The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 129: consider

Obviously, the Tianjiao of the Nine Blades of Heaven was affected by the opponent's energy, causing his own strength to be instantly weakened.

The main battle, the slightest flaw is fatal.

The nine ghosts of the priest in the sky and the nine secluded kings of the claws directly broke through another person's knife wall and grabbed them toward the other side.


Nine Dao Tian Wangfu Tianjiao screamed, the power of the volcanic eruption, the body shape shrank, but it was still a step later. It was swallowed by the power of nine ghosts, and its body was attracted by flesh and blood.

"Hey, you can't run away, kill me!"

Nine Heavens Wang Tian sne sneered, and continued to kill each other.

"Three swords in Huangquan, sunset over Huangquan!"

The arrogance of the Nine Blades Palace was full of glory, and then all the brilliance gathered on his sword, and then he was smashed out.

Then, a cloud of yellow sun appeared in the sky.

This round of hot sun, very incomparable, was completely condensed by the knife and Le Mans, exuding terrible fluctuations, and killed nine secluded kings.

The heavenly arrogance of the king's nine princes finally showed a trace of dignity on his face. His body was filled with mist. In the mist, all the sounds of ghosts and wolverines seemed to have countless souls screaming.

Then, he flashed past his body and rushed towards the King of Nine Swords. Prosperity!

The hot sun ravaged the knives down, the emptiness of the sky, and the celestial bodies of nine secluded kings flashed quickly, flashing tens of thousands of times in an instant, eliminating a lot of power.

At the same time, there were many endless souls around him, many of them were wiped out, but in this way, they also prevented some of the power of the nine princes.

In this way, the nine princes of the Wang Family Tianjiao approached Jiu Dao, the king's home, the pride of heaven, nine ghosts and paws were caught.

Inevitably, the soul of the Nine Blades Heavenly Kingdom Tianjiao was affected, and the momentum was declining.

"Die to me!"

The king's nine princes were arrogant and cold, and they came out.


The half of the Nine Dao Heavenly Kingdom Tianjiao's body was split, flesh and blood was flying, blood splashed, it was terrible.

The screaming retreat of the Nine Blades King was destroyed, and his breathing was sluggish.

His face is very ugly, and he is crazy again.

However, the horizon of the Nine Princes was significantly faster and more chasing.

"Nine swordsmen are dead!"

Zifeng's heart is dark.

Although the strength of these nine secluded kings, Tianjiao, is not so cold, it is similar to secluded, but the arrogant king of nine swords, compared to the strength of this season, I am afraid that it is still a bit weak, naturally not the opponent's opponent.

At this time, I was injured, I was already dead.

"I surrender!"

The arrogance of the Nine-Blade Heavenly King, showing the color of terror, rushed to the outside of the battle platform.

However, when his figure rushed to the edge of the battle platform, he was blocked by that marking line, and no matter how he bombed it, he could not open it.

"Let me out, I admit failure, I admit failure!"

The Palace of Nine Blades is crazy.

"I said beforehand. Before the war, you can admit defeat. After the war is over, you must be born and die. Am I farting?"

The cold and cruel road.

"Oh, die!"

The celestial arrogance of the nine secluded kings was left out and a storm was launched.

Tianjiao, the Nine Dao Tianwang Mansion, was desperate and fought back, but at this moment he was hit hard and his strength was weakened a lot. Even if he was desperate, what's the use?

A few steps later, desperate screams sounded, and Tianjiao, the king of nine swords, was caught.

Then his soul was caught and struggled frantically.

The heavenly glory of the nine secluded kings was full of greed, opened a big mouth, swallowed the soul of the other party, and the scream suddenly ended.

The Nine Blades Palace, the Tianjiao generation, awakened the source of the existence power factor in the Half-Step God King, so it fell here, and even the soul became the food of others.

"Oh, delicious, delicious, incomparable arrogant soul, it is delicious and fascinating!"

At the scene, the faces of other people were very ugly, showing solemn colors.

The secret of the practice of the king's nine princes is too strange, they are very similar, but they are often not opponents of each other.

Everyone is thinking about how to deal with people who have met the nine princes.

With the arrogance and arrogance of the Nine Blades Kingdom Palace, his original path dissipated and became invisible. The nine remote king Tianjiao returned to his path, and the battle in the air disappeared.

The age of the other party does not seem to be very old, but it is very bad to reach such an astonishing level in all aspects.

Is this the arrogance of the sacred capital?

"Interesting, very interesting. I did not expect that there is someone like you among the nine kings. So, you can give up the source of power, and then swear the source of life, and then be loyal to me, she is also together, today's things can be counted like this !"

Lan Feng even said a few interesting words, and finally turned his attention to Qiuyue.

The strength of Qiuyue also exceeded his expectations. The autumn months are so beautiful and Lan Feng's heart is also very hot.

"You have to fight and fight, as for other people, you don't want to think about it!"

Zifeng's voice is cold, and he constantly manipulates the power of God. He intends to show the gate of the ruler. At the same time, he kept triggering the words of war and hoped to trigger five combat powers.

Even if he understands that even if he uses all these methods, it is not Lan Feng's opponent, but he must fight.

"I want to fight with me instead of self-reliance!"

Lan Feng's face was gloomy, and his body breathing was even more terrifying. It forms a pressure circle and spreads in all directions.

"Good, strong, too strong..."

Behind, Jin Jia, the Tianjiao of the Wing Family, was also frightened and shocked by the breath of Lan Feng.

"Do we care?"

At the top of the star, there are several old people standing in the air. From a distance, the situation of Zifeng is here, and several old people have a panoramic view.

These old people are the elders who guard the satellite air camp.

"How do you manage it? The other is the son of the sacred patriarch of the Sanduo family. Many of the Lan people are on the heights of the Taixu Dynasty. Even if they are kings, they must give it to the right. What measures do we take?"

One of the elders.

"As far as we are concerned, we can't manage it, forget it, just can't see it!"

"It's a pity Lu Ming, hey!"

Several elders sighed.

If the people of the Nine Kings dare to move here, they will directly suppress each other, but Lan Feng is from the Blue clan and they cannot control it.

The strength of the entire Lan family is more terrifying than the entire nine kings. ,, ..

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