The Journey of the Rainbow Dragon

Chapter 454: Descendants of the Dragon God

Ron had a pleasant conversation with Gu Yinlong and even agreed to her invitation to come to Dragon Realm Academy for a visit.

and the other side

Seeing that their newly recognized eldest brother was also bewitched by the "evil" principal, the six little brass dragons were so heartbroken that they could only surrender obediently.

Like wilted cats, they let the mage's hands hold the backs of their fates suspended in the air, and quickly floated towards the academy.

What Christina didn't expect was.

She just sent these little brass dragons back to school early, relaxed her vigilance for a while, and almost caused a big mess.

Turn right from the center of Longshen Square and walk thirty kilometers to see a magnificent white auditorium-style building - Longjing Academy.

Scholars and spellcasters from all over the place gather here.

They study not only magic and history, but also various knowledge and secrets about the dragon clan.

The building of this academy, which is mainly for metal dragons, is very majestic, with a huge tower reaching into the sky, and the top of the tower is a huge dragon head statue.

From a distance, the entire college complex looks like a giant dragon about to ascend to heaven.

However, under Ron's spiritual scanning, he felt that this place did not look like an academy, but more like a large dragon kindergarten.

Gold dragon, silver dragon, copper dragon, brass dragon, bronze dragon

Amethyst Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Jade Dragon, Topaz Dragon, Sapphire Dragon.

You can see cubs of any kind of order dragons in this academy, and many of them are even cubs under five years old.

This sight made Ron, who observed through divine power, feel a little confused.

He turned to look at the ancient silver dragon Christina beside him and asked:

"I heard that the metal dragon family cherishes their cubs very much. They usually don't let them leave the dragon's nest and go out alone before they reach adolescence?"

Christina nodded, confirming Ron's understanding:

"Yes, this is indeed the case normally. This is why the good dragon can always overwhelm the evil dragon."

Ron raised his eyebrows, seeming to be interested:

"Oh? Why do you see it?"

Regarding the eternally hot topic of the battle between good and evil dragons, Ron also became interested and looked curiously at the ancient silver dragon Christina beside him.


Christina was slightly startled, and she glanced at Ron beside her in surprise.

But soon, after thinking about it in her mind, she understood why the other party had such doubts.

Immediately, a feeling of pity filled his heart.

[Although the gods were extremely afraid of him, they seemed to have forgotten.]

Christina thought to herself:

[In the final analysis, this rainbow dragon orphan is just a poor "lone dragon" who has never experienced maternal love and care. 】

After thinking about Ron's tragic life story in my mind.

Christina sighed sentimentally, and her affection for Ron in her heart couldn't help but increase a lot again. (It’s definitely not because of charm and good looks).

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought this up."

she said quietly.

Christina's sudden apology made Ron a little confused.

Didn't we change the topic a little too quickly?

And what’s with that pitiful and distressed loving expression on your face?

Seeing that Ron didn't seem to react, the kind-hearted ancient silver dragon could only take the initiative to explain:

"Although Bahamut and the Five-Colored Dragon Mother Mianxia jointly established the dragon inheritance, everyone has innate inheritance knowledge when they are born, and they no longer need to be taught hard by their parents."

"But in the final analysis, dragon inheritance is just a magic that stores knowledge. Whether it is life skills or combat abilities, every young dragon cannot grow up quickly without the teachings of its parents and tribe."

Ron: "."

He finally understood why the other party had that strange expression.

The topic of "Dragon Father and Dragon Mother" really touches on unknown territory for Ron.

However, her situation may be different from what she thought. Ron, who has past life memories, doesn't think he will lack maternal love or anything like that.

After all, the contact time between Ron and the incarnation left by the Rainbow Dragon Lady was too short, and all the confusions in it have not been completely solved. As for what to teach.

"Although there are no skills or anything like that, the protective powers left by the Rainbow Dragon Lady can be considered teachings, right?"

Ron thought.

Soon, the two dragons tacitly ignored this uncomfortable topic.

Because the other party was always filling in too many other details, Ron simply asked his inner doubts directly:

"So, why are there so many baby dragons in Dragon Realm Academy?"

Christina was stunned for a moment, and then a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

Bingxue was smart and she immediately understood that she had misunderstood Ron's meaning just now.

Obviously, the other party was only interested in the young dragons from Dragon Realm Academy, and he didn't think of it.


Christina coughed lightly, and a look of embarrassment flashed across her face.

But she quickly regained her composure and explained as if nothing had happened:

"The advantage of Shanlong lies in our protection and education of young dragons. At the critical moment of the young dragon's growth period, we will do our best to cultivate their abilities."

She paused, her eyes flickered slightly, and continued:

"This is theoretically correct, but because dragons lose their fertility after the ancient dragon stage, this nature creates a thorny problem for our descendants."

Her voice was lowered and more serious:

"Those dragon gods and god-like dragons who have passed the ancient dragon stage and successfully embarked on the road to becoming gods can actually restore their fertility!"

"After becoming gods, their fertility will be reopened, which means they can give birth to their own direct descendants."

Christina's tone was slightly lighter:

"Dragon gods who become gods often choose to give birth to offspring within 100 years after becoming gods. Some dragon gods will even give birth to many nests of dragon eggs in succession."

"This is a good thing in theory. It increases the number and power of the dragon clan."

Her eyes became solemn:

"However, this also brings about a very real problem - every move of the Dragon Gods will involve major events in the star realm."

"They are entangled in various beliefs, trivial matters and major events, and often cannot concentrate on taking care of the cubs. Therefore, they can only let their dependents take care of these young dragons on their behalf, but you also know that the dependents are not omnipotent."

Hearing this, Ron suddenly realized: "You mean"

Christina nodded, smiled slightly, and admitted:

"Yes, Dragon Realm Academy exists precisely to ensure that every descendant of the Dragon God whose parents are unable to take care of him can receive the best education in a safe environment."

"The Dragon Gods hope that by working together to raise resources, their cubs can receive the best and careful training, so that they can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills as they grow and become strong men in the future."

As she said that, Christina looked at the white tower in the distance that symbolized the Dragon God, her pupils slightly absent-minded.

Christina took a deep breath and seemed to adjust her mood.

She looked at Ron beside her and whispered:

"In fact, you should know the Dragon God who was the original driver of this initiative to protect young dragons."

Ron lowered his head to think, then raised his head, frowning: "Do I know him?"

Christina nodded slightly, reached out and pushed a strand of slightly messy hair behind her ear, and then said slowly:

"Yes, the child of the Dragon God was attacked by the Dragon Queen's incarnation. Not only did both dragons die, but even the unborn granddaughter in the daughter-in-law's belly was indirectly hit hard by the Dragon Queen's five-color divine power in the dragon egg."

Speaking of this, Christina's voice was slightly deeper, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

She pointed lightly in the direction of the tower

It was the head of a golden dragon.

"It's him!?"

Ron's eyes widened suddenly, as if something hit him hard deep in his heart.

The figure with long platinum hair slowly emerged in his mind, and the scene in his memory gradually became clear (End of Chapter)

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