"Once this child is killed by my father, Zifeng's anger will involve too many people, whether it is a magical ridge or a sacred dynasty, it will flow into the river!"

Ruddy said weakly: "Although I don't have a deep relationship with Zifeng, I still have a little understanding of how this person works!"

"As you said, this person acts mercilessly and is not afraid of any powerful enemies!"

"Once he is angry, it is estimated that this magical ridge will hardly have a quiet place!"

The blushing voice was silent.

"So, telling him is still not good." Ye Suxin's face was pale.

"But you have been wronged. In the cave, Zifeng wants to kill you with a sword!" Hong Su said, "If I don't stop in time, I'm afraid you."

The red pigment thought of this scene, and felt a little angry!

Ye Suxin shook her head and said, "He won't, even if you don't speak, he won't kill me!"

"Forget it, don't mention this, let's go back to Gu Yuqing and let her help refine the medicine."

Ye Suxin said with a smile.

Rosin nodded gently.

Then, in the forest, a fast speeding character appeared.

"Ling is old, how are you?" Ye Suxin asked curiously, looking at the voice.

This person is the awesome Ling Wu, but Ye Suxin's loyal personal guard.

After Ling Wu landed, I saw Ye Suxin was fine. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Miss, if you are fine, that would be great. Let us leave the wilderness world. This place is not for you." Ye Suxin asked curiously, "What happened?"

Ling Wu said: "According to the news from the City of Souls of War, three days ago, the masters on the hunter list were led by Zhu Kun, Wu Qing, Chu Yi, Bai Chen, Hua Jingcheng, Ning Yunlong and others. The owner of the surname has already entered. The wilderness!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "These people are the highest disciples in every Taoist temple. They suddenly entered the floodplain on a large scale?"

Ye Suxin was also curious: "Is it true that the three kings of the Yaozu come back again? Threatening the Great Wall?"

Ling Wu said: "No, it seems that the highest existence of Miracle Ridge is aimed at one person."

"It is said that if someone catches this person, he can enter Wufeng to plant!"

Ye Suxin asked in surprise: "Who has such a powerful energy that even makes the highest existence a goal?"

Hearing Ye Suxin's question, Ling Wu's words and deeds were full, with a trace of struggle on his face!

Seeing Ling Wu doing this, Ye Suxin suddenly had a bad feeling, and asked in confusion, "Is it Zifeng? Are they aiming at Zifeng?"

"Yes, ma'am." Seeing Ye Suxin guessed it, Ling Wu couldn't help nodding.

Before Ye Suxin instructed Lingwu to help Zifeng in Tianzhu City. At that time, Ling Wu knew that Ye Suxin and Zifeng had such a relationship.

Ling Wu said: "Miss, I will take you back to Wufeng. After the storm, you can come back to practice again!"

"No, no!" Ye Suxin shook her head hurriedly: "I want to find him, I want to find him."

When Ye Suxin got up from the ground, he would go straight to the direction of the volcano.

Three days ago, a large number of hunters set out from the battle of Soul City and entered the wilderness.

They entered the wilderness this time not to hunt down monsters, but to hunt down a warrior.

at the same time.

In the depths of the wilderness, this place is the territory of the three kings.

At this time, the three kings of the devil, the dragon, the devil and the tribe, and the three patriarchs of the Tianque family were the most powerful of all kinds of demons, and about a few hundred people gathered together.

"I heard that the Nine Gardens of Miracle Ridge seems to have a big move!"

"Many hunters on the list have entered the wilderness!"

"I do not know what to do?"

The patriarch of the three major demons said coldly.

"Dragon Emperor, no matter what the magical ridge is doing, we can't wait to die, lest the magical ridge attack and destroy this pattern." Among the three patriarchs, one has a bald head and sharp eyes staring at the black gold dragon robe above. Said the middle-aged man.

The man in this black gold dragon robe is the strongest in the emperor dragon family and is called the dragon emperor.

The bald man is the strongest of the devil tigers and is called the tiger king!

The beautiful bird asked: "Dragon Emperor, how do you feel?"

"I feel the magic ridge, it will change the sky." Long Di said lightly.

"Dragon Emperor, what do you mean by the disaster of the Red Emperor?" the bird asked curiously.

Dragon Emperor shook his head silently.

Long Di immediately thought about it and said: "You are right, no matter what moves in the miracle hill, we should not be underestimated!"

"If this is the case, let the seventy-two demon cavers go and see."

"What is the purpose of these two men?"

Long Di asked the queen and the tiger king.

The patriarch of the two kings, the demon, both nodded slightly in agreement.

The beautiful eyelids behind the bird showed a peculiar color, and a red smile appeared on the red lips.

The seventy-two demon caves are the strongest caves among the young people in the wilderness. They are all powerful forces of the people.

The demon in the wilderness, 72 demon caves, thirty-six demon mountains, twelve demon palaces and three demon races established the demon power of the entire flood.

Seventy-two demon caves, only the power of the people in Danjing can stay.

If Didan's realm is perfect, then it can only accommodate thirty-six devil mountains.

The twelve devil houses are specially prepared for the demons of Tiandan Peak.

As for the three major demons, it is the supreme ruler above these demons!

Among them, the famous black dragon, ogre, fire bird and other reward lists belong to the cave master, which is seventy-two demon caves!

When the three kings of Yaozu negotiated.

From the depths of the flood, nearly two-thirds of the masters of the 72-hole cave among the demons in the wilderness have already arrived in the wilderness!

Among them are famous black dragons, ogres, fireflies and more!

On the one hand is the genius warrior on the list of Wonder Hunters.

On the one hand is the 72-hole master of the three major demons in the wilderness!

Once the two forces confront each other, it is estimated that there will be no peace in the wilderness!


By the stream.

A sword condensed beside Zifeng.

Zifeng silently looked down at the carved wooden woman in her hand, with a smile on her lips.

At this moment, Zifeng felt that his sword was repaired, loosened a little, and weakly about to break through.

Zifeng's current sword repair has reached the peak of the ninth rank Wuyi.

If you break through, you must collect your mood.

This is not an easy task. ,, ..

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