Zhao Rong sneered and said, "Hey, I didn't expect this old thing to be repaired. My teeth are very hard. I was forced to ask for more than five months. All my hands and feet were cut off. I All of his eyes have been dug out, and I still refuse to say it. From your whereabouts."


When I heard Zhao Rong's words, Zifeng's face gradually cooled.

Zifeng asked, "Where is Tie Feng?"

Zhao Rong said coldly: "Don't worry, I will send you to find him."

"Give me that person!"

Zhao Rong gave the order.

All martial arts martial artists took their swords and rushed to Zifeng.

"Give me a roll!"

Zifeng was very angry, holding a big sleeve in his hand. Suddenly, a balloon was faltering, and a group of people who were attacked by real martial arts were killed.

Zhao Rong sneered and said, "Hey, I didn't expect you to be away for half a year, and the planting has actually developed to such an extent. There should be a Xuanwu Jingxiu."

"But it's okay, even if you break through the ground, you can't escape today!"

"Two, you are here."

Zhao Rong said to the two black robes beside her.

Hearing Zhao Rong's voice, the two black robes raised their heads slightly. He sneered: "Hey, I really didn't expect that in such a spooky place as a remote area, Qingling Mountain does not have martial arts yet."

"Yes, great."

"Don't talk nonsense, shoot together, pack him."

Both black robes laughed, one is left hand, the other is Zifeng!

The two soared in the black mist, like a demon **** who often punched.

Zifeng didn't hide, but stood in the same place.

The two men fell and hit Zifeng.

"Are you whispering to me?" Zifeng said with a sneer when seeing the two black robes.

The black robe was very surprised: "What! We have a full blow to these two places, you did not use any defense means, so it is easy to resist!"


Zifeng's body was shocked, and his body was sour and violent, turning into a powerful shock wave, and the two of them flew out all at once.


Two black robes flew out like a broken kite, exclaiming: "Tian Wujing!"

Zhao Rong shouted: "Two useless wastes, everyone fights for me, kills Zifeng, and rewards 10,000 spiritual stones!"

"What! Ten thousand spiritual stones!"

"Get rich, get rich!"


"It tastes too strong!"

"The power of these two people is simply shocking!"

"Is this the power of the top ten swords in the seven hundred countries in Lingdong? If I practice for another hundred years, it is estimated that they will not defeat any of them!"

Many soldiers screamed.

At this moment, they felt why Feng Yunxiu was called the innocent king of the first sword repair in the Seven Hundred Kingdoms of Lingdong.

Why Jian Ruoruo will be called the first sword repair of the famous Jianshan Villa.

Both of them are capable of fighting the sky!

Jian Ruohan stood up from the ground and coldly looked at the sword that had accompanied him for more than ten years. Now, under Feng Yunxiu's sword, the sword was broken, leaving only the hilt.

Du Guyun shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, this is entirely because the sword of the sword is not strong. If the sword of the sword is cold, it is also the spirit of the six spirits. If this sword is touched, who is and who is failing, Who won? I don't know!"

"Jian Qianqiu, can you take the sword from the famous Jianshan Villa?"

If he is cold, Jian Qianqiu looks ugly, looking at the sword. He said: "No, this lonely ex, this sword is very important to Ruoruo. This is her mother who left her before she died..."

Du Guyun suddenly realized: "It turns out, I said, your name is very big, but you don't even have a six-piece spirit! It turns out that this sword has a special meaning to her!"

Jian Qianqiu looked at the sword in Jian Ruohan's hand, her face couldn't help but tears appeared in her eyes.

The sword was broken, when Jian Qianqiu remembered the sword like a sword...

At this moment, Feng Yunxiu stood up unhappy and looked at the wound on his body. He never thought that Jian Ruohan would really hurt him.

Suddenly, the wind and cold breath: "Are you still fighting?"

Jian Ruoruo said firmly: "Nature wants to fight, I still stand, I haven't lost!"

Wind and cold breath: "Hey, your sword can be broken by me, you must work hard, so good, I will give you a failure!"

"The fourth sword of the nine-year swordsman! There is no shadow!"

After the storm, the fourth sword of the Nine Yuan Sword fell down, and the wind and clouds disappeared into the field in an instant, and a sharp sword light attacked Jian Ruohan's neck.

If the sword is cold and the body is moving, the cold cold will condense an ice crystal sword on the broken sword.

Forced forward.


Feng Yunxiu swept a sword, and the ice crystal sword in Jian Ruohan's hand was like a piece of torn paper. If the sword is cold and retrieved in time, the sword will crush the ice crystal sword, which is enough to cut the cold throat.

"Let me fail!"

See if the sword is cold, avoid it.

The wind and clouds are fast, and the speed has not slowed down.

The sharp swordsman made the sword cold, her eyes were gray, and she had already thought of the ending.

The sword was broken.

Sword Ruohan could not defeat the storm.

Zifeng saw that Fengyun was rushing at this time, and he had already seen the ending: "It is over, but unfortunately, if Jian Ruohan has a six-character spirit, it is estimated that she and Fengyun will fight, and the result is unpredictable. ! "Buzzing--

At this time, the Zifeng storage bag trembles suddenly.

Zifeng frowned and opened the storage bag.

Suddenly, when the storage bag was opened, a sword flew out and went straight to the martial arts.

This sword turned around and fell firmly into Jian Ruohan's hands!

Zifeng saw this sword, and suddenly he was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief: "Amazing dream..."

Zifeng watched the sword fly out of his storage bag, and suddenly shouted in disbelief: "A magical dream!"

call out--

The horror of Dream Sword was shattered and rushed into the game.

Just as Jian Ruohan couldn't relax easily, he suddenly felt a sharp sword flying behind him.

Jian Ruoruo suddenly looked back and saw Mengjian head straight for her!

And Jian Ruohan also saw an incredible face on Zifeng's face.

The sword in the dream flies, if the sword is cold, the eyebrows will grab the dream sword in his hand.

When the sword started, Jian Ruoruo immediately felt that she was as natural as the sword, without any strange feeling. ,, ..

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