Zi Feng frowned upon hearing this. You are the first refiner in Lingnan. Isn't it normal for you to beg you to refine? Then why let Zifeng go back?

XX "What is this?" Zifeng asked curiously.

Chai Xu raised his head slightly, looking lonely like snow. He sighed, "The old man disdains to make some useless gadgets. If you come to the old man, you can come up with real good things."

"At least you need to find the reinforcement of the elderly, at least in the top ten of the martial arts list, the elderly can refine for you."

"Otherwise, some gadgets are a waste of time for the elderly. Even if you give them more spiritual gems, the elderly will not bother to perfect them!"

Chai Xu said vaguely.

Zifeng heard a smile, and before Silk Rain, he said that Chai Xu's temperament was very strange, but now Zifeng's opinion is very obvious.

"Please let the predecessors of Chai Xu rest assured that the things that predecessors Chai Xu must revive are definitely one of the few weapons in Lingnan." Zifeng said with a smile.

Chai Xu's eyes lit up, and he told Zi Fengxiao: "The old man knows that the Tongtian Sword sent Shao Jianzun to the old man, and of course he won't let the old man improve some gadgets."

"But this old man is very curious. Since you already have a demon sword, why do you need to refine other weapons."

"The forging method and technology of the magic sword, and even the materials, are considered to be the peak of Lingnan's land. Even if the old man is now fully refined, I am afraid I can't surpass the magic sword!"

"Are you still dissatisfied with the devil sword in your hand? Are you still training other soldiers?"

Chai Xu asked suspiciously.

"Devil's Sword." Zifeng looked a little sentimental, and took the devil's sword out of the storage bag and put it on the table.

Chai Xu's binoculars saw the Demon Sword, and if he got the baby, "Well, it's really a good sword. Is this the Demon Sword? There are rumors that I didn't expect my husband today to see the real thing."


"Why are there cracks in the magic sword?"

Chai Xu asked Zifeng in surprise.

Zifeng's expression condensed. "This is what I asked for the seniors of Chai Xu. I don't know if I can use the seniors of Chai Xu to repair the sword of the devil?"

"I'm worried it's a bit difficult." After reading these cracks, Chai Xu looked at him and said straightforwardly, "The Devil's Sword is refining the master Zhang Zhong in the Lingnan area."

"After Zhang Zhong refined the magic sword, he soon died because of his heart."

"At that time, Master Zhang Zhong was the sevenfold cultivation of the Yang Shen Kingdom. He refined the sword of the devil and belittled the death of the owner of a seven-fold refinement master god. Is it possible to imagine the methods and techniques for forging the sword?"

Chai Xu slightly grasped the Demon Sword and looked at it inch by inch.

"You can't even help it?" Zifeng said with some loneliness.

"Oh!" Chai Xu immediately said with a smile after hearing Zifeng's words: "The old man said it was a bit difficult, but he didn't say that the old man can't repair it!"

"How do you say that Chai Xu's predecessors have a way?" Zi Feng asked in surprise.

Chai Xu put down the magic sword, looking a bit cold. "Dongfang Bai, since you are the master of the magic sword and you are a sword repairer, you should know that a sword will not only cost the refiner's efforts, but also your sword. The second life of repair, why do you do it? Devil sword injured?" Chai Xu asked coldly.

"The Devil's Sword was destroyed by something?" Chai Xu asked.

"Has the monster sword been broken by something?"

Chai Xu asked coldly.

Zifeng sighed, recalling the broken hand in Haihan's domestic Bailing hands, and said vaguely: "I don't know if the predecessors of Chai Xu have heard of Sea King?"

"The spirit of the king! Aquaman!"

Hearing this name, Chai Xu jumped from his seat in surprise.

"Do you use the Demon Sword to fight the Sea King?" Chai Xu blinked and shouted.

After a while, Chai Xu shook his head cautiously and said, "No, when the Haiwang Dynasty was destroyed more than two hundred years ago, it was destroyed by the devil."

Zifeng sighed and said: "I have been fighting with the Sea King of the Haihan Demon Kingdom, but it is a broken body, not the complete body of the Sea King!"

After hearing the fire, Chai Xu nodded slightly and said: "No wonder, if you really fight with Sea King, I am afraid that the demon sword is not as simple as a crack, I am afraid it will be destroyed directly!"

"You are a little lucky, but you can still recover from the broken king spirit."

Chai Xu couldn't help showing a strange smile.

Zifeng took a deep breath: "Senior Chai Xu, don't talk about this. I don't know if you can repair the magic sword. Of course, if the predecessors of Chai Xu need to pay, then I can discuss if I can get it done."

When Chai Xu heard the news, he smiled and said: "What is the reward? In the future, repairing the demon sword will be a challenge for me. This may be the pinnacle of the old man's refining career."

Zifeng's eyes brightened. At this moment, he thought about his heart, and said: "If Chai Xu's predecessor can repair the magic sword, then there are still some questions to ask, and Chai Xu's predecessor will refine the seventy-two sword for me. "

"For specific matters, I prepared a jade stone for Chai Xu's predecessors."

"There is an ear on the wall. Please read Old Man Chai Xu's jade."

Zifeng handed the jade to Jane and said with a smile.

"What kind of thing do you have to create such a mysterious secret." Chai Xu took Yu, pressed his eyebrows, thought about it, and read Yu's content.

After reading it, Chai Xu's eyes widened, and the power of the Yin Sage Realm Great Perfection cultivation base burst out uncontrollably, echoing in this room.

Chai Xu looked horrified, staring at Zifeng, and hurriedly said, "You have no grime."

But when the words were only halfway, Chai Xu swallowed the words back, and sat down slowly, his eyes were excited and said in a low voice: "How come you have so many unsullied irons"

Zifeng said lightly: "Since I have come to Senior Chai Xu, I don't have any prevarication in the next place. Looking at this Lingnan land, there are only a handful of refiners who can forge unsullied divine iron."

"I still believe in Senior Chai Xu."

"The stuff here is enough to forge seventy-two blades like a demon sword. If Senior Chai Xu wants to, we can make an agreement."

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