However, when the person just landed on the path, the path was shining, and a cloud of white light enveloped the person. The person immediately screamed and screamed. His body turned into ashes under the white light, leaving nothing. Down.

Others were shocked and out of breath.

Sure enough, there is no way to lead, otherwise, this is a dead end.

Fortunately for others secretly, it turns out that many people didn't get the lead, but they also wanted to rush to try, but it was a late step, or they were already dead.

Now, they can only look at Zifeng and others.

Zifeng and the others walked out along the path and walked forward. Soon, their figures disappeared into the thick fog.

Zifeng walked slowly, unable to see other people at all. He could only see the path stretching forward under his feet, surrounded by thick fog.

The road is very long. Zifeng has been walking for half an hour and has not yet come to an end.

Zifeng continued patiently, and after another half an hour, I didn't know how many miles I had walked. This road has finally come to an end.

At the end of the path, it is a platform, so it is suspended in the chaotic fog.

Zifeng walked on the road and found nothing.

"Do you want to wait here?"

Zifeng thought, and then sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

Zifeng didn't wait long. Soon after, on the side of the platform, the fog rolled, a path stretched from the fog, and finally landed on the platform at the feet of Zifeng.

After a while, a young man walked along the path to the platform.

The young man came to the platform and looked at Zifeng eagerly.

"You two battles, only the victor can move on!"

A voice suddenly sounded, this is the voice of spirit.

In front of this young man, Zifeng didn't know that it was not one of the eighteen people he had taken before. Obviously, they came from other directions.

A genius wants to use this method to meet people on two random roads and fight for a battle. The winner keeps going.

In this way, Zifeng has encountered it before, so it has a role, that is, you don't know who the next person is.

In his summary, Zifeng is just a five-hearted and four-legged person, a **** of five gods, where can he go?

"This sentence is exactly what I want to give you!"

Zifeng opened faintly.

"It's hard to be stubborn. It seems to force me to do it. Boy, once I start, can you know the consequences?"

The voice of youth was colder, and the cold light in his eyes flickered threatening.

If Zifeng can roll off the platform by himself, he can save some power by saving him.

After all, according to this rule, the front line must be a big battle. Zifeng is only one of the five gods, but does he have any strength? So he threatened Zifeng and let Zifeng talk to himself!

"Too much nonsense!"

The opponent has more nonsense, Zi Feng can be impatient, and step out in one step, triggering four times the combat power of the battle formula, and the double fists continue to bombard.


The dragon's voice kept screaming, and the nine nine-clawed dragons condensed and rushed to the other side with an amazing aura.

"Your power..."

Feeling the amazing atmosphere of Nine-Claw Nine Dragon, the face of the other face becomes huge, and the face is also unbelievable.

When Zifeng shot, he felt a strong crisis.


He also tried his best. The power of the volcano erupts like a volcano. Several fists were blown out. A goshawk flew out from each fist. He threw dozens of punches in a row. A dozen giant eagles condensed and smashed. Nine nine-clawed dragons were strangled together.

This young man is also very strong. In the Kingdom’s half-step practice, the awakening degree of divine power has reached 99%. Without such power, it is impossible to follow a path, to follow a path.

He fought fiercely with Zifeng. For a while, he resisted the attack of Zifeng.

Zifeng did not use ancient gods, and it is still difficult to solve such a master.

"Ice Chain!"

With a move in Zifeng's heart, the nine icy ice chains flew away and hovered around each other.

At the same time, Zifeng killed the past with a spear.

Zifeng continued to show the laws of the dragon, the ice chain, and three hits. The offensive was like a storm, wave after wave, and the other party was finally unable to resist.

He reluctantly supported more than a dozen moves, he was thrown up by Zifeng's big mouth and flew onto the platform.

Once the other party slammed the platform, the path the person initially walked back from the platform grabbed the young man, and then returned to the spot.

This is equivalent to the fact that this person was eliminated.

In front of the Zifeng platform, another path appeared and continued to extend forward.

"Let's continue!"

Zifeng's eyes were firm, revealing his intentions.

In this way, it is estimated that you will encounter Jinyuan, Chubashing, cold and other Tianjiao.

Zifeng is not afraid of war, and even has some expectations.

All the way forward, this time, not long after, Zifeng is ahead and there is a platform.

Zifeng continued to wait on the platform. Soon after, a small road stretched out, bordering the platform of Zifeng, and then a beautiful young woman came over.

"It's you!"

When a woman saw Zifeng, her face became very big and ugly. This woman is one of the 18 people who started with Zifeng. She has seen Zifeng before, and she is not Zifeng's opponent.

"Mei, this is a coincidence, why, do you want to fight?"

Zifeng smiled slightly.

"Don't be a big man, can't you let a little girl?"

The woman is smiling and laughing, staring at Zifeng, her style is very charming.

"You don't have to come with me, my wife is much more beautiful than you, so your actions are invalid for me!"

Zifeng continued to smile.

" are talking nonsense!"

The feminine face is red.

She has always been self-sufficient, and countless young people are turning around. Zifeng treats her with this attitude now, and she also said that her wife is more beautiful than her. She can't be angry.

She thinks Zifeng is lying.

"Nonsense? I'm not talking nonsense, I'm honest, you have to do this, come on, I won't pity Yu!"

Zifeng opened his eyes and flashed them.

Finally, the woman retreated, not daring to fight Zifeng.

She knew that even in battle, she was not Zifeng's opponent. Why bother to discover the abuse.

Gritting her teeth, the woman voluntarily exited the platform and returned to the trail. The path narrowed and disappeared.

"this is very simple!"

Zifeng smiled.

In front of the platform, the path will continue to be extended, and Zifeng will continue to walk down this path.

But this time, something changed. ,, ..

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