Zhang Yun hurriedly looked back.

The moment he turned around, he happened to see Zifeng's face indifferent, with the sword in his hand under the sword!

"No, no, no!"

"Don't kill me, don't."

Zhang Yun saw Zifeng's sword, and there was a loud noise, lightning-fast, almost dodge!

The shadow of death forced Zhang Yun to beg for mercy!

"Oh!" Zi Fengbing smiled coldly. Even if he heard Zhang Yun pleading for mercy, his face didn't move at all. The ruthless sword fell directly and flew Zhang Yun's head out!


With blood splashing, Zhang Yun, the man in the world, is under the sword of Zifeng!

"Zhang Yun! Damn it! I want your life!" Song Huan saw Zhang Yun dead next to him, and was immediately enraged, and Zifeng was bombed!

The powerful force is concentrated in Song Huan's boxing technique.

"court death!"

Zifeng's eyes were bad, and he fought back with a sword.

The swordsman completely hit Song Huan's arm.


Song Huan's arm was directly smashed by Zifeng's sword!

"Ah!" Song Huan lost an arm and screamed again and again.

At this time, Zifeng didn't give Song Huan any chance to breathe, and rushed up with a sword, smashing Song Huan's throat!

"Brother Hua, save me." Song Huan was stunned. When he asked Huajingcheng for help, he was smashed by the purple wind and fell directly into a pool of blood.

Hua Jingcheng listened to Song Huan's request. When he was about to shoot, he first saw Song Huan and Zhang Yun in a pool of blood.

"What! Even Zhang Yun and Song Huan were killed by you!"

"The two of them are the power of the people of the world!"

Hua Jingcheng looked at Zifeng incredibly. At this moment, Hua Jingcheng did not take care of Zifeng.

"Brother Hua, this kid is a bit weird, obviously the power of seven people, and even the ability to kill the eight kings!"

"For safety's sake, let's go together."

"Yes, let's go together!"

Several other members of the Blood Sword team had said to Huajingcheng.

"Okay, let's come together!" Hua Jingcheng took out the sword from the storage bag and stared at Zi Fengyi.

Zifeng's figure took a step back a bit, looking at it, the blood sword team's current combat effectiveness is still very strong!

In addition to the all-round development of the great man Huajing City in Danjing, there are six soldiers on the top of the mountain. Their strength is no less than Song Huan and Zhang Yun!

People are on the top of the mountain, and Zifeng is not afraid.

However, Hua Jingcheng, a perfect person in Dan, made Zifeng feel a bit tricky! 0

"Hey, who is not sure! Zifeng, do you really think that killing these people in the world of the top eight fighters, can you fight with me?"

"Let you see today, the swordsman is awesome!"

"The secret of martial arts! A thousand shadows!"

Hua Jingcheng roared.

At the top of Huajingcheng, a black smoke rose, and it was impossible to see anything, but at this moment, Huajingcheng's sword exploded.

Thousands of swords and shadows have been broken, and each sword shadow is full of power. It can open mountains and mountains.

"A sword is a thousand swords!"

Wan Jianyi was immediately attacked by Zifengjian's actions.

Thousands of swords and shadows fight thousands of swords.

Rumble 1x1772

With a fierce roar, Zifeng's Wan Jianyu completely resisted the Qianying of Huaying City.

"It seems I guessed right. Wan Jian's sword can indeed withstand the magical spirit of Huajing City!" Zifengyu saw the power of his flying sword and broke the magical spirit of Huajing City. Broken, smiled immediately. "Shen Tong! Broken Star!"

Seeing that his secret martial arts method was crushed by Zifeng, Huajing City did not have the slightest frustration, but his sword technique became more fierce.

A sword crossed the sky.

The powerful force is condensed on the sword, as if you can break the stars!

"Heavenly goods are magical!" Zifeng's expression was astonished. They felt the power of this sword, at least the magical power surpassed the magical power of the Heavenly Dynasty!


Under Zi Fengqi's defense, he was shot directly by Hua Jingcheng.

At this time, Zifeng had to say that, of course, the rumors about the Magic Ridge were not empty, and the warriors who could board the swordsman, none of them were soft persimmons!

"Wasting your dantian!"

Hua Jingcheng saw his sword and flew out of the purple wind. He was ecstatic and flew forward. A sword hit Lin Dan's dantian!

Zifeng was shocked.

Once the dantian is broken, the gods will be shattered, and Zifeng will once again become a waste man with no power!

At that time, Zifeng was not killed by Huajingcheng?

"Zifeng, what can you afford now? Can you see the gap between us now?" Hua Jingcheng sneered.

"The gap between you and me is really big, but this gap is the gap between you and me!"

"Very ridiculous!"

A mysterious force in Zifeng's body fluctuated, and the earth power of one kilometer and one square meter was taken out for a while!

When it showed great absurdity, the breath of Zifeng immediately rose and reached its peak!


Zifeng took a sword and shot it, he flew out of Huajing City's tactical spirit!

"What!" Hua Jingcheng looked at Zifeng suspiciously, and said: "How can your power increase in an instant, even reaching the power of the same domain!"

"Don't you hide your strength?"

Hua Jingcheng looked at Zifeng, his eyes were completely unbelievable.

"Go to **** and ask the king!"

Zifeng's eyes were hot and ruthless, and a ruthless sword hit Huajingcheng in the throat.

There is no time to be absurd, Zifeng must hurry up!

The coldness of the sword made Hua Jingcheng feel a touch of despair!

"Ning Yunlong, you have to see how long it takes to shoot!" Hua Jingcheng screamed at this moment.

"Is Ning Yunlong here too?" Zifeng was shocked, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, I heard the roar of Huajingcheng. A dozen soldiers came out from the forest on the side.

This is the head of the people, it is Ning Yunlong.

The dozen or so fighters who followed Ning Yunlong, they were all fighters at the nine times the peak of the people!

"Hey, Hua Jingcheng, I didn't expect you to be so unbearable by a big man in Danjing. I really looked at you before." Ning Yunlong suddenly sneered after coming out.

"That's it, you will be on the wall, this opportunity will let me Ning Yunlong."

Ning Yunlong laughed loudly, saying that the soldiers around him said, "Abandon me!"

Afterwards, the warriors who followed Ning Yunlong came forward! When Hua Jingcheng saw Ning Yunlong's shot, he was unwilling to scream in his heart. ,, ..

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