Zifeng smiled and said, "We are the brothers of our classmates, why do we want to thank you! Master Xuanxuan, let's go home and talk!"

"Okay! Go home!" Jian Xuan said firmly with tears in his eyes.

Jian Xuan never dreamed that he would come back one day!

Outside the forbidden area, there was a **** battle.

About a quarter of an hour of **** battle, under the holy holy holy holy holy land holy elders, more than 100 spiritual sword elders, now more than half of the dead and injured, half of them are already scarred.

"Hahaha, you are going to die here today!"

Shengyue Zong's family and Su Jiannan were frustrated.

Su Jiannan was broken by a bone, and Ramadan for this sect is even more embarrassing. There were a dozen sharp sword marks on his body, and he overflowed frantically.

Su Jiannan looked at Jin anxiously and said: "Why didn't you come out!"

It was a quarter of an hour before I saw Zifeng enter the restricted area. So far, Su Jiannan is very anxious.

Shengyue Religious Guide sneered: "Hahaha, wait for the child to save the sword? Hahaha, let me tell you, that's impossible!"

"The chain that locks Jianxuan is the ancestor of my sacred month. It contains a very high level of prohibition, and ordinary people who come to the Three Kingdoms and Five Kingdoms cannot easily tear it apart. How can he be obsessed with a great man, he is a half-step The perfect man in the process?"

"Otherwise, you think I will watch him enter the penalty area, but still kill you here?"

The sacred month of this sect is like watching an idiot watching Su Jiannan smile.

"What!" Su Jiannan said incredible.

Su Jiannan never thought that locking the Jianxuan chain was such a powerful weapon.

If this is the case, then this operation to save Jianxuan will probably end in failure.

In addition, Su Jiannan also discovered that Ling Jianzong's elders were almost dead and more than half of the injured. If this action fails, it will be a major blow to Ling Jianzong.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the forbidden area behind him, carrying a weak man on his back.

"Get it, quit!"

Zifeng rushed out, looking at Su Jiannan and said.

When Su Jiannan saw the person behind Zifeng, his eyes were filled with excitement and tears.

When Jianxuan saw Su Jiannan, he was full of pain and tears. Jian Xuan originally wanted to be called "Master", but saw that Su Jiannan and the other elders were all black robes. Obviously, they do not want to reveal their identity. Jian Xuan didn't say anything.

The party's sacrifice, Long Qingfeng and Qin Biao, saw Zifeng walk out of the forest, and were deeply shocked by Zifeng's vitality.

The peak in the sky.

Jian Ruohan, Ye Suxin, and the three of them focused on Zifeng's body.

From the moment Lin Lin walked into the forest by the stream, the eyes of the three of them were on Zifeng, and they were not removed at all.

At first, their expressions were calm.

However, they later saw Zifeng start to kill people in the forest, and the sword continued to wave. A sword smashed a genius under the sword, and their expressions began to change, becoming a little surprised.

Until Jian Ruohan and the others saw the forest, there were thousands of warriors on their faces and some worries on their faces.

But in the end, when the swordsmen of Zifengyijian killed these warriors with their swords, their faces were strongly shocked, with a hint of jealousy and fear.

Lin Ruohan was ruthless by Zifeng, fearing pale.

That is a thousand talented warriors!

Say homicide!

Both Ye Suxin and Hong Su were magnified by the students, with an incredible expression on their faces.


On the entire Tianfeng Peak, all the soldiers watching the battle saw Zifeng being killed in the woods, and they couldn't breathe.

"This purple wind, this purple wind, this purple wind is really terrible!"

"Too powerful!"

"These combat powers have hardly disappeared in the human world!"

"Not only that, you can actually do this in half a step of the gods. This forest is a genius of genius."


Many fighters are very jealous.

Looking down from the top of Guantian Mountain, there are corpses everywhere in the forest. Blood flows out, flows to low-lying places, and gradually gathers into blood pools... blood pools... blood rivers...

The corpse is wild!

The blood flows into the river!

Zifeng stood in front of the party's sacrifices, Long Qingfeng and Qin Biao sneered, "I will ask you, who hurt Bai?"

Although the party's sacrifices, Long Qingfeng and Qin Biao were shocked by Zifeng's combat effectiveness, they did not completely lose their fighting spirit.

Long Qingfeng sneered: "Then do you want to ask about those wounds?"

"I left the palm prints behind that day!"

Long Qingfeng smiled and said, "I don't plan to kill her with the palm of my hand. I just want to hold my breath and let her find you!"

Qin Bei proudly said: "Her shoulder bones were crushed by me! As Long Qingfeng said, I don't want to kill her in this punch... If I want to kill her, this punch is enough to kill her! "

The sacrifice of the party sneered: "I left the wound on her abdomen!"

"Hey, how is it? Zifeng, do you want to retaliate against her?"

The party's sacrifice sneered.

When Bai Yan heard the party's sacrifice and Long Qingfeng and Qin Bei's proud words, she suddenly looked cold and killed Lu!

After listening to Zifeng's words, he sneered: "Very good, let your blood debt be paid off today!"

When the sound did not fall, the purple wind broke out instantly.

Jianmang, attacked Long Qingfeng and the others three times! One party sacrificed loudly: "Long Qingfeng, Qin Biao, don't do this, let me defeat him!"

"Zifeng, you can remember what I said, even if you don't want to fight with me, I will force you to fight with me!"

"Today, my sacrifice says it is done!"

"Finally, we have to fight!"

Zifeng sneered and said, "To fight with me, you must pay for your life!"

"Don't talk nonsense, the three of you are wasting together! A waste of my time!"

Zifeng Jianfeng raised his head and pointed at Fang Jie and Long Qingfeng. Qin Bei said proudly.

Long Qingfeng was a little horrified: "Do you want to use your own power to defeat our three talents?"

Qin Bei smiled proudly and said: "Zifeng, do you really think we can compare the waste in the forest? Our origin, I'm afraid you can't imagine it forever!"

The sacrifice of the party sneered: "I don't know how to live!"

"I think these three people may be wrong. I don't want to defeat you! I will kill you!" Zifeng screamed.

A sword flew out and hit three people. ,, ..

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