The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 150: Count on

"Zifeng's kindness to the royal family is too great. It is enough for the royal family to regain control of the army. This is enough for the royal family to save his life."

"He is still Ma Ying in name."

"Can't the old man favor his son-in-law?"

Murong Qi said lightly.

Fire Palace had to sigh and helpless.

Murong Qi's face was also full of coldness, and she didn't know how to return to the elder of Bohai Yuntian Palace after returning to China.

state banquet.

The human resources group Zifengyi fought with Sifang, first defeating the top five players and all the geniuses of the Zongmen.

Won a reputation.

At dawn, the state banquet will end.

After Zifeng walked to Wutai, he was not on the stage.

The next state banquet is Chu Jiangliu and other world masters who are participating in small battles.

Although there is no wonderful life and death, it won a round of applause in the peaceful peace.

In the early morning of the same day, the state banquet was over.

The wealthy businessman left the scene, and news of Chaoyang Palace was scattered in the Shenwu Kingdom for the first time.

A spiritual swordsman, in Chaoyang Palace, according to the news of the crowd, landed like a cannonball on the land of God Wu.

Now, the entire warrior of the Shenwu Kingdom remembers Zifeng.

"Zifeng is another soldier in Chaoyang Palace."

"I remember that Duan Qihai was in Chaoyang Palace three years ago."

"Yes." This news is the fastest in the emperor's capital in the morning, and now many people are discussing this matter.

Bai Huatian and Yang Sheng said: "Please get the points and follow the princess to the treasure house to redeem prizes."

Hearing these words, Zifeng slowly got up from his seat.

"It's finally this moment."

"Beacon City Flower!"

"This is my capital to Linzier."

Zifeng walked from the seat to the princess.

Chu He also came over.

Later, other fighters with some points also came.

Chu Jiangliu asked, "Hey, you're all right."

"No." Zifeng smiled slightly, hiding his pale face.

The white scorpion took a step forward, supporting Zifeng's arm. By the way, Zhen Qi was injected into Zifeng's body and searched, and the white cockroach was suddenly shocked.

In Zifeng's body, the blood was disordered, the meridians were severely broken, the heart was broken, and the bones were broken. With this appearance, Zifeng can stand up, which is already a miracle.

If ordinary fighters have half the damage, such as the purple wind, they will die ten times.

"So desperate, is it worth it?" Bai Hao asked Zi Feng coldly.

"There will be some things in the world, it is worth protecting our lives." Zifeng said vaguely:

"No value is not worth it, only it should not be done."

"I think so, I will do it; if I think it's wrong, I won't do it."

"Today, I was killing people at a state banquet. I thought it was right, so I did it."

Zi Feng said lightly.

Bai Yu said, "Do you know the consequences? If my father doesn't care, he will die directly. In this imperial city, even if you use the power of the sky, you can't escape."

Zifeng smiled and said: "This is what I just said. Some things are worth fighting for for life; there are some things, even if you must give life, you must do it."

"The sword of sword repair has disappeared."

Zifeng said with a smirk.

Looking at Zifeng and Baiyu, they walked forward.

Chu Jiangliu silently followed behind, his head drooping slightly, he did not look directly at Bai Yu and Zi Feng's back.

This is not what Chu He hides. This is Chu Jiangliu's respect for them.

In front of him, one is the eldest princess of the empire, and the other is the prince of the prince. He is much more important than himself.

Moreover, the Chu River flows clearly, the eldest princess is the main lord, and he is the courtier.

Since it is a courtier, there should be courtiers.

Come to the treasure house.

The long princess turned around and said to all the warriors: "The scroll delivered to you is a treasure in the pool. You can take a good look at the points in your hand and the things you can exchange."

"If you choose, let me know and I will go in and find it for you."

The princess said weakly.

"Yes, thank you Princess Zhang."

Everyone answers, spins the reels, and chooses them carefully.

Many people have come to participate in the year-end sacrifices, and have considered the items to be exchanged, but the Warriors who have not obtained enough points can only choose again. Bai Hao asked Zifeng: "Zifeng, what do you want to redeem?"

Zifeng took out a lot of tokens from his arms and handed them to Bai Yu. He said: "Look at the scores of all the tokens here, can you exchange for fireworks?"

"Do you want to exchange a million-year-old elixir, bonfire and city flowers?" Bai Yu was surprised.

Zifeng nodded firmly.

The bonfire is the biggest purpose for Zifeng to participate in the year-end festival.

According to Zifeng’s calculations, these point markers should exceed one million points.

First of all, Qi Rui's token is 200,000 points.

"Qi Rui, 200,000 points."

"Fight on the front line, 130,000 points."

"Warhawk, 11 million points."

"Little sword, 90,000 points."

"Wang Fang, 50,000 points."

"Wan Xia, 130,000 points."

"Wang Lie, 70,000 points."

"Royal Seven Stars, 150,000 points."

"Zifeng, one hundred thousand points."

Then, besides, killing so many fierce guns and no tokens from the front door killer, Zifengxin secretly counted that his score should exceed one million, and the exchange of bonfires was more than enough.

After a little whitewashing, he said: "There are nearly 1.3 million points here. Only 1 million points are needed for fire, and there are 300,000 points. Do you need to redeem anything?"

"Lingzhu, I remember the pearl is 100,000, right?" Zifeng said lightly.

"Well, the spirit beads are originally 100,000. You can exchange for the three beads, but you are the number one in the national feast of Chaoyang Palace. My father will let me reward you with the three beads." said.

"Thank you." Zifeng said gratefully.

Ganoderma lucidum was born in Shanheding and contains extremely pure aura.

Before Zifeng scored five, after refining, he broke through Tianwujing's mark and broke through Tianwu.

Now I can get six. I don't know if Zifeng's practice can be further developed.

Bai Hao nodded lightly, walked into the treasure house, and ran to Zifengna Lingzhu and the bonfire to form a flower.

after awhile.

Two treasure boxes came out of the white stork.

Zifeng took the treasure box and opened one of them. There is a red hot flower inside. The corolla of the flower resembles a burning cloud, and it exudes this fiery feeling. ,, ..

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