But the family members of these nobles must swear to enter the monastery and give up the right to inheritance.

However, no one can be sure whether the person who renounces the right of inheritance will leave offspring. As a result, there have indeed been some illegitimate children claiming titles in history, especially in the war years, when the number of such people was the largest and the danger was the greatest.

But Dijkstra knew that the mutated demon hunter must have no offspring.

So he hopes to throw the descendants of those nobles into the Demon Hunter Academy to accept mutations, to ensure that no illegitimate children will come out to claim titles.

Then Zelin refused without hesitation.

"This is Mr. Posotto." Virginia introduced to Zelin, an obese man wearing a light red patterned sweater with his hands behind his back, supervising the workers to withdraw from the auction stand: "Zelin, a demon hunter Hunter. Hi, he is the one you want to meet."

"Demon Hunter?" Posotto frowned and looked up and down the Demon Hunter's Kinslayer armor. There was no extra decoration on this pair of armor, he snorted disdainfully: "Why is there a demon hunter in my auction house? Do you have money to buy my things? If you don't have money, you'd better leave. I don’t remember when I invited you. My business is very busy and I don’t have time to waste with you."

"Uh..." Virginia's face stiffened, she didn't know if she should help Zelin introduce, or if she should be amused by Posotho's words.

"You are Massimilian Posotto?" Zelin didn't care about the other party's words.

"That is my ancestor."

"This is Horst Posotho, the heir of the Posotho family." Virginia explained to Zelin: "It's also the owner of this auction house."

"I want to talk to you about a business." Zelin said: "I am going to buy a house of your family... Where did Massimilian Posotto live? I want to buy the so-called horse Similian Posotto’s House."

Horst's face changed.

He yelled: "Where did you hear this name?!"

Zelin was a little surprised: "What's the matter?"

"Answer me!" He took a step forward and forced Zelin to ask.

"You have to give me at least one reason..."

"I order you to answer me immediately, now!"

"It doesn't need to be like this..." Virginia was also surprised, which was different from what she expected.

"Shut up, bitch, you don't have the place to talk!"

"You should apologize to her first, Horst." Zelin said, "Better hurry up, before I change my mind."

Virginia pulled Lazarin's arm: "Hi, Zelin, we..."

"Do you think you can scare me with witchcraft?!" Posotto wears anti-magic metal on his chest, which is the favorite accessory of northern merchants: "Guard! Guard!"

Two Redanian guards walked in: "What's the matter, sir?"

"Catch this tramp, throw him out of here, and then never allow him to come one step closer here!" Posotto took two steps back and pointed to Zelin.

Zelin sighed, "I gave you a chance."

As he said, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The eyes of the two guards suddenly disappeared.

"Grab this Mr. Posotto." Zelin's voice was cold.

The guards walked to Posotto as ordered by Zelin.

"What?!" Horst looked at the guard in surprise: "You guys, what are you doing?! He is the criminal, catch him...I will tell your sir!"

Horst was grabbed by the guard by his arm and handcuffed back.

Zelin looked at the owner of the auction house who was escorted to him by guards: "Slap him twice and make him bow and apologize to this lady."

Pop! Pop!

The crisp sound reverberated in the auction house, and Horst seemed to have been beaten up. He was held back by the guards and bowed to Virginia several times.

"Zelin, what are you doing..."

"Nothing, Vinnie."

Zelin waved his hands at the two guards: "Throw this gentleman into the toilet to calm down."

"You will pay for this! You bastards, do you know who is offending?! I will find..."


The soundproof effect of the toilet door is very good.

"Let's go." Zelin said to Virginia.

The mage girl smiled helplessly: "Zelin, did you do this before?"

"No, this is probably the first time in my life." Zelin paused: "But it feels good. Let's go, I'm going to talk to Dixie first and tell him what happened here. After all, the two guards didn't need to be punished for this."

Chapter 2849: The Posotto Family's Intelligence

Dikoscher has a secret stronghold in Osenfurt, which serves as his temporary headquarters and is responsible for investigating information on Nilfgard.

"If this would ruin your plan, then I'm sorry. I don't know why, mentioning the House of Massimilian Posotto, it will turn out to be like this."

"I have no plans, Zelin." Virginia said helplessly: "The money is already in hand, and a countess paid two hundred crowns to buy this pearl. Excluding the auction fee, there are still one hundred and eighty left. Ten crowns. Alas, the gold content of Azeroth's gold coins is too high. If Joseph is willing to go shopping in some relatively cheap gold coins... I heard from Yamili that her home was destroyed At that time, their regent borrowed three thousand gold coins to rebuild the ruins of the city. If there is a chance in the future, maybe they can invite some of the so-called... It's beautiful."

"I don't like it very much. The lines are too soft, and the decorations such as corners and eaves are too exaggerated." Zelin shook his head: "Since it doesn't affect your plan, it's fine. It seems I have to change that. The house is now available. I asked Dikoscher, and he asked that as long as the auction house is not moved. I am not interested in the auction house, I just want to take the Massimilian Posotho’s house."

Sitting in the living room of the alchemy hotel, Zelin took a sip of water. Virginia persuaded him to drink less, which is not good for his health. Although Zelin never thought that alcohol could have any effect on the body of the demon hunter, he still decided to drink some water at least these days.

First Joseph didn't like him smoking, now some people don't like him drinking.

"What are you going to do?" Virginia asked.

"I'm going to find out first, what exactly is the House of Massimilian Posotto."

This is Ogild's wish. He said that he would provide some requirements that are more difficult to complete than reaching the sky. Although Zelin believes that there is a gap between him and Ogild’s understanding of the difficulty of climbing to the sky, as the leader and nobleman of the wild boar army, he naturally cannot make some simple requirements, such as taking out one hundred thousand crowns. .

The House of Massimilian Posotto is definitely not just a luxurious aristocratic mansion.

"Your Excellency, here is a letter from you."

At this moment, the innkeeper walked across the table, smiled apologetically at Zelin and Virginia, and took out a letter: "Someone sent it from outside just now."

"Oh?" Zelin raised his eyebrows: "Who is the sender?"

"I don't know." The hotel owner shook his head: "He left the letter after handing it to me."

Zelin took the letter and stood up and walked towards the entrance of the hotel. The innkeeper hurriedly followed from behind.

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