Zelin grabbed the reins, and the ghost horse leaped high with a neighing sound, stepped over the entangled tree roots in front of him, and stepped heavily on the ground. Virginia snorted and coughed.

"Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine!"

The sound of the wind in the forest made the master girl's voice change a little. "What the **** is going on?! You have to ride a horse from the beginning, those elves hate it!"

"Don't worry, I will fix it!"

The wind in the forest seemed to be getting colder and colder, Zelin narrowed his eyes, and the oncoming wind made his eyes feel extremely dry. He turned his head and wiped the corner of his eye on his arm, but there were no tears. He should have bought a horse in Changhu Town, or stayed for a few more days, and asked other people about the situation on the land before setting off. He is unfamiliar with the elves in the woodland kingdom. Although he has fought side by side with them, the arrogant and elegant attitude of the elves always makes people feel inaccessible. In contrast, he is more willing to get along with dwarves and humans. However, this was not part of his plan. He originally wanted to take a boat down the Anduin River and go with Virginia to visit the rich and beautiful Kingdom of Gondor and the legendary White City. Last time Before leaving, Gandalf told him about Minas Tirith, a city far beyond what a mortal race can build.

The ghost horse does not look like a normal mount. Seeing a beautiful beauty, people will subconsciously think that she is a good person, and seeing things that represent ugliness and death, people will classify it as the evil side. Maybe Zelin should ride a gray or brown horse. He thought that there would be no one in this woodland. He didn't know that this was the territory of the elves. The demon hunter suddenly realized that perhaps it was the success of this period of time that made him relax, or that this was a world he was familiar with, and that he chose to go on the road without collecting enough information.

He realized that he had made a serious mistake.

But it's not too late!

"Will they attack us?!"

"No, no... lower your head!" Zelin bent down, and Virginia bent down to the side, avoiding the brushed branches above. The ghost horse runs very fast, and no one wants to experience the feeling of being hit by a branch on the back of a galloping horse.

"Believe me, Virginia, the elves of this world are much better than the high elves of Tamriel, don't worry about them turning back, we are here!"

The ghost horse jumped out of a cluster of bushes, and a dirt path appeared in front of Zelin. Altariel pointed out a way to Zelin. When they met, heading northward, they could see a forest path that passed through Lorrain. Follow that path to the Moria Mine. Compared to riding in the woods, horses run faster on this smooth trail. Of course Zelin knew what Altariel meant. On this road, their sentry could monitor his and Virginia's movements at any time, and if Zelin was not guilty, he didn't need to reject the elf's suggestion. And if what Zelin said is true, then this path will leave him a lot of time to warn the dwarves or intercept the orcs.

No matter what the result is, it will kill two birds with one stone for Altariel.

"Go left!"

"Yes." Zelin took a deep breath and flicked the reins again.

"Run, Avak, run!"

The whistling wind sounded in the ear again, and the ghost horse ran quickly.

An abandoned orc camp remained beside Jingying Lake, with a piece of grease floating on the lake, Bahrain walked carefully past the extinguished bonfire, his face covered with solemnity.

"You're right, Floy, there is something wrong here." Bahrain touched the beard hanging down to his waist. The rocky path behind him was covered with weeds, but it was vaguely visible that this was the way to the dwarf kingdom. Ladder. There are still many stone carvings on both sides of the road, and the emerald green birch and fir trees project their reflections on the dark lake. A stone pillar with a broken top stood on the hillside in the distance. Bahrain did not cross the stone pillar to look at the other side. It was the foundation stone of Turin. The path beside the foundation stone protruded from the dense forest below the hillside.

That is the territory of the elves.

He won't walk in, the relationship between elves and dwarves has always been bad.

"Yes, only orcs." Floyd nodded. "We must be careful, Bahrain, and be optimistic about this trail. I suggest that we move our stronghold to the second hall near the east gate so that we can monitor the passage to the mountain day and night."

"You are right." Bahrain patted Floyd on the shoulder. "You stay here to monitor the trail. If any orcs appear, immediately warn us. I will go back to the Masabur Hall and let the others bring weapons and tools to the second hall immediately."

"Relax, Bahrain." Floyd patted his chest. "No orcs will hide from my eyes... Wait, what's that?!"

Floyd stretched out his hand and pointed to the path that disappeared in the dense forest. Bahrain turned around, squinting his eyes slightly, and set up a shed in front of him to avoid the harsh sunlight from damaging those cloudy eyes. He saw a four-legged tall black figure running from the shadow of the tree canopy, Bahrain rubbed his eyes and looked there again. The weird shadow with four legs turned into a horse with a pale blue light. Under the light, the horse’s bones were clearly visible, and then there was a figure riding on the horse's back...no, two, the front one People also noticed the dwarf standing on the slope. He opened his mouth and seemed to be shouting something, but the distance was too far, and Bahrain's ears were not so good that he could not hear it.

"Dodge, Bahrain!" Floyd opened his eyes wide, raised his axe and stood in front of Bahrain. "Let's go back to the mountains. This evil knight can't ride up the steps. Rocks will slow him down!"

Bahrain felt dizzy, perhaps too old. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, blinked, trying to see more clearly. What he thought of, he stood there, staring blankly at the knight's figure that was getting closer and closer. Floyd grabbed his arm, trying to pull him away.

Suddenly, the scene of the Battle of the Lonely Mountain flashed through his mind. A wizard rode a blue horse towards the command post of the orc king Azog.

Yes, this is the wizard!

"Don't worry, Floy." Bahrain slapped his hands. "This is our friend, the wizard who chopped off Azog's head in the Battle of Lonely Mountain!"

The wizard approached on horseback, and Bahrain heard what he was yelling.

"Run, Bahrain! Orcs!"

The black lake water was full of waves, and the forehead wrinkled like dead tree bark slowly emerged from the water, and then the vicious eyes below. An orc stood up gently, the lake water dripped from its armor and dark skin, and the orcs lurking in the pool stood up behind it. The brown orc in the front raised his hand, and several orcs in the back raised their bows and arrows, aiming at the two dwarves who turned their backs to them without realizing it.

"What are you talking about?!" Bahrain shouted. "Wizard? Why are you here?!"

"Bahrain! Get down! There are orcs!"

As Floyd listened to Zelin's yelling, he wrinkled the tip of his nose and turned his head to follow the stench that filled the air.

He opened his eyes wide.

"Let the arrow!"

The brown-skinned orc roared. Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, the arrows swished over the birch trees by the lake.


Floyd turned abruptly and rushed towards Bahrain. The two dwarves bumped into each other, and the arrows passed over their heads. They fell to the ground and rolled down the slope. More orcs broke out from behind the nearby bushes and trees, and more than a dozen orcs jumped out of the pool and ran to the fallen dwarves in strides. But they were greeted by a scorching lightning. Electric light burst out from Virginia’s hands, and the current hit Jingying Lake. A deadly electric snake jumped up on the lake. Before the orc who had had time to jump out of the lake, a cloud of black smoke erupted, convulsing and falling down. In the water, very quickly, a scorched body floated on the surface of the water.

The ghost horse rushed over, and Zelin grabbed the belt of the dwarf who had not had time to get up. Floyd was picked up, but he was still holding Bahrain. The sudden increase in weight made the ghost horse neigh.

"They are in ambush behind!" Virginia pointed to more orcs running out of the dense forest. "They want to block our retreat!"

"Use your lightning to attack the orcs by the mountain road!" Ze Lin let go, but the dwarves did not continue to fall, they had already climbed up, embarrassed. "This horse can't support four people, let's go up the mountain first!"

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-six chapters withdrawn from Moria

The sound of arrows breaking through the air.

The orc drew the bowstring, and the arrows fell like raindrops on the rocks on both sides of the long narrow mountain road. Zelin slammed a sword and bounced an arrow that flew towards him. Virginia bent over, lowered her head, and ran up the mountain road with Bahrain and Floyd.

"Zelin, come on!"

"I know!" Zelin stood on the last side, the mountain road was steep, and he made a retreat gesture to the mage girl. "Hurry up!"

Virginia didn't say much, she threw a fireball casually, and the fireball fell among the orcs. The flames that burst engulfed the two enemies in a split second, and the orcs burned like dry branches, and they screamed. Waving their arms, they kept beating the flames on their bodies, but soon they found that it was of no avail. The other orcs were shocked, but at the urging of the leader, the orcs chased up again.

An orc jumped onto the rocky path, holding a shield, trying to approach the demon hunter under the cover of the shield, but the round wooden shield was meaningless in front of the ebony blade. Ze Lin slammed a sword, and cut off the wooden shield along with the arm behind it. The orc looked at the severed arm in shock, Zelin swung his sword again, and its head rolled down the stairs along with the corpse.

The orcs behind one after another avoided the rolling corpses, looking at the blood-stained ebony blade in panic.

"Kill them, coward, catch up! Quick!" the brown-skinned orc roared. "Don't stop, kill him, catch up, kill them!"

The brown-skinned orc severely beat the returning orc with the hilt.

The demon hunter took off the crossbow hanging from the iron ring of his belt, aimed at the brown-skinned orc and pulled the trigger. The orc's roar stopped abruptly. It opened its eyes wide, as if its eyeballs were about to pop out of its sockets, it fell straight back, and fell to the ground with a thump, blood flowing from underneath it.

The demon hunter didn't stop, he pulled the trigger again, and the crossbow arrows shot at the orcs approaching the stairs one by one. Several enemies that rushed up were shot, and the stone stairs were dyed red. Below there was an orc archer trying to attack Zelin, but the flying arrows were entangled by Aden's seal, they flew into the trap, gradually stagnated, and finally lost speed and fell. The orcs looked at each other in surprise, not understanding what was happening.


Virginia above stood in front of the rock gate and waved to the demon hunter.

The demon hunter did not hesitate, taking advantage of the moment when the orcs were in a panic, he threw out a Foehn bomb, turned and ran upwards. The violent explosion behind them was accompanied by the screams of the orcs. They lost their command, and faced this unknown power, they became like headless flies. But Zelin knew that this was just the reason why he and Virginia were caught off guard by the orcs' ambush. He could see more orcs coming out of the shadow of the forest under the leadership of their respective leaders, looking blankly. What happened next to the mountain road, I don't understand what is going on.

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