Zelin sighed lightly, he stood up, and Xia Ni walked over.

"It's over? Any clues?"

"No. Do you know where Redmond has gone?"

As expected, Xia Ni also shook her head.

"The detective didn't say that, the detective never revealed her whereabouts." She frowned, and caught a trace of anxiety in Zelin's words. "What's wrong? Is Redmond in trouble?"

"Xia Ni, if you see Redmond next, no matter what he asks you to do, you must find a way to refuse."


"I found a corpse in the cemetery today. If my eyes are not flowered, or detective Redmond has a twin who looks exactly the same, I can be sure that the corpse belongs to Redmond."

"What?! This is impossible." Xia Ni showed an unbelievable look. "I was talking to Detective Redmond two hours ago, did you make a mistake..."

The first thing that appeared was Jeremy's scream.

Zelin turned his head, Jeremy clutched his head and rolled over painfully on the ground, his sharp moans were particularly harsh in the hospital.

"What's the matter?!"

Xia Ni hurriedly ran over, and several nuns nearby were alarmed and also ran over.

"I don't know, he suddenly..."

"Goddess Meritelli, what happened to him?!"

"Get the holy water, hurry up!"

"He is bleeding, he is bleeding!"

"Calm down! Go get some hemostatic bandages."

Jeremy's body was hot, Xia Ni knelt down beside her, opened her mouth, and poured the potion in. It is a fever-reducing medicine. Generally speaking, church potions are very effective. Most of them have been tested for hundreds of years, but this time, the potions did not work.

His limbs began to twitch, a trace of blood remained along his cheek, and then more blood. The nuns brought herbs, and someone put the crushed herbs in his mouth, but they were pushed out by the blood.

"He shed too much blood!"

"Use amulet, where's the amulet?!"

The convulsions gradually eased, Jeremy's face was bloodless, and his eyes had been rolled over, leaving only the whites of his eyes covered with blood. The nun long held his shoulders and hair, and put the talisman on her forehead. The other nun pressed his leg, and Jeremy's body arched, trembling constantly from the spasm. Everything seemed very rush, without any warning. Many people hadn't realized what was happening. Some patients supported their bodies on the blankets and wanted to see what was going on. Some people wrapped themselves tightly in the blankets, as if The cry is piercing himself like a knife.

Suddenly, the nuns who were still trying to rescue them stopped their movements, and the air cooled down. Everything was as fast as it happened and ended quickly.

"What are you waiting for?! I still need more potions and CPR, hurry up and help."

"No, Xia Ni..."

"Come, help me level him, I need a clean handkerchief, clean his mouth, don't let the trachea be choked..."

"Xia Ni..."


"He is dead."

"It's impossible..."

"May the goddess Meritelli protect his soul."

Xia Ni's movements froze, and Jeremy's body still reacted, but it was the simplest reflex.

Then there was a deathly silence, as if nothing had happened, no one would believe such hallucinations, and no one would believe that the silence was because the first aid had worked.

Everything is over.

Jeremy's blood was bleeding, and there was a depressed gurgling in his throat, his limbs spread out completely, which became his last voice.

He is dead.

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-five chapters of time race


The nuns closed their eyes and began to pray.

"Take him away." The nun ordered: "This is a tragedy, but we can't let the corpse stay here."

More nuns ran over, they looked serious and full of fear, whispering around outside the ward.

"Take him away." The nun said again, in an unquestionable tone: "Don't be around here, clean up the ground, and move the patients here to other empty rooms."

Zelin walked over. "Xia Ni..."

"Zelin, this..." Xia Ni panted, everything happened so fast, they didn't even understand what happened, and it was over. "I don't understand, what is this..."

"I don't think this is a sudden death caused by a knife wound or being hit by a wooden stick. How could someone recover from the injury and suddenly this happens after almost a week."

"I think so too."

The nuns wrapped the corpses in blankets, and the clerks recorded them. The others comforted the remaining patients and prayed in front of the idols. It can be seen that this has scared many people. They are terrified and panicked, worrying about being infected with some kind of evil plague.

"Xia Ni."


"Do you know the location of Redmond's detective agency?"

"I know." Xia Ni rubbed her forehead. "Just at the intersection of the street leading to the dam and the street leading to the slum, you can see Redmond's name and a gold snake emblem on the doorplate."

The hospital is a bit noisy, and the nuns seem to be arguing whether to evacuate other patients.

"Aren't you doubting... doubting a detective?" Xia Ni asked tentatively. "But he only sent me anesthetic powder. I checked the syrup. It just added a lot of sugar to restore energy quickly. Anesthetic powder is also a very common thing. Sometimes we also use anesthetic powder. Suppressing pain, and death caused by ingesting anesthetic powder is not good."

"I have a plan in my heart." Zelin looked around and whispered to Xia Ni. "Can you see how this Jeremy died?"

"No, it's too sudden. I have learned a lot about pathology in textbooks, but I don't remember any disease that can break out without warning." Xia Ni dropped her shoulders and said irritably, "You can think of this. It's the plague, it may be the brain burned by the high fever, or it may be poisoned by humans... Wait! Don't you think...?"

"I don't know how to do it, but I guess the result will not have any effect." Zelin shook his head. He is still a step late, no matter who Redmond is here, he has succeeded. Maybe Xia Ni thought it was unlikely that Redmond did it, because Detective Redmond didn't look anything unusual, maybe it was a shapeshifter, then Zelin had to find a way to lead him into the trap alive. But it was not too late, he learned that there was a Salamander Gang contact in the slum, and the real Redmond Detective had died in the catacombs of Vizima Cemetery. "I must know how he did it."

Magic? Curse? Poison?

There are nuns everywhere, and Xia Ni was also nearby when Detective Redmond met Jeremy. But he successfully killed Jeremy, without anyone's attention.

"Can you help with an autopsy?"

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