The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 201: Taboo colors

"As long as I can cultivate my ancient nerves to the level of the Star God, I am not afraid of Ye Jianjun!"

"The next step is to see the nerves, don't let me down!"

Zi Feng said lightly.

Zifeng practiced for three days, then returned to Danfang, caught fire, and began to refine the dragon, tiger, and golden dragon!

Compared with the flow of the flame pill, Zifeng pays more attention to the golden tires of dragons and tigers.

Once the dragon and tiger golden fetus can produce magical effects, and Zifeng can cultivate the ancient nerves to a star, then Zifeng's strength will not be inferior to Ye Jianjun!

After half a month, Zifeng took nine kinds of medicinal materials and returned to the quiet room!

"Nine king-level remedies, don't you know?"

Zifeng's face is a little worried!

The cultivation of ancient nerves needs to devour spiritual relics. The best thing Zifeng can think of now is Dragon Tiger Gold.

"There is no other way. Nearly two-thirds of Ling Yaoshan's panacea will allow me to refine Dragon Tiger Gold. If this does not allow the ancient nerves to be cultivated to a star rating, then I have no choice."

Zifeng opened the storage bag and saw that when he came back from the two treasure mountains, Zifeng's storage bag was bulging, and now the elixir on Lingyao Mountain was almost completely consumed by Zifeng.

"let's start!"

"Dragon Tiger Golden Tire, don't let me down!"

"King class remedy refines more than 10,000 psychotropic drugs!"

Zi Fengyi gritted her teeth, remembering that there was more than 10,000 medication pains on her face. Put the dragon and tiger's golden feathers into the entrance, the power of the scorpion is like a heavy sacred hammer, hammering Zifeng's flesh and blood, and constantly training Zifeng's body.

On Zifeng's body, like a dragon, the tiger kept roaring!

Then, the flesh and blood of Zifeng, constantly refined, wild breath, gradually popped out of Zifeng!

One day later, Zifeng opened the jade bottle and took a second remedy!


The ancient nerves are the unique cultivation method of the giant gods, and the world is unique!

The giant god, does not repair the spiritual power, does not repair the aura, all the power comes from the body, the body is cultivated, raise your hand to pick the stars, sea feet!

Therefore, the giant protoss also has its own unique method of determining power.

That is the condensation of the gods!

The **** star is equivalent to the **** pill on the soldier.

Shen Dan is the source of military strength.

The same goes for the gods, this is the source of power for the great Protoss!

According to the ancient nerves, above the forehead of the eyebrows, gather the gods.

A **** is called a star god!

The power of a superstar has reached the perfect state in the sky!

Before Zifeng entered the gods, he knew.

Five Dao Nine Middle Schools, Zhenwu Jing, Xuanwu Well, Underground Jing, Tianwu Well, this is the real world.

People's Danjing, Di Danjing, Tian Danjing, Fei Tianjing, Yin Yang Jing, life and death, and seeking the world, this is the spiritual environment!

These twelve areas are called Ling Fan 12!

Shen Dan is a kingdom of warriors.

In the realm of God, the warrior's body is transformed into a spiritual body, and the true spirit is transformed into a spiritual force.

This is the starting point for the army to pursue the great road!

Whether it is a giant, a demon or a warrior, Shen Dan is the lowest starting point!

Therefore, in the giant protoss, the star **** is just the starting point for entering martial arts!

In the Giant Protoss, there are no martial arts, martial arts, real martial arts, Xuanwu Jing, Diwu Jing, Tian Wujing, etc.

When the giant was born, once the stars condensed, it was equal to reaching the great realm of the heavenly world!

Nine dragons and tigers are under the golden tires.

Zifeng's body was full of impulse.

On Zifeng's body, his muscles swelled and exuded amazing power.

The skin is like steel, and ordinary blades are difficult to break!

at the same time!

On the eyebrows of the eyebrows, a bright purple diamond-shaped **** gradually condenses.

This purple gold star is still unstable, it will continue to change, just like it will collapse at any time!


After half a day, Zifeng suddenly opened his eyes, and the stars on his eyebrows immediately stabilized.

A powerful force swept across the entire miracle ridge!

On the battlefield of Chixianzong, in the darkness behind the nine gates.

Qinghe's eyes lit a green flame and looked at Wufeng's direction: "The gods are now, and the giants are in the world! Zifeng, I didn't expect you to cultivate to the level of a star **** so quickly!"

"With the power and defensive power of the giant god, your own star **** master is enough to be invincible!" "It seems that I am Luhe, I am not wrong, this blood demon chaos, only you can calm down!"

"My people, the road ahead is dangerous, and I hope you are more careful!"

After Qinghe looked at Wufeng and felt the breath of the giant god, Qinghe's eyes were full of taboo colors!

Throwing heaven and giant gods, this is a natural enemy!

Swallowing geniuses have their own way to perceive giants, and giants also have a way to swallow celestial bodies!



Zifeng's face couldn't help laughing twice, and stood up from the ground and walked out of the storm cave.

Zifeng stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at a mountain not far from the front!

Zifeng's face condensed, and a hand stretched out. Five fingers pressed on the mountain. When the five hands yanked one hand apart and squeezed the fist, the mouth was very low: "Smash!"

Rumble 1x1772

When Zifeng's five fingers squeezed his fist, a terrible force suddenly appeared, and the mountain not far in front was directly collapsed by Zifengyi!

This is the power of Zifeng using his spiritual power alone!

In the heart of Zifengmei, the purple-golden stars are flowing with terrible power!

"An ancient nerve! A huge huge level! The power is already comparable to the greatness of the sky."

"Now my spiritual power is the pinnacle of heaven!"

"Titan repair has become a great state of heaven and earth!"

"The next step is the last step! Enlighten the ninth form of supreme sword!"

"After the Emperor's Heart Sword is repaired, Ye Jianjun, I may not be able to fight with you!"

Zifeng's eyes flashed with strong fighting spirit, and he returned to his residence!

Zi Fengxin watched a move, and the Zijin **** above her eyebrows disappeared on her forehead!

Supreme Sword can only fully understand the last ninth style.

Supreme sword, ninth type, named: Don't ask!

"The ninth style of the Supreme Sword is very different. When I watched the ninth stele in the kendo courtyard, I found it." Zifeng said vaguely: "There is no other text on the ninth stele of the Supreme Sword."

"There are only two words, just don't ask!"

"What is the difference between these two words?",,..

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