem to know a lot."

"People who have been to many places can always have more knowledge than people who usually stay at home." The mirror master said ambiguously: "It looks like you have found interesting news."

"Yes, there are indeed some." Zelin rubbed the corners of his eyes: "Say, what do you want?"

The mirror master showed a gentle smile on his seemingly honest cheeks: "This is why I always like to deal with smart people. As a businessman, signing an agreement must be executed, but there are always people who like to look for loopholes in the agreement, and even look for external forces. Torn him. I don’t like this kind of bad customer, but as a qualified businessman, I always abide by the agreement."

"So you need someone to help you remind customers to comply with the agreement?" Zelin folded his arms on his chest. The rising sun in the distance stained the sky blood red: "You seem to know a lot and you can know a lot of people. Is it difficult to find a suitable person, a guy with a terrible appearance, to help you? There must be many people willing Work for you."

"The thing I'm good at is picking targets, Zelin." The mirror master walked down from the wooden fence: "There are some things that should be done only by people who are good at it. You can do this, in fact, you can do this. There are very few people involved."

Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly: "Doesn't it sound like a common debt collection?"

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