Zifeng saw four people standing together!

Zifeng immediately said to Ye Suxin, "Retreat a little!"

Ye Suxin heard Zifeng's words, his face was cold, and his tears disappeared. He walked out from Zifeng's back and stood in front, standing side by side with Zifeng!

"Zifeng, thank you for allowing me to be a little woman behind you!"

"But today, Su Cang's life, I will collect it!"

Ye Suxin looked at Su Cang with a gloomy look in her eyes!

"You." Zifeng was shocked when he saw Ye Suxin!

Ye Suxin interrupted Zifeng's words and said, "But, Ye Wuhuan, Zifeng, left him with life!"

Zifeng nodded; "I will abolish him and let him return to Lingdong to spend his old age!"

Ye Suxin said, "Okay."


Ye Suxin said coldly.

Zi Feng said: "Are you really okay? If you can, I don't want you to shoot. Even Su Cang and Ye Wuhuan, even the warriors here, I can kill a **** road!"

Ye Suxin said: "No, I haven't killed anyone in a long time. Recently, there have been too many fires in my heart, and too many complaints in my heart!"

"Su Cong gave it to me!"

"Other people, I don't want to take care of it!"

Ye Suxin said coldly.

At this moment, Ye Suxin's body has an amazing power!

This power is infinitely close to the flying world!

Ye Suxin stretched out his hand and took off the phoenix crown on the top of his head. Three thousand blue silk roll down!

Ye Suxin stared at Su Cang immediately, her eyes sharp: "Su Cang!"

call out--

Ye Suxin swayed straight to Su Cang.

The hot afterimage still exists!

Ye Suxin's palm attacked Su Cang!

Ye Wuhuan screamed: "Ye Suxin, you can't rebel! Dare to help your husband!"

Ye Wuhuan shoots loudly and attacks Ye Suxin with a sword!

Ye Suxin's cold voice: "My husband's husband's husband is not this Sucang!"

Ye Wuhuan's face is very cold!

"Her husband, it's me!"

At this time, a bright sword light came!

Zi Fengyi attacked Ye Wuhuan, and the sharp swordsman directly intercepted Ye Wuhuan's sword.

Ye Wuhuan looked at Zifeng coldly, and said coldly: "Zifeng, swear fate, you are only fighting against Lingnan's sovereignty in the Su Shi dynasty!"

Zifeng said: "For those who are waiting for the rich wolf to admit defeat, it is not as good as my own!"

"Ye Wuhuan, I promise Ye Suxin that I will not hurt your life!" "I will abolish you and let you spend your old age!"

Zi Feng looked at Ye Wuhuan coldly.

Ye Wuhuan's eyes were full of suffocating sighs, Lin Biao: "It depends on who is who!"

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Ye Wuhuan's burst of power swayed the sky.

Ye Wuhuan, the sword pierced Zifeng, the sword light passed through the sky!

Zifeng immediately rushed towards the sword.

"Ye Suxin, do you dare to shoot! Looking for death?"

Su Cang saw Ye Suxin come to him, his face immediately showed a sneer.

"Only relying on your cultivation, dare to fight with me? Do you think you are Zifeng?" Su Cang looked at Ye Suxin, his eyes showed a gray, suffocating face!

Ye Suxin said coldly: "My repair is not as good as Zifeng, but it's enough to kill you!"

"Looking for death!" Su Cang snorted.

Su Cang's sword flashed past and attacked Ye Suxin.

Zifeng's eyes were looking at Ye Suxin, and he was a little worried.

Zifeng didn't know Ye Suxin's strength. After she came to Miracle Ridge, she rarely shot. Zifeng didn't know Ye Suxin's strength today.

I saw Su Cang attacking with a sword. The terrifying sword was like a wolf and a tiger and leopard.

However, Ye Suxin's eyes flashed at this moment, and a terrible force condensed on the palm of his hand!

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With only one blow, Su Cang was directly attacked by Ye Suxin and walked more than 100 steps!

Surprised as a heavenly man!

Ye Suxin defeated Su Cang with a positive force!

Not only was Zifeng surprised!

Even Su Cang himself can't believe it!

Zifeng smiled and said: "I have forgotten. Now I maintain a person who is free from martial arts. Even if his strength is worse, Su Cang will not face war!"

Zifeng suddenly realized that this time, Ye Suxin was an independent martial artist!

The power of detached martial arts far exceeds ordinary martial arts!

Zifeng blinked his eyes and said, "The core of detached martial arts is like a phoenix. The phoenix is ​​reborn!"

Su Cang's eyes were broad and unbelievable. He said Ye Suxin said: "How is this possible! How is your power so powerful?"

Ye Suxin's face was cold, and he attacked Su Cang again!

The two started fighting!

"When Zifeng is fighting, it's not a good thing to be distracted!"

Ye Wuhuan saw that Zifeng focused most of his attention on Ye Suxin's side, and immediately noticed Zifeng's flaws. A sword would retreat from Zifengzhen for 100 meters!

Ye Wuhuan said coldly: "You really like Ye Suxin! Now, the enemy is currently, you still have to pay attention to Ye Suxin!"

Zifeng listened and smiled: "The current enemy? Ye Wuhuan, are you talking about yourself?"

"You will also put gold on your face."

Seeing Tian Bing and Wei Qing's attack, Zifeng Jianfeng flashed by.

The whole person suddenly disappeared from in front of the two people!

"Where is that person?"

"where is that?"

Tian Bing and Wei Qing both exclaimed.



A cold sword light flashed through their throats!

With a loud noise, blood splashed!

Neither Tian Bing nor Wei Qing understood what was happening, their heads flew straight away!

"A sword."

"A sword killed Tian Bing and Wei Qing! The power of this son is really strong!"

Seeing the difference between Tian Bing and Wei Qing, the whole soldier exclaimed again.

"Okay!" Lu Qingyi, Kang Wei, Wen Yue's three eyes were surprised, and their hearts were secretly good.

The two peaks of Wufeng can't actually stop Zifeng's sword, but this is a big outbreak of Wufengwu!

When Ye Wuhuan saw Tian Bing and Wei Qing dead, a cold color immediately appeared in front of his eyes. The sword in his hand rose and hit Zifeng violently!

"Sword of the mind! Snake!"

Ye Wuhuan's swordsmanship suddenly became weird, and the entire sword style became cruel!

Zifeng exclaimed; "The sword in the middle!"

When Ye Wuhuan showed this set of swordsmanship, Zifeng immediately felt it all. This sinister swordsmanship must come from.

"Ye Wuhuan, what is your relationship with the five poisons?"

"Why do you have a scripture in the sundae?"

Zi Feng said coldly. ,, ..

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