The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 220: I will leave

But their answer was that they didn't care about Zifeng. After they answered, they were killed by Zifeng with a sword.

Zifeng has fallen into a state of understanding, it is difficult to extricate himself. Even if he participated in the battle with these top players in reincarnation, he is in what kind of understanding!

"I think the state of the swordsman is wrong today."

"Yes, his eyes are confused, and his expression is dull, as if he didn't wake up!"

"Yes, but the swordsmanship in this state is not weak at all, but it is stronger!"

More people are weird and say: "How long did it play? There are more than a hundred games."

The criminal rat came out of the ground and slowly returned to the side of the prison. He vaguely said: "He is understanding this mood!"

Chen Hai held his hand and nodded slightly: "Okay."

The torturer said: "He is understanding the feeling of killing!"

The prisoner's face was indifferent: "Okay."

The torturer said, "But he didn't seem to find his way."

The sentence was long and expressionless: "Okay."

The prisoner squinted his eyes and looked at the prison and said, "Except um, what else do you have?"

After hearing these words, after a long period of meditation, he whispered: "Yes."

The sinful mouse shook his head. There was no good air, but fell into the ground and stayed behind. The sea of ​​crime is a pair of eyes, looking straight at Zifeng with a sword and a sword to defeat the opponent!

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Seven days later, Zifeng played for seven days and seven nights in the reincarnation!

Zifeng has fallen into a state of enlightenment and has forgotten how many demon powers he has killed!

Even Zifeng didn't know that his cultivation was a breakthrough in the sacred realm! "Stop, Zifeng!"

At this time, criminal rats and criminals all came out and came to the field, dragging Zi Fengqiang from which state of enlightenment.

Zifeng left the state, looked slightly at the disappointment of the tortured mice and criminals, and said, "Why stop?"

The torturer said: "You won 999 wins and stopped."

"What! Is it 999 won?" Zi Feng looked back in surprise. In this round, the body of the earth is around him, and he seems to know nothing about everything around him.

Zifeng raised his head again. During the entire reincarnation, more than five million people were stunned. They opened their mouths and looked at Zifeng, their faces were full of terror!

Zifeng looked up at the stunned audience, and looked down at the cold body under his feet again.

"Yin Sheng's realm is nine?"

"I didn't notice that I broke out suddenly?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Zifeng couldn't help frowning and thinking.

The criminal walked over with both hands and said weakly, "Swordsmanship, take a break."

After Zifeng packed up all the corpses of the Yaozu, he silently turned to the passage, and Chen Hai went with him.

Zifeng asked, "How long have I been playing?"

Cheng Hai said: "Seven days and seven nights."

With some doubts on Zifeng's face, he said, "I can't feel anything."

Chen Hai said: "You fall into a certain understanding, you can't extricate yourself, so you don't even know what happened in the outside world. Even if you don't know that you won 999 wins, you don't know that you have broken through. The sacred realm is nine."

Zifeng's face paled after hearing Haihai's words.

Cheng Hai said: "If we don't ask you to stop, you will continue to fight until you are exhausted, until your physical and mental power is exhausted, and even until you die!"

Zifeng was silent and did not speak.

Cheng Hai said: "It should be difficult for you to understand this kind of artistic conception."

Zifeng said: "Half of my foot has crossed this threshold. I don't want to give up so easily, but I never thought that I would fall into it."

"As you said, if it weren’t for you to stop me, maybe it would really hit me exhausted and spiritually exhausted. At that time, if I haven’t gotten out of that state, I’m afraid I It's dangerous".

Xing Hai said: "Fortunately, within ten steps, it is your absolute domain. These warriors who challenge you, almost no one can step into your ten steps."

"If it weren't for this ten-step field, so overbearing, you wouldn't be able to live until now."

XX In the past few months, Chen Hai has been paying attention to the battle of Zifeng. He also discovered this wonderful place, that is, within ten steps of Zifeng, it belongs to Lin. In the white professional field, anyone who enters the tenth step will die!

Chen Hai said: "Tongtian Sword School also has a sword repaired. This is also within ten steps of his field. Relying on this special field, he fortunately won three reincarnation victories. He finally burst into tears. In the hands of the lion. ."

"He has a good relationship with you."

Zifeng nodded slightly and said, "For Brother Yun, this is indeed a good person."

"Chen Hai, can you leave after winning a thousand victories in Samsara?"

"Now I have won 999, and then I will arrange a game for me. After winning, I will leave."

Zi Feng said lightly.

After hearing the news, Chen Hai's footsteps were slightly shocked, and his eyes narrowed. He looked at Zifeng with great interest: "Do you really want to make this final?"

When Zi Fengzhen saw some changes on his face, he asked curiously: "How is it? Is there a problem?"

Chen Hai smiled and said, "Naturally, there is no problem, but I suggest you think about it. The final duel is definitely not that interesting."

"In reincarnation, no one can live from the beginning of establishment!"

"The key is this final."

The laughter sighed and said, "I suggest you think about it and make a decision."

Zifeng asked curiously: "Why? Is there any difference in the last game?"

If Zi Fengyi was stabbed with this sword, he would definitely see a penguin passing through the skull!

"Old man, admit failure!"

The criminal rat came out from the ground and said helplessly.

"Conditions!" Zifeng took the sword back. After the cold sentence, he put away a sword and looked at the other reincarnation messengers.

The situation in this field is a sudden change.

Zifeng originally used a sword to attack the sword, but no matter who thought that between the electric and flint, Zifeng suddenly turned the target two swords out, and the criminal snake and the criminal mouse were forced out!

"The tormentor and the snake have failed!"

"Oh my God, if the two swords of sword and magic really fall, I am afraid that both the mouse and the snake will die."

"These two swords are too fast, so fast that neither the snake nor the mouse can react."

Many of the most powerful players in the battle are stupid. ,, ..

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