The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 260: Retrofit

Gu Lingqi blinked, her eyes looked greedy!

Zifeng only uses three points to devour the power of the sword spirit, so the speed of absorbing mental power is not very fast!

After half a month, Zifeng's realm finally showed signs of loosening!

"There are nine births and deaths in the real world!"

Zifeng suddenly opened his eyes and broke through this realm, giving Zifeng an indescribable joy on his face.

However, when Zifeng broke through the limit of life and death, Qin Tang said for the first time: "Brother Lin, congratulations on breaking the border!"

Zifeng smiled and said, "Brother Qin's cultivation has also improved a lot!"

Qin Tang smiled slightly: "Now there are five days, Brother Lin, wait until you go out to chat!"

Zifeng nodded slightly and immediately continued farming.

Although it broke through the realm of life and death, Lin Bing's face was a bit reluctant. He said in his heart: "If I make full use of the soul of the sword, it only takes three to four days to break through this realm. Life and death! "" "Regret However, Qin Tang and Gu Lingqi are here, and it is inconvenient to show the soul of the sword! "

"Even if I only use three points to devour the sword spirit's power, during this period, Gu Ling looked at me many times, obviously he didn't seem to feel right."

Zifeng looked at Gu Lingqi who was sitting cross-legged in the distance, and said coldly in his heart.

"There are still five days. In these five days, if I use the power of the three-point swallowing swordsman, I can't break through the realm of life and death."

"In this case, after the field is consolidated, we will cultivate Red Moon 9 in the future!"

Zifeng's eyes closed again.

One day later, Zifeng will be repaired and will be completely stable in the realm of life and death.

Later, Zifeng had no time to be happy, and immediately began to practice the Red Moon 9 robbery.

However, after the execution of the "Nine Red Moon Heist", Zifeng's body unfolded a terrible flame force, such as turning Zifeng into a firefighter!

At the same time, Zifeng's face also showed painful colors.

At this time, Qin Tang and Gu Lingqi opened their eyes again.

Qin Tang said: "What kind of practice does Lin Xiong practice? How can the whole person become a fireball?"

Gu Lingqi looked at the flames ignited by Zifeng, his eyes were very surprised and said, "This is the red moon that Yi Yiyun cultivated."

"He will really die in the red moon!"

"This kind of work can only belong to the Oriental Old House!"

"The ancient house in Dongyuan has found Fang Yiyun many times and wanted to exchange Red Moon Nine, but they were all rejected by Fang Yiyun!"

"Fang Yiyun has a special position in the Dongzhou Academy. The ancient families of the Dongfu are not willing to work hard with Fang Yiyun!"

"But at this moment, Zifeng will also **** the body from Red Moon. This is the best. From Zifeng's body, he won the body of Red Moon 9, which is easier than getting Red Moon 9 from Fang Yiyun! "

"This method only belongs to the East Mansion!"

Gu Lingqi's words are very firm.

At this moment, Gu Lingqi looked at Zifeng, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, he wanted Zifeng to eat alive!

"Red Moon Nine Robbery, his mysterious practice, once I bring back to the ancient family, it must be my credit, and the family will definitely reward me." Gu Lingqi said enthusiastically.

After Qin Tang saw Zifeng, he originally planned to continue practicing, but he noticed the frenetic color in Gu Lingqi's eyes at the moment, and immediately frowned, and said coldly: "I forgot, there is another place here. Gu Lingqi. "

"The disciples of ancient oriental families want to collect the treasures and technologies of the entire world from beginning to end, and gather them in ancient and modern buildings!"

"Now, Gu Lingqi sees that Zifeng is doing very well, I'm afraid I have already remembered it!"

Qin Chao and the dynasty flashed past and said coldly.

In the Eastern Hospital of Dongzhou Xuegong, there is a building called "Kuching Tower" in the ancient house of Donggong.

In ancient and modern architecture, the collections of the ancient houses in Dongzhou are a secret collection of 100,000 years! The classics in ancient and modern architecture, even if the Mo family inherited the palace, I am afraid it is incomparable!

The old house in Dongting is a very special family.

After adulthood, each disciple of the ancient family has his own task. That is to collect rare treasures and rare works in the world in ancient and modern buildings.

This ancient family has existed in the East for tens of thousands of years.

In tens of thousands of years, the disciples of the ancient family are willing to collect rare treasures, collect rare sports, and let the legacy of the ancient family be passed on from generation to generation!

Even in many ancient ancient continents, ancient books have become extinct.

Then the problem came. The ancient and modern architecture of the ancient family treasures many treasures. Why did no one rob the ancients?

There are two reasons!

First of all, the ancient family of Dongfu was originally a big family of Dongzhou Academy. Relying on the big tree of Dongzhou Academy, the lips and teeth were interdependent. If there is an outsider who wants to do something to this ancient family, Dongzhou Xuewan will not stand idly by!

Secondly, the ancient and modern buildings of the ancient family were originally powerful weapons of the gods!

According to legend, the ancient and modern architecture of the ancient family is a kind of quasi-divine spirit, rebuilt by the refinery master of the ancient family thousands of years ago.

In addition, after tens of thousands of years of transformation of ancient and modern buildings, ancient families are full of organs and secrets, and the crisis is heavy.

There was once a powerful man who caused this field and dived into ancient and modern architecture. The result is actually trapped inside. After that, no one in this world dared to pay attention to ancient and modern architecture.

In the Shenfeng Lingchi, Zifeng spent five days cultivating the red moon.

Finally on the evening of the fourth day, the Red Crescent Society 9 broke through to the fourth floor!

"At the end of the game, I finally broke through the fourth floor of the Red Crescent Society."

"With my current physical strength, it is not difficult to increase the time spent playing with others."

"But if you want to apply the measurement scale to perfection, you need to break the red moon to the fifth floor. Therefore, the cultivation of the red moon will not stop!"

After Zifeng broke through the red moon, he consolidated for the last time.

At dawn the next day, Zi Fengyi opened his eyes without practicing. Today is the last day to unlock the secrets of heaven!

This purple wind is about to reach the secret of Tianfu's purpose has been achieved.

Become a prospective son.

The cultivation of the territory has broken through the realm of life and death.

The Red Crescent will break through to the fourth floor.

Zifeng got up and saw Qin and Tang not practicing. He stood on the top of the peak of the gods, watching the martial arts under the peak of the gods. At this time, a war broke out between the military and the military.

Zifeng walked to Qin Chao's side and said with a smile, "Are we all at the top of the mountain?"

"Yes, although many fighters on the stage have won, they are blocked among the quasi-saints!",,..

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