"Are you a soldier?"

Youris asked in surprise.

"No, I am a mage."


"Yes, although I think my power is still in the apprenticeship stage." Virginia said modestly. "I still have a lot of shortcomings, and there are many places to learn. I came from the north with him. If it weren't for the orcs robbed Marvin, the queen of the coast, he and I would have arrived in White City by now."

Youris was silent for a long while.

"I don't know what it is, is it similar to an archer? Hey, if I knew in advance, I would live with him in Kuromon, I would rather learn how to use bows and arrows in advance. I really envy you for being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the person you like. Fight." She said slowly, blinking. "Oh, let's talk about some other things. Since we can't help in the battle now, stay in a safe place and don't let those fighting ahead worry about us."

Virginia nodded. "You are right."

Maybe Youris had misunderstood something, but the mage girl was unwilling to return to Absolute’s kindness. Moreover, on this tower, she can also clearly see the situation outside the black door, whether it is on the left or right. At the beginning, Juris was still asking Virginia about things other than Gondor. She never left Gondor. Later it became Virginia asking her if Minas Tirith was interesting. Or a memorable place, and she recommends a story book to take with Youris. The orc camp outside the pass has been very calm. The orcs and the rangers faced each other at a distance of several hundred meters, and no one attacked. There are no red signal arrows in the sky, only floating dark clouds. Moonlight peeks out from behind the dark clouds from time to time, but then is blocked by new clouds.

"...At that time he told me that if it is dangerous, you can hire me, and I plan to help solve the problem."

"When you first met?"

"Yeah, I originally thought that he might be the same as other fighters who use swords to earn employment fees, or just thought that someone who escorts can easily make a fortune. I was thinking about telling him where we are going. It's dangerous."

"Are there orcs or robbers haunted?"

"Uh, almost. But my mentor said that you should hire a warrior, at least when you are surrounded, have a sword to protect your back."

"Oh, this is true, no one can tell, what kind of role do you think someone you meet by chance will play in your life."

Juris and Virginia smiled at each other. The atmosphere in the Black Gate is no longer so tense, the orcs camped outside show no sign of offensive, perhaps this is just a migration. Mordor's land is barren, and there are very few places where food can be produced. The Silisango where the desperate tribe is located is one of the most barren areas, and there are a lot of spiders infested.

"Madam, the meeting between you and Lord Talion was also..." Virginia was about to ask something. Suddenly, her words suddenly stopped, her eyes widened slowly, and she gradually got up from the chair, looking over you. Reese's shoulder looked at the other end of the black door.

"What's the matter?" A trace of doubt flashed in Euris' eyes, and she turned her head and followed Virginia's gaze to look behind her. "What did you see?"

"Sorry, ma'am, I want to confirm." Virginia frowned. "The other side of the black door is safe, right?"

"Safe? What is safe?"

"The orcs will only appear on the right side of the black gate, the side facing us, right?"

"Of course not. Haven't you also encountered a group of orcs outside the Black Gate? They also hijacked the Queen of the Coast." Youris shook her head. "Orcs don’t just appear in Mordor, but also in the Misty Mountains, in the north, and sometimes in the great wasteland. Didn’t you come from the north? I heard that decades ago, an army of orcs attacked the north and there were merchants from Gondor. Bring back your stories from the north."

"Oh..." Virginia took out her handkerchief and wiped the spar inlaid on the top of the wand vigorously. "Are there any rangers outside the Black Gate? Are they coming back?"

"No, there are only more than a hundred rangers here, and they are all on the wall." Juris's doubts deepened. "Why do you ask like that?"

"Hmm..." Virginia took a deep breath. The tower was so tall, as Juris declared, both sides of the black door could be seen. Virginia’s eyesight is not much better than that of ordinary people, but if a person often finds moving figures in the dark or in the wilderness, her eyes will be more sensitive to moving shadows than other people. It’s irrelevant. Talent, but acquired training. "Please step back, madam!"


Virginia stretched out her wand. "There is someone on the other side of the Black Gate!"

The tip of the wand immediately emitted a soft white light, and she chanted the spell, and the white light gradually expanded and turned into a sphere. The next moment, the ball of light was thrown into the sky, and after flying to the highest point, it suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, suddenly illuminating the steps behind the black gate.

The ugly heads were lifted up neatly and uniformly, just like playing cards turned over at the same time, looking at the light source that suddenly appeared in the sky in astonishment. Eyes with swelling, dark skin and head full of scars. Compared with them, the dirtiest savages were like the most hygienic creatures, and Virginia couldn't think of what else these creatures could be.


The rangers on the wall turned their heads and looked at the tower above in surprise. But Virginia didn't say much, she tapped her wand in her palm, and then faced the stairs opposite the tower.

The white light turned into a fire light.

The scorching fireball slammed on the stairs fiercely, and the orc who was hit with the screams flew into the sky, and then fell like raindrops.

Without any explanation, the rangers immediately understood what had happened.

The real offensive of the orcs is behind!

The front camp is just to attract the attention of the guards, the real attack is the team climbing up the stairs from behind! They are about to attack from behind!

"Team three, team four, team five, go and defend the wall behind, Kroll, you go and inform the tower, all those with bows and arrows, go to the north, cover others, and block the stairs with bows and arrows." Mike wielded his sword. , Command others. "The rest, stay on the wall, ready to fight at any time. Benny, continue to monitor the orcs in front, waiting for my order, if they get close, let go of arrows. Louis, you bring your people with me!"

The ranger immediately ran, and the named person ran back holding a weapon. Their faces were serious and nervous. This was a situation they had never encountered before. At least two teams of orcs united to attack Black Gate.

Another ball of fire ran across the night sky and hit the steep stone ladder.

"Hurry up! Keep the stone steps, keep there!"

Outside the pass, the orc camp was also boiling.

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-three chapters race against time

The clatter of horseshoes couldn't conceal the orc's yelling.

"Left, left, no, go to the right!"

"Watch out for the rocks! Hurry up, they are catching up!"

"I know!"

Zelin clutched the reins tightly, trying to control the horse not to throw himself off. The valley at the foot of Udon Mountain is full of twisted rocks, like the tentacles of power in the Black Evil Pagoda, twisting this land from below. They threw off some enemies, and breaking out of the camp never meant leaving the range of the orcs. Perhaps apart from the Black Gate, there are few places in this land that can escape the orcs' influence.

The demon hunter lowered his body, the gust of wind kept blowing his temples, and the sound of arrows broke from time to time in his ears, but most of them were aimed at ghost horses. Perhaps the orcs did not know what they were shooting. After breaking out of the camp, Zelin placed Marvin on his horse. Not only was she worried about her being swayed by a galloping horse, but more importantly, if the orcs suddenly saw a moving light source in the dark, they would subconsciously shoot the ghost horse instead of two elusive shadows.

The perfect misleading target.

Without the cover of Virginia, the demon hunter can only do this.

The roar next to him reminded Zelin that the danger was approaching. He turned his head, and the orc riding a wild beast by the side of the road broke out. Its face was fierce, and only fierce and murderous intent remained in his eyes. It might want to catch up with Zelin and kill him, so that it might be qualified to grab the new chieftain position. Of course, this is Zelin's guess, but this does not affect his use of the ebony blade to parry the enemy's offensive.

If you want to catch him, you must pay a sufficient price, but most people can't afford it!

The orc stretched out his spear, but it stabbed in the air. It retracted its hand and stabbed it out again. Zelin bounced the blow with the ebony blade, and the other hand with the seal slammed. The orc and its mount seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, even the orc with the wild beast. He flew out and hit the rock next to him, splashing blood. The corpse of the orc hadn't slipped down the rock, and more orc cavalry ran past it and chased it up.

More orcs rode wild beasts and ran over the rocks on the right. They threw javelins at Talion and Zelin, Zelin compared the rune of the Kunen's seal, took out the crossbow, aimed at the enemy above, and kept pulling the trigger. The arrow shot at the enemy like a shower of rain, and the orcs tried to dodge. They dodged a few, but the real target of the demon hunter was not them, not the creatures under their hips. The wild beast was shot, and the blasting crossbow arrow burst open in the beast's body. The small fragments instantly tore the muscles and destroyed the internal organs. The running wild beast suddenly fell forward, and the orc screamed and was thrown out.

Hearing the sound of chasing closer and closer behind him, Zelin took out a bomb and threw it back.

The roar was accompanied by the rising smoke and the screams of the orcs and wolves being blown up.

The ghost horse galloped in front, and Talion was on the left. When Zelin moved his gaze from the uphill to him, he was swinging his sword to cut off the mount of the enemy who was riding alongside him on the wild beast. But at this moment, an orc suddenly jumped down from the rock above and on his horse. Because of the weight of one more person, the ranger's mount suddenly halted.


Zelin slowed down and raised his crossbow to aim at the orc who was throwing on the ranger. The orc was tearing at the ranger, trying to drag him off his horse. It grabbed Talion's cloak, pressed the weight of his body, and tugged. It was holding the cloak with both hands at the same time, which revealed its flaws. Talion drew the dagger from his waist and stabbed the orc in the abdomen. The orc snorted, and Talion stabbed again. This time, the orc couldn't hold it anymore, fell off, and after rolling a few laps on the ground, his limbs spread out and fell into the gravel pile.

"I'm fine!" Talion threw off his cloak and kicked the ribs of his mount. The horses neighed and ran again. "We must hurry up, the orcs are moving!"

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