The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 262: Confront each other

"I surrender!"

Jian stood up, stood up from the mountain, and swayed away from the holy island.

At the end of this battle, An Ning returned to her mountain and began to recover the mental power consumed by the body!

"My God, is Anning so powerful?"

"Defeat Jiankong with 50% power!"

"It seems that the sword repair of the Eastern Hospital cannot be counted as a sword. Now the strongest sword repair of the Eastern Court is only Aning!"

"Nan has now defeated Jiankang and Jianxiu on the holy island. I am worried that only Zifeng can beat him!"


"Who would have thought that the first divine son not in the game was actually Jiankong, known as one of the strongest sword repairs in the East!"

The millions of warriors outside the sacred island said in surprise.

After the end of the First World War, the Holy Island restored a brief peace here!

At this time, Li Jiuge stood up from a distant mountain, looked at Zifeng coldly and said, "Zifeng, do you remember the agreement between us?"

The opening of Li Jiu immediately caused terror inside and outside the Holy Island!

"My God, this year's prospective son is crazy!"

"The two strongest swords of the Eastern Court have been repaired. Are the two strongest saints of the Southern Court fighting now?"

The soldiers outside the holy island were surprised.

As Li Jiuge shouted at Zifeng, Shengdao, Yin Jiuling, Hei Luo Jianjiu, Wu He, and Shi Zhongxian were also watching Zifeng!

Zifeng slowly stood up and said, "Naturally remember!"

Li Jiuge said: "I said we will fight a battle sooner or later! On the holy island, you and I have no reason to retreat!"

"Today, you and I have a battle, no matter how high or low, there is life and death, how about it?"

Li Jiuwen asked coldly.

"Hiss——" Many people were breathless and surprised when they heard Li Jiuge's words: "What does Li Jiusong mean? He wants to fight Zifeng a life and death fight!"

"The battle of life and death has begun!"

"Holy Island's life and death battle, even if Li Jiuge kills Zifeng, Dongzhou Academy has no right to blame him!"

Yin Jiuling and old geeks are all watching Li Jiu.

Even the rejuvenated Ain, at this moment, I heard a voice, everyone flashed with a trace of killing, looking at Li Jiu!

Zifeng smiled and said, "Well, this is not only high, but life and death are just right!"

"bring it on!"

Zifeng walked out and appeared in the midair of the holy island.

Li Jiuqi stood up step by step, standing indifferently in front of Zifeng!

In the Southern Court, the two most powerful divine sons, a battle that must be divided into life and death is about to begin!

"I must kill you, otherwise I can't face all the disciples of Dongzhou Academy!" Li Jiuyu looked at Zifeng coldly.

Hearing what Li Jiu said, Zifeng knew that he was still worried because Zifeng was a disciple of Mo Zong! Zifeng's expression was indifferent: "Brother Li Jiu, I am very grateful for you to go to Binghu with me. You can enter the former Mozong Heritage Palace, and like Yin Jiuling, cultivate there for a while!"

"But you gave up!"

"Since you want to kill me, it's not that helpful. Come on and see if you can kill me!"

Zi Feng looked at Li Jiu coldly, and appeared with a demon sword in his hand!

Brother Li Jiu was bathed in golden light, with four dragons behind him, and his paws looked at Zifeng!

"The fourth change of Dragon and Dragon! Your breakthrough has been broken!" Zi Feng blinked and looked at Li Jiu!

With four dragons hanging on Li Jiu's body, dazzled, like a god, he looked at Zifeng coldly: "Zifeng, you are indeed a rare kind of arrogance. If it were the past, I would not kill you!"

"But you are a disciple of that sect, the Lord of the Lord!"

"This. Unforgivable!"

"You are not dead yet!"

Li Jiu's eyes revealed Haotian's anger, like a hungry dragon, swallowing Zifenglian's belt bones!

Zifeng looked at Li Jiuge in a dull manner, and a sharp sword on his body began to appear.

A fierce battle, a touch of hair!

Brother Li Jiu was bathed in golden light, the four claws and the dragon behind the claws roared, and the aura of the world immediately spread to the entire holy island.

Four dragons flew out from behind Li Jiuge and danced in the air. The mighty emperor, such as the power of Tianwei, shocked all the sacred sons on the holy island to turn white!

"The fourth change of Dragon and Dragon!"

Zifeng's eyes flashed. When Zifeng and Li Jiuge confronted each other, he could only give birth to three dragons, but now he can produce a fourth dragon, which proves that Li Jiuge has broken through the dragon in half a year. The fourth change!

"Is this the sacred dragon of the Yuanzu Dynasty?" Shi Zhongxian and Wu He also said in surprise.

"It is said that Li Jiuge swears to order the gods to cultivate the nine transformations of the Shenlong. He will definitely become a saint. Because of this, Li Jiuge is qualified to practice the nine transformations of the Shenlong in advance!"

Wu He said vaguely.

Whether it is the warrior on the holy island or the warrior and elder of the holy island, at this moment, I am staring at Li Jiuge and Zifeng!

Four dragons hung on Li Jiu's body, bathed in golden light.

Zifeng holds the demon sword, the sword is unparalleled!

"Wu Shou's secret method! White dragon born sword!" Li Jiuqi roared, her martial soul was directly filled, an astonishing ancient sword fell into Li Jiu's hand, a sword flashed across, and thousands of swordsmen killed in the forest. It's white!

Zifeng looked at Li Jiuqi coldly, staggeringly, and said, "Although your dragon and dragon are special, you can make your body, spirit, aura, swordsmanship, boxing and palms reach a perfect level. !"

"But you use swordsmanship against me, but it's not a wise decision!"

"Even in perfect swordsmanship, you can find flaws in the face of Jian Xiu!" Zi Feng's eyes flashed, the Demon Sword trembled, and then Zi Feng's figure came forward. If it is a fish, it will fly away from the sword and pass Li Jiujian's sword. Sting Li Jiuge's throat!

"Hey!" When Zi Fengyi was stabbed, the four dragons behind Li Jiuqi screamed and rushed out, blocking Zi Feng's sword!

"Turn around the river!" Zifeng was shocked at the moment, a huge force rushed over and directly smashed Li Jiuge's dragon.

"What the dragon means!" Li Jiu's eyes were red and red, and his roar was constant. After three consecutive fingers, he rushed towards Zifeng!

In the blink of an eye, Zifeng and Li Jiuge fought a fierce battle in mid-air.

The loud rumbling sound continued to spread throughout the holy island. ,, ..

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