The Journey of the Rainbow Dragon

Chapter 279 Vitas, the City of Three Waters

Time always goes fast and slow, passing quietly inadvertently.

In the blink of an eye, it was already two and a half weeks later.

The longest road also has an end, and the darkest night also welcomes the morning.

With the water and food supplied from the horse racing town, Ron and his party successfully arrived at the terminal point of their land journey.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Along a high embankment and a calm river.

The earth dragon's stubby and strong limbs stepped on the stone-covered ground, making a heavy and powerful sound.

Every time it steps, it leaves shallow three-claw footprints on the gravel, while the large six-wheeled carriage behind it drives calmly on the artificially constructed main road. All of this perfectly demonstrates the strength of the earth dragon. Body and strength.



The sound of long breathing sounded from the direction behind Dilong's car.

At this moment, Ron was sitting cross-legged on the top of the carriage, facing the fresh morning breeze, looking at the white east, the distant mountains like black, and the sound of clear springs.

There is not much dust and cooking smoke mixed in the air, but there is a faint smell of sweet water, so you can breathe as deeply as you can with confidence.

This was a rare enjoyment for Ron in the day, and a little reward for himself after working hard at night.

Along the way, Ron didn't just bury his head in sleep. He had basically lit up the surrounding system map along the route.

As Ron thought, the familiar light blue system sub-panel module quickly unfolded.

【Travel Goal】:

[Goal 1: Participate in Vivian’s 18-year-old graduation ceremony and light up the world map]

Reward after completion: Divine Spell Time Acceleration

[Goal 2: Completed]

[Goal 3: Visit the city flying in the sky and taste the water of life]

Reward upon completion:? ? ?

[Goal 4: Completed]

[You will receive additional rewards after completing all the above travel goals]

The second of the four travel goals has been completed, and it is only a matter of time before the first and third goals are completed.

Seeing that the completion of the first travel goal was getting higher and higher, Ron couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth slightly.

The second of the four travel goals has been completed, and it is only a matter of time before the first and third goals are completed.

Ron thought happily:

"By then, my strength must have made a leap, and I am afraid that the tasks in the next plane can be completed quickly."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help wagging his tail, wrapping his limbs with the slender dragon tail, curling up like a cat and lying on the roof of the carriage.

Now Ron is not anxious at all.

The way home was too elusive and he tried his best to find it.

It’s not like Ron didn’t ask Bahamut, the God of Good Dragons, about his past life planes.

But even the well-informed God of the Good Dragon, after careful consideration, reluctantly told Ron that he had never been to that plane.

This raised Ron's vigilance to another level.

You know, the Rainbow Three Dragon Gods clearly stated that they had been to Ron's previous life, but now Bahamut actually said that he did not know about it.

The secrets involved are quite intriguing.

The more he learned, the calmer Ron became.

He could feel that there seemed to be an invisible black hand hiding behind the scenes, playing with the fate of the Rainbow Dragon clan and himself.

As a result, Ron began to become more and more steady, and began to constantly pursue the improvement of his own strength, instead of prioritizing finding a way home as urgently as before.

At this time, there are less than five years left before Vivian's graduation, as long as the entire Karen's world map is illuminated during this period.

Then, just wait quietly for your strength to improve.

As the morning star gradually disappeared, the brilliance of the sun completely illuminated the earth, and the tired voice of the old coachman also sounded from outside the carriage:

"Masters, Vitas City has arrived."

After a while of silence.

A cute little head slowly poked out of the car window.

Looking at the familiar long platinum hair and gorgeous clothes, you knew it was Tina without asking.

Tina rubbed her sleepy eyes and slowly poked her head out of the car window.

"Huh? Are we finally here?"

Tina's voice had a hint of sleepiness.

She stretched out with difficulty, and her beautiful figure was clearly visible. She rubbed her eyes with her right hand and looked forward sleepily, obviously still a little obsessed with the deep sleep just now.

As time went by, the Golden Dragon Lady, who was about to enter her youth, became increasingly sleepy.

If it weren't for the thought deep in her heart that was supporting her, she might have fallen over and fallen into a promotion slumber the next second.



The sound of clear springs flowing became clearer and clearer as the earth dragon cart advanced, and the surrounding water vapor also increased significantly.


Tina, who was just rubbing her eyes and not seeing clearly the scene in front of her, yawned widely.

Then she retracted into the car with difficulty and lowered the curtain of the window.

Looking at the sleeping people in the carriage, Tina first lay down on the soft bed cushion, and then shouted lazily:

"Raya, Fran, Setsuna. Wake up~~~ wake up, it's time for us to get off the car."

However, this undulating, singing-like tone failed to awaken everyone.

inside the carriage

Raya and Fran were in the left corner, sleeping tightly in each other's arms, with a slight smile on their faces.

black, white, yellow

The long hair of three different colors are intertwined together, making the two of them look particularly naive, without their usual seriousness.

And Laya was even mumbling in her sleep:

"No fight, no fight"

"Teacher Tina is so shameless. Even though her blood volume has been emptied, she still claims that she has a blood reserve."

"Hmm~~My Ysera, you died so miserably."

Bypass the post-post duo.

On the side, Setsuna was leaning alone in the right corner of the carriage, holding his knees with his hands, resting deeply, and seemed not to hear Tina's call.

This is very unreasonable behavior!

You know, Setsuna usually wakes everyone up early in the morning to wash up, but now she is actually sleeping in!

And the source of all these things has to start with Tina.

The reason why Setsuna and the others were so exhausted was entirely because the night before yesterday, Tina, who was suddenly in high spirits, pulled her over to play "Hearthstone".

I don’t know how Tina did it. She just took a two-player battle game and expanded it into a four-player battle rule!

If Ron hadn't made a temporary excuse, saying that he needed to go out for reconnaissance, he would have been forcibly pulled over to play 5-man Hearthstone~~

It's not that Ron doesn't like playing cards, but that Tina is such a shameless person.

Ever since Tina learned the new Hearthstone rules (abbreviated as: making things up) from the whistles in the Nika area of ​​the royal capital, her path to playing cards has become bizarre.

What about "Your poisonous snail is sick today and cannot taunt me", "My follower is in a good mood today and can attack twice in a row", "Your Deathwing is a young dragon, and my Deathwing is The ancient black dragon, so he was scared to death by my dragon power."

There are countless tricks like this.

Even Ron, the dragon who created the card, said on the spot: "It can't be beaten, it can't be beaten at all."

It’s so funny, who can fight with this kind of person who prints new rules on the spot?

So in the royal capital, Tina arrogantly achieved "twenty-eight consecutive victories".

As for why the winning streak didn't continue?

That's because Shirley and Ron from the Castle of Justice refused to play cards with this "cheap little golden dragon" anymore. Even the senior players in the Hearthstone Tavern have heard about this "cheating" mage. , every time Tina walked into the pub excitedly, she was always greeted by an empty table.

And you can't enjoy the joy of victory when playing cards with other people.

Over time, Tina gave up this happy activity.

But now, obviously she still doesn’t know what she will face. The ignorant Raya, Fran and others once again aroused Tina’s desire to play~~~~

As for playing cards, Setsuna felt it didn't matter.

She had learned card games like Hearthstone a long time ago, just because she was immersed in learning cooking skills and maid affairs, and had not built her own deck or played with Tina.

Laya and Fran, who came into contact with Hearthstone for the first time, were quickly attracted by the exquisite card surface and interesting rules.


This fight lasted for one day and two nights, and everyone did not fall asleep lightly until the early morning of the third day.

As for Bill

Last night, he disliked the noisy sound of everyone playing cards and chose to sit with the driver. He was probably already standing outside the car waiting for them.

It is worth mentioning that many dragon settings in Hearthstone are different from dragons in the Star World.

For example, the bronze dragon controls time, the black dragon breathes fire, the green dragon controls dreams, etc.

The portable Hearthstone battle machine can perfectly project the appearance and attacks of these dragons in the void, which naturally arouses the extreme curiosity of Raya and Fran.

The two magician apprentices who had not yet been promoted were very curious about this new knowledge.

Even Karl, who had always been taciturn, pretended to be indifferent and quietly tilted his head and peeked several times at the original painting of Tyrande Whisperwind (a high elf priest representing the priest profession in the [Hearthstone] game).

Soon, everyone who was woken up jumped out of the carriage one after another, including Laya and Fran.

"Well, I'm so sleepy~~~"

They yawned, rubbed their eyes, and were about to say something else.

But soon, they were shocked by the sight in front of them.

There are many nicknames for Vitas City: similar to [City that Never Sleeps], [Golden City], [Business Paradise], etc. These are all its interesting aliases.

But there is only one title officially certified by the Kingdom of Rose: [Capital of Three Waters]!

And this is also due to the special geographical location of Vitas City. There are too many reasons involved, so let us put them aside for the time being.

The city wall outside Vitas City is thick and solid, and its height is more than 200 meters.

These are all products of the ancient times, when all races coexisted.

The tall city walls were also built to protect the city from external threats.

Now, the wall is not only the city's defense, but also the city's symbol and pride.

It bears witness to the history and prosperity of Vitas City and carries people's yearning for peace and prosperity.

Although the current decorative effect of the city wall exceeds its original function, it can be regarded as adding a sense of solemnity and majesty to the magnificent Vitas City.

The walls of Vitas are made of emerald green strange stone, which is very precious and rare and has extremely high resistance to magic, pressure and impact.

They are carefully carved into exquisite reliefs of various elves dancing with natural life, outlining lifelike scenes.

The details of these reliefs are extremely fine, each showing the artist's ingenuity and ingenuity, while also showing the beauty and mystery of nature and the solemn and gorgeous atmosphere of the elves.

The most eye-catching thing about this city is not its city walls, but the thick rivers that meander under the city walls before everyone's eyes.

They are like thick blood vessels that eventually converge at the central pool of this water city, forming a huge lake like a circular reservoir.

Inside the city

The towering towers built against the river are stacked on top of each other, reflecting the shimmering golden light of the clear water.

"Is this the city where the elves lived during the reign of the Human Emperor?"

Ron, who had a deep understanding of Karen's history, was thinking secretly in his heart.

Through the gap in the city gate

Ron could still vaguely see how majestic the magnificent palace in the center of the city was, and the various stained glass windows inlaid on it were so dazzling.

Compared to his calmness, the expressions of the others were much more exciting.

"Wow! What a beautiful city!"

Looking at the spectacular and beautiful city in front of them, Laya and Fran's eyes suddenly widened.

They couldn't help but discuss in a low voice:

"Flan, look, does that green city wall look like it's floating on the water?"

"I have read in the book that the wall of Vitas is itself a piece of defensive magic equipment, so it actually floats on the water."

"Really? God, the power of magic is so great."

When Tina and Setsuna woke up and saw the pearl-like floating city, their rosy little mouths unconsciously opened into an O shape.

Compared with the prosperous royal capital of Ovia, Vitas is actually not that grand.

But the feeling of this floating city is the opposite of the boring royal capital.

As long as you arrive at Vitas and feel the breath of freedom, your whole body will relax unconsciously.

In contrast, the feeling in the Royal Capital is completely different.

There, you have to be careful at all times, for fear of encountering an unreasonable prince or offending his attendants.

After following the dragon carriage on the river embankment for a certain distance.

Ron and his party finally stopped under the distinctive city wall of Vitas.

To be precise, it was the Earth Dragon Car that stopped.

"My lords, I will send you here. The entry fee for Vitas's Dilong Chariot into the city is too expensive. Please forgive me, old man, I cannot send you to the hotel."

The old coachman held Dilong and said with a look of embarrassment. (End of chapter)

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